Bad Day just gets worse.

Ok so here is an update. I have been sick this past week and in some pain due to a shot I got on monday *nuelasta* which is used to help my bone marrow. I've been trying to concentrate on school work and keep my grades up. One crappy thing is 2 of my finals are due the same week I go for my 3rd round of chemo. I have to try and talk my professors into either letting me take my finals early or late. I am feeling pretty good today and plan on getting ahead in a few of my classes so next week while im in the hospital I don't have to worry about my classes. I want to thank everyone for the support that you all have shown. I keep telling my wife that there are people that do care about others and I show her the posts from you all on here and she now agrees with me. I am going to have my sister email me a copy of a flier for my benefit to show yall how it turned out and im going to take a picture of the shirts she had made for the benefit also. If anyone ever gets bored and wants to talk to me yall can get ahold of me through text at 217-556-1791. Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween weekend.
Well hair is starting to fall out. Started last night blah. I go back for round 2 of chemo next week Mon-Fri.
So I just took the plunge and shaved my head shaving cream and all.. didnt want it to start coming out in clumps so figured i'd take the initiative..
My new Mr Clean look. Pardon the chest hair I am sure it will fall out soon also.


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sending some vibes your way.

hang in there, man...

My new Mr Clean look. Pardon the chest hair I am sure it will fall out soon also.

Seeing as it's the first time I've seen your mug, you just look like a regular skinhead minus the Tats!
Thanks everyone.. Just got back from my Dr appointment. They gave me a new med to take for nausea during chemo. Supposed to be the best anti nausea med available so we will see if it works.


White Power White Power lol j/j.. Told my wife I may keep my head shaved for a while and she said oh no your not as soon as you can grow it back you are lol. Oh and also my tats are only visible on my back.
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Watch, she'll end up liking it. My (twin) brother's girlfriend hated it when my brother and I cut our hair short, and eventually we decided to let it grow out, and she decided she actually liked it better really short, and now she always wants us to cut it short, well, mainly him, but she always likes to give me advice or I'll seek advice since I am girlfriend-less, heh.
Good night emtlife. Gotta get to bed early to wake up early and head to the hospital for second round of chemo yay me.
been done with chemo for a couple of hours now and feel pretty good.. My nurses are trying to talk me out of going medic school and go to nursing school.. i laughed at em lol..
So 3rd day of round 2 chemo today.. Didn't sleep very good lastnight due to acid reflux. They gave me a couple tums to see if those would help and they didn't so they gave me nexium which helped for a few hours.. Now today I have to try and get a biology test done and midterm for psychology plus chemo.. Going to be a fun day let me tell you.. Hope everyone else has a great day..
That is awesome you are persevering through this and still keeping the schooling up. prayers for ya bro!
thanks harvey.. its been tough trying to study while doing all of this but i've been keeping my grades at a c or above so far.. they just got me hooked up to my pre meds for the day
Well it seems like you are not letting this stop you from reaching your goals.
or get in the way of important things. and thats what it takes to prevail. you got this man. pretty soon it'll be something to look back on as 1 of many obstacles we all have to hurdle.
well chemo has drained me today so im going to bed.. hope everyone had a safe day.. night
Gah I wish the nurse would hurry up with my ativan..
ahhh done with chemo for the day.. Ativan again please lol.. tomorrow is last day of chemo for round 2 and then only 2 more rounds to go... yay half way through
Yay im home from round 2 of chemo.. Took them forever today to get my meds made up so was late getting home.. Just got done eating some dinner and now feel like throwing up so I took my meds and waiting for them to kick in. Hope everyone has a safe friday night..
So feeln a lil sick today blah.. They gave me a new script for zofran and when I went to have it filled they told me it was $2400 and i said screw that.. they said generic was $500 and i said still screw you lol.. The benefit my sisters are having for me is tomorrow and hopefully it will be a good turn out.. Again I want to thank those that have helped using paypal.. Yall are wonderful people...

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend..