Assignment help?

Jodi T

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I am a primary care paramedic student here in Canada and currently a nurse. I have an assignment due next week, and want some input from anyone with experience please!
You are at a call where a female pregnant patient has been in a serious MVA accident. She has injuries incompatible with life. Your partner performs an on scene C-Section to deliver a health baby boy. Later you find out that this EMT has be removed from duty and is facing charges for breaching scope of practice and negligence. Do you agree or disagree and why in the litigation of this EMT?
Any feedback or input would be appreciated!
If a C-section is not in his scope then he acted outside of his scope. That’s pretty cut and dry.
I understand that for sure. I have 200 words I need to come up with to justify why I feel this is wrong. My ideas are beside the fact that he was out scope, he took a risk not knowing if the baby was even alive or going to survive, also perhaps didn't even know if baby was to full term. He risked being a hero over his licence...any other thoughts?
He was probably not trained on how to perform a C-section.
No for sure not. And not in the scope. So morally do you feel he was in the right or do you just look at it cut and dry as it was wrong and he knew better?
Personally I believe when you start to involve morals mistakes are made. You may have good intentions but it is still a mistake. The majority of systems out there do not let morals dictate anything. For me it is black and white. I want to help people but I also need to make a living and avoid lawsuits.

Since I do not have a license to practice medicine I must remain in the scope that my medical director allows.
It isn't an ethical/moral question. It's an operations management question. Having a hard time understanding the utility of the exercise. You could go on all day in an endless loop with "11 people in a 10 person life boat" type questions. if the point were to argue the "right and wrong" of the thing it would be quite a departure from learning about emergency care.
Jodi T, I think cases like this would have to be judged one by one. It's pretty hard to make sweeping statements about the practical application of morality.

Also, and this is really meant to help, when you say "I have 200 words to come up with to justify why this is wrong," can you not just do that? Your opinions are as valid as any of ours. I'm not sure trying to get ideas from people in the field about how you should think is the purpose of your assignment -- not that I have any idea what the purpose of your assignment is.
I totally can come up with 200 words for this assignment I am asking opinions and feedback from current medics on what they think about this situation or how they view this. Just to give me some insight on the call. The purpose of the assignment is a feedback scenario. I am not here to ask you what the purpose of the assignment is. I just wanted input that is all.
You are at a call where a female pregnant patient
*What if it is a male pregnant patient? Does that change anything? :)

has been in a serious MVA accident.
*MVA = Motor Vehicle do not say MVA Accident in the future. :)
*Also, we tend to use the word MVC which means Motor Vehicle Crash and there is a thread on the reasoning behind this shift from MVA to MVC.

She has injuries incompatible with life. Your partner performs an on scene C-Section to deliver a health baby boy.
*Why did the partner not call Med Control or any Doc at the receiving facility to share his plan and solicit feedback?

Just sharing other thoughts.... :)
Why are you (the higher certified individual on scene) not getting called to the carpet for allowing your partner to perform an onscene c section? It's not like he could have done it faster than you could have caught on. Sorry, not really in the scope of the assignment I guess, my mind just kind of wandered there...
*What if it is a male pregnant patient? Does that change anything? :)

*MVA = Motor Vehicle do not say MVA Accident in the future. :)
*Also, we tend to use the word MVC which means Motor Vehicle Crash and there is a thread on the reasoning behind this shift from MVA to MVC.

*Why did the partner not call Med Control or any Doc at the receiving facility to share his plan and solicit feedback?

Just sharing other thoughts.... :)
yes i meant to only say MVA sorry was just typing fast trying to get my question posted.
You could prob touch on that only dumb blind luck kept our impromptu OB/GYN from doing far more harm to the kid, besides trauma from the cutting action, but also doing so in a decidedly non sterile environment...theres a darn good chance our (thankfully hypothetical) infant will have serious and likely fatal complications...intentions may be good, but hey, you know what they say about the road to Hell...
What does sterility of environment have to do with child birth?
If you aren't trained in it, and authorized to do so, it's also a form assault, even if the woman is dead; which actually it says she has injuries incompatible with life, not that she was dead.

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Way out of scope. Should have TX or called a go team.

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