
Dodges Pucks
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Does anyone here instruct under ASHI? We are debating switching from AHA for BLS and ACLS and I have no idea if this is a good idea or not. I have been an AHA instructor for a long time and while I hate teaching it, I have a good understanding of the content and whip through it quick. I guess ASHI kind of lets you tailor your classes to your local protocols, I dunno I am not finding a lot of quality info outside of the training center we are talking to.

I've never taken an ASHI class either, anyone have thoughts on quality?
Can't speak about current standards since it's been a long time since I was one. Used to be both AHA and ASHI instructor, and back then AHA was in the process of dumbing everything down by changing over tocall video content while ASHI used vids but allowed the instructors more freedom in how content was presented and taught. To be fair, at the time, AHA seemed like it was more oriented towards health care while ASHI seemed oriented towards lay persons and OSHA compliance.
I'm both an AHA and HSI/ASHI instructor. I don't teach ACLS classes.

This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but my sense is that they're very similar in both course content and delivery.

I like that the HSI is cheaper and provides me more autonomy as a training site.

Given the choice, I primarily teach AHA courses because I'm familiar with the format and processes.
When I instructed I switched us to HSA from AHA because they were cheaper and offered autonomy. Dunno about today.
I’ve been an ASHI Instructor for over 10 years.
I won’t ever return to AHA because of the rigidity and Press Play training system.

ASHI allows you to move between any media and Instructor led teaching. It’s flexible, allows for test outs if material is tested and passed, meaning you can move alone and use the time positively.

ASHI is current with AHA Standards.
Sounds like we are going to switch. Doesn't seem like a huge change, I'll probably keep my AHA instructor for private classes.
FYI, ASHI is not currently supporting ACLS and they’re not bringing back PALS. Only the BLS programs are currently available. No word on when ACLS will be available again.

I am both an AHA and ASHI instructor. i love ASHI and abhor AHA.
FYI, ASHI is not currently supporting ACLS and they’re not bringing back PALS. Only the BLS programs are currently available. No word on when ACLS will be available again.

I am both an AHA and ASHI instructor. i love ASHI and abhor AHA.
Sounds like they may be doing some resetting.
Does anyone here instruct under ASHI? We are debating switching from AHA for BLS and ACLS and I have no idea if this is a good idea or not. I have been an AHA instructor for a long time and while I hate teaching it, I have a good understanding of the content and whip through it quick. I guess ASHI kind of lets you tailor your classes to your local protocols, I dunno I am not finding a lot of quality info outside of the training center we are talking to.

I've never taken an ASHI class either, anyone have thoughts on quality?
I set up an ASHI site at my last department because AHA just won't open new sites.

ASHI is fine, nothing fancy, but I agree with CCCSD that ASHI is more user friendly for instructors that like to actually teach.

I was unaware that they stopped ACLS/PALS.
FYI, ASHI is not currently supporting ACLS and they’re not bringing back PALS. Only the BLS programs are currently available. No word on when ACLS will be available again.

I am both an AHA and ASHI instructor. i love ASHI and abhor AHA.
We heard they were not supporting a hybrid class but were continuing with “traditional.”
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Used to be AHSI instructor and it was so much easier than AHA. I took a 2 day 16hr instructor course and after passing their tests, I was approved right away to start teaching. I didn't have to shadow an instructor and have an instructor shadow me like the AHA requires. Also, the training books/materials were cheaper, they offered bulk discounts and to renew my instructor card, I simply needed to send them 3 random class roll sheets and pay their fee.
Key word: Simple.