Best Trauma Shears?


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Not sure if this is the right place for this thread--I didn't see a "Gear" section of the forum, but here goes. I had an experience the other day where I had to cut through a pretty thick jacket on a trauma patient, and found it to be a pretty frustrating experience with the sh*tty shears my volly squad ambulance is equipped with. So I was thinking of getting a pair of my own.

Anyone else carry their own shears or maybe have advice if you're involved with ordering them for your organization? I'm not looking to spend a fortune, since I know that these things get pretty banged up and don't last forever anyway, but I think almost anything would be better than what I currently have to work with.

Recommendations, anyone?
We use the ADC shears. They are extremely cheap but they cut really good. Literally they cut through pennies.
The best shears are your shears. The knockoff Tetrasnip copies (stamped and sharpened steel with big plastic handles) are great. They will cut a penny (they will actually cut a NICKEL, to win a bar bet) but that abuse will spring the blades. At about $4 each, buy a bunch. Useful in the home and garden too. I even have used mine as a can opener (beer can and soda can both).

Has anyone tried the TRECK Talon? I just picked one up on line and it looks pretty awesome...


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Has anyone tried the TRECK Talon? I just picked one up on line and it looks pretty awesome...

I've seen people carrying promotional letter openers for the same purpose. Similar design, but free and not orange. With both, I'd be worried about the limited space between the blade and the body; it seems like they could jam easily with thicker materials.
Has anyone tried the TRECK Talon? I just picked one up on line and it looks pretty awesome...

Coworker has one of those. It was almost useless. It's sitting in the Watch Office or something now, forlorn and unloved.

I have the Prestige fluoride shears from Amazon, they were like $8. Love 'em.
I got the ones that were free, sitting in the action area on an ambulance. When I lose/break/destroy/give away those... I'll grab another free pair.

Trauma shears are like mice. Put two in a dark closet... in a week or 2 you'll have 6 or 7 pair.
I'm getting the impression that maybe the cheap ones are where it's at? Maybe I'm just fantasizing that there's a better version out there that cuts through everything like magic...

LMAO, hey now, you know someone might actually ask where they can buy a pair for the rescue trunk in the car...

As far as shears at work? Whatever is in the action area/jump bag, I think they are from boundtree but I could be wrong, company bought them.
Has anyone tried the TRECK Talon? I just picked one up on line and it looks pretty awesome...

Bought two pairs one to practice with one to carry. Cut up every old pair of pants I had and worked great. Then I took one on a couple of shifts. They're too big to bother carrying around. I could see them being used in a ER where they could be kept in a drawer but just not worth lugging about. I don't even carry trauma shears around anymore. I've got a Pair of 5 1/2 inch bandage scissors I keep in my shirt pocket that work great on everything from hospital ID tags to denim. Not as cool looking as a pair of matte black trauma shears but they work for me.
How about the giant things called BIG SHEARS, I don't have the website but just google big shears. I know lots of Vegas medic carry them, at least that what I was told. They are expensive though but cut like butter.

How about the giant things called BIG SHEARS, I don't have the website but just google big shears. I know lots of Vegas medic carry them, at least that what I was told. They are expensive though but cut like butter.


My wife got them for me as a birthday gift. The name is apt, they're huge. They do a fantastic job though. Great conversation starter though. I seem to have to explain them a couple times per week.
Whatever the hospitals are giving away. And whatever galls has if they are out

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I guess ther is always my trusty Ninja sword as an alternative...
I'm going to start a EMS supply company that makes all the normal equipment EMS providers carry only 20 percent larger than standard. Then every year I'll increase the size of all products by 5 percent so everybody will buy the new bigger model. In 15 years I bet you I'll have everyone carrying around 3 foot long shears and flashlights the size of baseball bats.
I'm going to start a EMS supply company that makes all the normal equipment EMS providers carry only 20 percent larger than standard. Then every year I'll increase the size of all products by 5 percent so everybody will buy the new bigger model. In 15 years I bet you I'll have everyone carrying around 3 foot long shears and flashlights the size of baseball bats.