[April Fools] Should (insert your name) be banned?

Should this user be banned?

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You are kidding me right? What have I ever done to start a fight or to personally insult someone?

He he he Happy April Fools Day everyone. I was quite pissed at first, but then I thought about it some more and figured out it was a joke. Just like the LDT to Dallas lol.
So....how many people voted to ban themselves? I voted against....
good stuff

had me for a second :P
Meh, I figured that this was what I got for being outspoken at times...
Very good, Matt; yes, ya got me. On the other hand, life's a circle and Karma just is! Happy AFD to y'all =)
Nice!!!!! I thought I did something to offend someone.....lol.
got me....
Banning me why?

Okay, first off I have never did anything here that was in the less rude, mean, or un-tolerated to anyone I have only made three posts here and I have one ever sent one here about a book...And if I have been sooooo rude to anyone didn't someone (moderator) contact me first (by e-mail)....But if you need to "ban" me so bad...Please do it....(not one for April 1)

oneluv79 (herself)

And I'm not a jokey joke person.....
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News flash! Airwaygoddess in CCU!!

FLASH!!!! Airway goddess now in CCU hooked up to Nitro and MSo4 drips, from shock of EMT Life.......:o
Up Date!! Airwaygoddess is SOOOOO senting Matt a rubber chicken to beat him with!! Very Funny Matt!! :P Giving the ol' gal chest pain!!! Sheech!! ;)
Nice, real nice. I know I can be a bit of a pain from time to time but maybe, from time to time, have a little bit to offer. You know what the worst part of the whole thing is? I don't get to use my witty retort that I had lined up. I kept thinking, man....what about so and so? He's worse than me!!! That was clever, real clever. I would like to say payback is a mother but that would imply that I am capable of some method of internet payback. That, I will admit, is not something I am able to pull off. Well done.

Who is John Galt?
I hate you guys.

Great prank. You had me going.


I voted to ban myself

Furthermore, I don't like seeing the thread title every time I'm on the 'main' page! It makes me thing it's real!
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OMG you dont know how bad you had me going my heart like sank lol i was like WTF did i do lol

good one though i would love to know how you scripted this!!!!!!
Do I get my $74.95 back?
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