Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

My Jeep has a bigger kit in it than I would like, but I'm often out riding trails for 2-3 days.
Standard kit for that is:
handful of 4x4s and 2x2s
shears and steth (they are for work, so they wind up staying in the CJ most of the time)
1 quickclot silver
1 tq
2 triangle bandages
some ace wrap
2 abd pads
oh yea maybe a pen light (again, work thing so it stays out there)
and some gloves
I think that's what I'm down to. Usually have either the Mossberg or the Daewoo DR-200 in it's rack, along with a 10mm sidearm as well, and plenty of ammo to match, along with tent, GPS, compass, sleeping bag, etc...
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I actually carry a fair amount with me. I keep a spare change of work clothes in a bag, so that it's easily accessible to bring to work with me (socks, underwear, and undershirt included). Plus a change of regular clothes, and a couple of sweatshirts that just keep magically appearing. A small kit, with toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and shaving cream/razor, shampoo, soap, deoderant. I normally have a stethoscope and watch, so I don't forget those for work. Instead of trying to be prepared for an emergency out of work, I try to be one of the few that is actually properly prepared for work.
The only thing I keep in my truck with now is my bag with the turnout gear in it, a pair of socks (in case I'm wearing my Crocs or something like that and I get a call) and my pager when I'm in there. No medical gear right now... still a student so I'm not working in EMS yet. Chief for my VFD doesn't want me to going on medical calls until I get my cert (which is both understandable and obvious) so I have no need for a jump kit or anything right now. When I do start responding for the VFD (and yes, I also plan to work for a paid EMS) I'll just have a few basics, nothing over the top.
I got an "Adventure Medical kit" first aid kit from my siter in law a couple of Christmases ago. It's in the trunk of my car. I threw a cheap flashlight in there with it. That's all for me.
I don't like to think I fall under the "whacker" category but perhaps I have at one

I have a commercial EMS bag in my trunk complete with O2, breathing devices, airways, BVM, OB kit, etc, etc. All of which I bought myself. When I was an active volunteer it was common practice to respond POV to the scene and have the ambulance respond single provider. We operated our own repeater system with good range so we coordinated responses. So sometimes POV I would be first onscene and used my own stuff and restocked from my ambulance service.

I also like to keep a good compliment for my kids heaven forbid ne thing major should happen and always take a backpack with some medical stuff when we go on vacation... especially to a major city like New York... its mostly found its way into a "go pack" in case of ne major disaster its put together to be self sufficient for a few days.
in my vehicle i have
Adult Collar, Peds Collar. BVM, Stethoscope and cuff, and some first aid stuff. but i also respond to calls in my personal vehicle being with a volly agency. :rolleyes:
I don't think I fall into the whacker category, but by some blanket definitions, I probably do.

Among the various camping and car-repair supplies, I carry a small first aid kit, gloves, rope, scissors, bottle of water, some gloves, antacids, ASA, tylenol, neosporin, alcohol, and some topical anesthetic and aloe. The kit is pretty basic--just some 4x4s, a trauma pad, tweezers, band aids, a couple gauze rolls, a couple triangle bandages, and some other random stuff.

The main reason I carry this stuff is due to the lifestyle I lead and a few experiences I have had. It's all carried primarily for use on myself and family. I don't see myself stopping at a car accident or anything like that. I've been mildly injured or gotten ill while camping/boating/etc a few too many times to not carry these things. Just the other day, I managed to put a nice little cut on my leg after landing on a rock while partaking in one of my slightly more physical activities. Quick trip to my car and a few minutes to clean it up and bandage it and I was good to go a bit more. Didn't need to take care of it right then, but made me feel better about it.

Due to the temperature fluctuations and expiration dates and whatnot, I tend to replace items very frequently. I also check it before any major trip I take.
Well I have the luxury of my pov being my work ride. So I have all kinds of crap in my ride. Basic first aid stuff ( which I don't think it has been opened since I put it in my truck 2 years ago) Fire extiquishers ( I have to stop at MVA's ) Blankets and usually a couple pairs of shirts and paints from the salvation army......( I don't really like transporting naked people)
Back boards won't fit in my many guns and other tactical gear. although I have considered strapping some one to the roof...
I have two boxes of gloves...... people are dirty
I carry the stuff I use for work on me. Shears, BP cuff, stethescope, a flashlight and some gloves. I have a small "trauma" bag that I carry this in.

I also carry chewable aspirin for myself. I suppose I can give that to someone with chest pain.

I do have a store bought first aid kit as well.

I suspect I am still a whacker.
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Helium tank and a NRB

"Sorry, the wound is mortal, but I will talk really funny for you while we wait for the coroner!"
In my car pack:

BP cuff, old $20 stethoscope, elastic bandages, pack or two of 4x4's, roll of paper and roll of silk tape, and a couple pairs of gloves.

If I am working at a major event in an non EMS capacity, like security at a convention:


That's pretty much it. Just gloves. Should probably have a pocket mask, but don't care too much.
I have a BLS jump bag but I'm a volunteer MFR and it sits in my garage until I'm paged to a 911 call. No personal use and won't use it until my pager goes off and I'm covered by the towns insurance. I'm also the only member of our squad that doesn't have red lights in my POV. Wacker, I don't think so since it's not something I purchased or carry just in case it's just another side job but if you see it otherwise feel free to flame away.
I have my stetho on my rearview mirror, and a box of gloves in my trunk that have seen more time cleaning my car than patients (zero) and nothing else.

I wouldn't mind having some basic bandages in my car simply because I've seen quite a few nasty cuts at my paintball field, but unwilling to spend my own money.
I carry
-Adult/Ped BP Cuff
-1 of each size c-collars (you never know...flame me whatever)
-1 NRB & Ped NRB
-1 nasal
-1 BVM Peds and Adult
-1 "Suction" (I turned what I used to siphon gas with into a manual suction)
-600' in rescue rope + Life Ring
-Short backboard
-Glucometer with oral glucose
-2 flashlights
-Various amounts of gauze, tape etc
-A few triangle splints
-Mass Casualty Triage Tags
-An approved ANSI vest
-12 pack of SAM Splints (Those work GREAT!)
-1 adult Combi-Tube (I should get more then 1)
-Soon to be Sager Splint that you can fold up pretty small
-A few teddy bears that if I run across a small kid I can give them to
-CPR mask
-Some of our county medical reports so I can give them to the transporting ambulance
-I carry 2 O2 bottles (but just realized both need to be filled)
-A few packs of ammonia inhalants ;)
-A few bottles of "sterile water" but they were empty from work so I just filled it from the tap and melted the seal back over it
-Box of gloves as usual
-Few sheets

I'm thinking about getting some asprin but not sure if I can. I know my dad has some nitro he doesn't use anymore and hasn't used in a long time I might ask him if I can just have it

I think thats it. Not a lot
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I have a few Subway napkins, just in case I come across an arterial bleeder...
I keep this bag in my trunk

I'm not a whacker, am I?

It's scary that people like this guy are roaming the streets with their end-of-the-world MCI kit....PLUS, he even states "I don’t work in the medical field, nor do I ever plan to, and I am certainly not certified to use everything that I have. Hell, several of the items in my pack are even off limits to working paramedics without an online order from a physician."