So a little update. I went in for my neulasta shot today and ended up being in the hospital for 5 hours. Since I haven't been able to hold anything down I of course am becoming dehydrated. So before they would give me my shot they wanted to pump some fluids into me and some more meds. I told them the meds they have me on are not working but alas they still have me taking them and won't give me anything else. I have to go back in the morning for another round of fluids and drugs by IV. As of today I have lost a total of 20lbs since last monday. Now don't get me wrong I needed to lose some weight but I did not want to do it this way. So I am going to try and talk to my Dr tomorrow instead of his nurse. I have stopped drinking the gatorade and started drinking flat sprite *yuck* and my nurse said not to drink more than 2 teaspoons at a time of anything or more than likely it will come right back up. So until tomorrow I will leave you all with a hope your all having a wonderful night and not to busy.