Are You Prepared or Just a Wacker?

Amm first WOW

Then amm, He actually comes across as level headed. I'm impressed that he can aquire such items and his organizational skills are impressive. I wish i had this sort of money to put into a bag i never intend on using.

Then I think I'm scared. I dont know how i feel about this. I'm sure i could aid in the confiscation of this and re allocate it in a lighter configuration.

He has't got training for a pulse ox????? and no AED? I'm sure there is more but DAMMMMM.......
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BP cuff, steth, pen light, the Toyota First Aid kit that came with my car, 2 million candlepower flashlight as well as a Mini-Mag
I carry
-Adult/Ped BP Cuff
-1 of each size c-collars (you never know...flame me whatever)
-1 NRB & Ped NRB
-1 nasal
-1 BVM Peds and Adult
-1 "Suction" (I turned what I used to siphon gas with into a manual suction)
-600' in rescue rope + Life Ring
-Short backboard
-Glucometer with oral glucose
-2 flashlights
-Various amounts of gauze, tape etc
-A few triangle splints
-Mass Casualty Triage Tags
-An approved ANSI vest
-12 pack of SAM Splints (Those work GREAT!)
-1 adult Combi-Tube (I should get more then 1)
-Soon to be Sager Splint that you can fold up pretty small
-A few teddy bears that if I run across a small kid I can give them to
-CPR mask
-Some of our county medical reports so I can give them to the transporting ambulance
-I carry 2 O2 bottles (but just realized both need to be filled)
-A few packs of ammonia inhalants ;)
-A few bottles of "sterile water" but they were empty from work so I just filled it from the tap and melted the seal back over it
-Box of gloves as usual
-Few sheets

I'm thinking about getting some asprin but not sure if I can. I know my dad has some nitro he doesn't use anymore and hasn't used in a long time I might ask him if I can just have it

I think thats it. Not a lot
Someone with this much :censored::censored::censored::censored: kinda scares me. Better check and see what the state allows you to do if just responding as a good Samaritan. I know here in NM, even though MLAs are allowed by our state scope, if we are operating without medical direction (ie rolling up on a wreck while off duty), we are limited to just basic basic skills (head-tilt-chin-lift, maybe NPA/OPA, etc...). And as for the drugs, the NTG is a definite no-no. Hell, I wouldn't carry any drugs that were for anyone but me and sig other
Someone with this much :censored::censored::censored::censored: kinda scares me. Better check and see what the state allows you to do if just responding as a good Samaritan. I know here in NM, even though MLAs are allowed by our state scope, if we are operating without medical direction (ie rolling up on a wreck while off duty), we are limited to just basic basic skills (head-tilt-chin-lift, maybe NPA/OPA, etc...). And as for the drugs, the NTG is a definite no-no. Hell, I wouldn't carry any drugs that were for anyone but me and sig other

I have a scanner in my car and house when I hear calls I race to the scene to do a scene size up for the responding crews. I'm trying to get permission to get a radio to talk to these crews. I just got a full size LED light bar and some awesome grill lights too so it should really help out getting to the call

I can give Nitro. I'm an EMT. Plus nobody is going to turn me in if I give this to a patient and it makes their chest pain stop. I know friends who have given and the people write really nice letters to them and their agency
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I have a scanner in my car and house when I hear calls I race to the scene to do a scene size up for the responding crews. I'm trying to get permission to get a radio to talk to these crews. I just got a full size LED light bar and some awesome grill lights too so it should really help out getting to the call

I can give Nitro. I'm an EMT. Plus nobody is going to turn me in if I give this to a patient and it makes their chest pain stop. I know friends who have given and the people write really nice letters to them and their agency

Looks like your general state protocols are like NM for a basic. Retarded. You can only assist a pt with his/her own NTG. It sounds like you'd be distributing medication that doesn't even have a script to you. And I still think that's a bad idea unless a basic can run and interpret a 12-lead ECG.

Do you belong to a service at all? Unless you do, it might be against DOT regs in your state to run response lights. Try to chill out a little.
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Looks like your general state protocols are like NM for a basic. Retarded. You can only assist a pt with his/her own NTG. It sounds like you'd be distributing medication that doesn't even have a script to you. And I still think that's a bad idea unless a basic can run and interpret a 12-lead ECG.

Do you belong to a service at all? Unless you do, it might be against DOT regs in your state to run response lights. Try to chill out a little.

He's messing with you, love.
Looks like your general state protocols are like NM for a basic. Retarded. You can only assist a pt with his/her own NTG. It sounds like you'd be distributing medication that doesn't even have a script to you. And I still think that's a bad idea unless a basic can run and interpret a 12-lead ECG.

Do you belong to a service at all? Unless you do, it might be against DOT regs in your state to run response lights. Try to chill out a little.

Nah I can't! I LOVE helping people

I'm trying to get an old crown vic so people get out of my way faster! Haha

I don't work anywhere, last place I worked I got canned because I got caught running lights and I was only kidding but pulled this old lady over but it was just fun in games

But the giving Nitro thing can't hurt anybody
-1 "Suction" (I turned what I used to siphon gas with into a manual suction)
You're kidding. Right?
-Glucometer with oral glucose
Do you keep a calibration log as required by CLIA and proof of routine preventive maintenance by a certified biomed company?

-1 adult Combi-Tube (I should get more then 1)

Invasive procedure without a medical director? Did you buy or "find" the tube on an ambulance or their storeroom?

-Some of our county medical reports so I can give them to the transporting ambulance
So you are filing a medical document and making the county liable for whatever you did?

-I carry 2 O2 bottles (but just realized both need to be filled)
Whose name are you getting the O2 bottles refilled under? Are you keeping records on the tanks?

-A few packs of ammonia inhalants ;)
By the winky I take it you are using them for patient abuse. As an EMT-B you do not have the ability to treat the bad results from the use of ammonia inhalants. There are reasons why they are no longer found in the majority of EDs and ambulances in this country.

-A few bottles of "sterile water" but they were empty from work so I just filled it from the tap and melted the seal back over it

That is called package tampering and it carries a stiff penalty. There are reasons why sterile water is used and not tap water. You may be giving the patient something far worst than the initial injury.

I'm thinking about getting some asprin but not sure if I can. I know my dad has some nitro he doesn't use anymore and hasn't used in a long time I might ask him if I can just have it

I can give Nitro. I'm an EMT. Plus nobody is going to turn me in if I give this to a patient and it makes their chest pain stop. I know friends who have given and the people write really nice letters to them and their agency

Please tell me you are joking about all of this. Did your instructor not explain anything to you about your EMT certification?

But the giving Nitro thing can't hurt anybody

No. It can kill someone.

That statement alone says you have no business messing with it or most of the stuff you listed.
But the giving Nitro thing can't hurt anybody

The other parts are not good, but this is just asking to hurt someone.

Nitro can't hurt? Really? Then please tell me why ALS providers need to run a 12-lead and have a line in place before we can give NTG? Could it be that you can drop the pt's pressure dramatically with just 0.4mg NTG SL? Yea, that might be a very large part. The 12 lead is to help rule out a Rt sided MI. Rt sided MI's tend to present more hypotensive than Left, which alone can be a contraindication for NTG. And if you give Nitro for it, again you can drop it way too low. one of the treatments for rt sided is fluid boluses to try and bring up pressure. Not much we can treat in the field otherwise. Dope or pacing might be helpful because they present bradycardic, but it increases O2 demand which tends to be a bad thing for this as well
He's messing with you, love.

Hmm I hope so. And after I typed out my longish post! :P Vent brings up a good point as well
By some of his other posts it is hard to tell it is hard to tell if he is messing with us or serious.

Just messing with you :)

Had to stir the pot a bit

Come on I had to make some of the whackers on here not feel alone ;) :p

Did you like the siphon part? :D

I have a box of gloves (because where I'm at have latex gloves and summer time and latex gloves don't like me at all), and my stethoscope.

Reason why its in my car? So I don't have to worry about leaving it at home

Other then that, when I'm off duty, I am off duty. Unless its something major, I could care less. And even then...EMS did their job before I came along, and they will do their job now that I'm an EMT.

Now that pack that person has, that does make me semi-jealous :)
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Just messing with you :)

Had to stir the pot a bit

Come on I had to make some of the whackers on here not feel alone ;) :p

Stop posting pictures of your mom.
I carry a military Blackhawk S.T.O.M.P II bag just because I like the bag and that is fully stocked, in addition I have a clipboard with a couple run forms/refusal forms in it, and then i have an oxygen sleeve with a D cylinder that supplements the airway gear in my bag. Then, my traffic vest, radio all of that stuff. Am I somewhat a whacker? Yea, you could say that. BUT, my town it is a volunteer service that allows members to respond to HQ from a 7 minute radius so at some points it means 7 minutes just to go enroute and then 15-20 minutes, even more with weather to get to the far reaches of our PSA. So those of us who live in the border area are STOCKED. We also have our fair share of multi-car motor vehicle accidents. The only thing I don't have that would be nice, is an AED but those just aren't cost effective to give everyone, but a good number of our members do carry them.
from the day i started my first job as an EMT my family all went in and got me gloves, pocket mask, a cheap-o bp cuff and ears, and a small first aid kit. they sit in a little tote in my trunk with my emergency road side kit they got me when i got my car. thats all i have and thats all i desire to have. i have never used any of it but its nice to know that its there if i need it.
I am considering driving around in an ambulance just to be safe. :rolleyes:
And keep a lawyer under the bench seat for those pesky liability issues!
And keep a lawyer under the bench seat for those pesky liability issues!

But that's where I keep the small illegal boy to clean the rig for me after a code! Come to think of it, I probably should check on him. He might be getting hungry by now.