Bad Day just gets worse.

Hope your recovery is going well man. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks lightsandsirens. My sisters are setting up a benefit for me so hopefully that will help with some of my medical costs.
My 2 incision sights.. Bandages come off tomorrow.


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Sucks that you need chemo, but man, those ports are so neat. If you ever get picked up by ems and need drugs, tell them to skip the iv and go straight for the port.

OH I plan on it lol.. They gave me a bracelet to wear and also a card to carry in my wallet to say that I have a port.
Are you doing anything to mobilize your psychic/spiritual immune system? No big woo-woo or Bugaboo, it's just about how you talk to yourself.

If you're interested, PM and I'll give you my phone number. If you think it might serve your recovery, I'll be more than happy to be available for talks.

Blessings, Travis

your local firetender
Only if you're serious...

I want a personal fire ceremony from Firetender...

Anyone who is interested, PM me with CT as title
(Travis, you're included, of course)
I'll put together something for you. Something each of you can do individually or with others. (Give me a few days)

I'll show you a way to use fire as a tool to focus your intent; to combine your energies to simply hold a common thought; to strengthen the guidance and life-force available to Travis for his healing.

Simply defined it's all about gathering together to attain One-Mind, One-Heart. What happens from there is not up to any of us.

But it's gonna cost you.

I'm going to ask that if you are going to do this, you dedicate a good four hours to the process; with your focus, through each phase, entirely on the health and happiness of Travis.

This ain't an AED.

Sure, it's Woo-woo, but something I learned in the back of an ambulance was sometimes just doing something makes all the difference. I'm suggesting that such things as this are something.
Anyone who is interested, PM me with CT as title
(Travis, you're included, of course)
I'll put together something for you. Something each of you can do individually or with others. (Give me a few days)

I'll show you a way to use fire as a tool to focus your intent; to combine your energies to simply hold a common thought; to strengthen the guidance and life-force available to Travis for his healing.

Simply defined it's all about gathering together to attain One-Mind, One-Heart. What happens from there is not up to any of us.

But it's gonna cost you.

I'm going to ask that if you are going to do this, you dedicate a good four hours to the process; with your focus, through each phase, entirely on the health and happiness of Travis.

This ain't an AED.

Sure, it's Woo-woo, but something I learned in the back of an ambulance was sometimes just doing something makes all the difference. I'm suggesting that such things as this are something.

Thank you very much firetender. Just woke up a lil bit ago after my first night in hospital. These beds arent comfortable at all. First round of chemo went pretty good yesterday. Only complaint that I really have right now is my incisions are itching like hell lol and I cant go out and smoke when I want to. The gave me a nicotine patch but its not helping much. And again thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes.. they do help
Morning Emtlife. Have my 3rd day of chemo today. Didn't get much sleep lastnight. Feeling a lil queasy this morning when I move around. Fixen to grab a shower. Hope everyone had a great night.
Morning Emtlife. Have my 3rd day of chemo today. Didn't get much sleep lastnight. Feeling a lil queasy this morning when I move around. Fixen to grab a shower. Hope everyone had a great night.

Find a dealer, smoke some weed...but you didn't hear it from me. If you aren't working a job right now, no one can fire you...
Haven't commented on this, but I've been keeping up with it.

Thoughts and Prayers, Travis.
:) Hi Travis, Thanks for the updates. Wondering thou, did you get my message I sent to you? Had to do with possibly getting help with your medical bills? It sure helped me out when I needed it. (11,000.00 dollars worth) Keep positive and smile, smile, smile. Thinking about you and your family.
So fourth day of chemo today. The chemo is starting to get to me and make me feel icky so they have been giving me more ativan to keep it away. So bored in this hospital room and ready to get back home to where I can atleast feel somewhat productive.. Grades are falling behind which sucks but some one my professors are being nice and letting me make up some tests and longer time on my papers. I am going to post up a flier that my sisters made for my benefit here soon so yall can see what it looks like.. Hope everyone had a great day.

Your brother in EMS,

Though I haven't been reply to the thread, I have been following your progress. You are definitely in my thoughts, and I sincerely with you all the best. Keep us updated!
Well its day 5 of chemo. They just hooked me up to my etoposide and bag of fluids and gave me my ativan. I guess I can say that my personal experiene with cancer has been more about the financial costs of everything until the nausea hits me pretty hard at night. They are sending me home with a sancuso patch that I will wear for 7 days and then a scripts for ativan and comazine for home also. Have another appointment with my main oncologist on monday so i can get some sort of shot to help my bone marrow. What gets me is that one shot to help my bone marrows is worth a couple grand it only works for like ten days. still trying to see if i can get the medical card and the hospital where I had my testicle removed gave us a break on some of our bills. Sorry if this just seems like ramblings i've just been kind of out of it..

My Prayers are with you. keep your head up and stay strong bro.
Don't forget to spend time with your Creator, according to your understanding.

Blessings, Travis and thank you for allowing us to be part of your life!
So I came home lastnight from the hospital. Ended up getting pretty sick and losing everything I had ate and drank yesterday. Had my nausea meds in me but it didn't help for some reason. They seem to be helping now though. Got a call in my hospital room yesterday about one of the hospitals that I was going to go to for a shot that I have to have for 8 to 10 days after chemo that they wont give me the shot bc I have no insurance and still waiting to hear from medicaid. So now I have to figure out how to come up with the money to pay for the shots because they are needed to help my bone marrow. Such is life right.. Hope everyone has a great weekend.