Anybody work for AMR?


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First off, hello to the board. I just joined, and this is my first post, though I have been peeking around for awhile.

I am an EMT-B in the Dallas area, and am currently going through the interview process with AMR. I am a 'fresh out of the box' EMT-B, and it seems like they are going to hire me on. (Non-911, at least to start)

This was the first position I applied for, and was pretty surprised it is going as well as it is, as I have heard horror stories of getting hired on anywhere. :D

I just kind of wondered if anybody else worked for the company and how they liked it if they did.
First of all, welcome to our own little corner of dysfunction.

I'm a vollie, so I can't really say anything about their hiring process, but I believe we have a couple of members here that work for AMR and other private ambulance companies.
Can't help you with your question, but welcome to EMTLife!
Sorry, I also can't help you with your question, but again, welcome to our little part of the world!
:D Welcome :D

I've heard of AMR, on here. I think.
former amr employee, disgruntled, but a former employee none the less.

take my advice with a grain of salt:


amr's official policy will be to reduced you down to a number. you will get one strike while you a probie with them. then your done. they have and can fire you for forgetting one signature(cause then they dont get paid and there all about money. not pt care. not employee realtions. money. you cost them money, you dont work there anymore)

in my experience, they are a horrible company to work for. i have never seen a group of less competent practioners every. the managemnt suck. the supervisoiry staff sucks. the equipment sucks. its a lose lose the whole way around

if you want anymore specifics, feel free to pm me. i'd be happy to ***** about americas misguided retards until hell freezes over and angeline shows up on my doorstep bareassed and looking for it................................
American Medical Rejects?

B**tards backed into my sprinter at UofPMC, not that I minded, but they could have at least totaled it. Just made the piece of $hit drive worse.
Originally posted by TTLWHKR@Jul 29 2005, 09:13 PM
American Medical Rejects?

B**tards backed into my sprinter at UofPMC, not that I minded, but they could have at least totaled it. Just made the piece of $hit drive worse.

Did you take your meds today, alex???

I work for AMR here in PA.

They are "new to town" only here since November... they bought out the company that bought them out 10 years ago, when they left town. All the managment stayed, they have the best command doc in the world, and they have already gotten several of their "old" contracts back. The company they bought out had a well-maintained and always clean fleet, and it hasn't changed. many of their ALS providers are current or former City medics.

I am PRN, and mostly work special event coverage (they have contracts with several large gathering places to provide EMT/BLS/ALS coverage as needed).

Uniforms - only company I've worked for that issues and REQUIRES that you wear "EMS pants" :D (most Co's think they are evil and unprofessional)

They have VERY strict safety policies.... 24/7/365 seatbelt use and spotter when backing.... automatic termination if you are caught.

I haven't had any problems, and am liking it so far. They are a very professional group, locally.


PS - as for the interview process.... pretty simple, but does take mutiple vists over several weeks to get hired. Everything is designed to be uniform nationwide, and the backround check takes time...
Originally posted by MedicStudentJon+Jul 30 2005, 01:46 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MedicStudentJon @ Jul 30 2005, 01:46 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TTLWHKR@Jul 29 2005, 09:13 PM
American Medical Rejects?

B**tards backed into my sprinter at UofPMC, not that I minded, but they could have at least totaled it. Just made the piece of $hit drive worse.

Did you take your meds today, alex??? [/b][/quote]
I don't see how Glucagon would effect my ability to recall an ambulance service that backed into the right front fender of my ambulance, flattening a tire and misplacing the headlights.

I'm sure the whole system isn't this way, but this particular crew was. Have they ever head of using mirrors when backing into an ED?
Or at least use a backer when putting the truck in reverse!!!!! I worked for AMR in Houston back in the mid to late 90's. Overall not too bad of an experience, but you place of employment is mostly what you make of it. No matter where you go, there will be politics, bad facilities, bad attitude employees, etc. It's all about your approach to each day as each day presents. Meanwhile enjoy the experience that you gain. Good luck :)
My friend and I just got hired by private ambulance companies about a month and a half ago. We started the same time with two companies... mine is Pacific Ambulance and hers is AMR. I saw her yesterday in the ER and we started talking... I was shocked to find out that she is still doing the ride-along thing and doesnt even work as a regular EMT with a partner yet. I am already on a regular shift working solo with my partner. I drive, I drive code, and I am no longer in their "Probie" stage. AMR makes their employees jump through hoops to get their minimal salary and ancient equipment. Go somewhere else!!!!!!!! PM me if youhave any questions, as I went through their long hiring process too.
Joy of getting a job turning into horrible feelings of dread :(

Wasn't really expecting that horrible of a response (from the majority of replies) for a national company.

I guess I still have to go through with the process, at least until I find something else. All in all, I really don't care how I get my first bit of experience, and I'm sure it will beat what I am doing now. (waiting tables)

Maybe I will start looking again, but I think I would rather go through with the process than turn back and not get hired anywhere.
Think of it this way...........

Most of us "started" in a place we didn't like. Your attitude can make even a crappy job "OK". My advice would be to take it if offered, suck it up and get some experience so you can get hired by a service you REALLY WANT to work for.

Truth is life isn't fair. I work for a great PD and there are still guys that don't like it.

I left a supervisor position on a great ambulance service to come over here because I knew of the reputation. It is all a matter of perpesctive.

I have a buddy in S. Fla, we went to medic school together. He has worked for AMR since they took over Life Fleet. He has no major complaints.

Good luck either way.
people bounce around some in the beggining of their career. it might take you soem time to find a good home. dont let that get you down.
as I said... here, the equip. is good and the managment is good.... both VERY important.

And, AMR national policys say you get fired if you don't use a spotter when in reverse.

You need the experience and it's a good company to start off with. I am personally pissed off with them at the moment, haha. But that's ok. Once you have experience you can go whereever you want. AMR around here atleast will start you off with 6monthes BLS and then move you up from there. Stick to it, it'll be great experience and i know my brother has been with the company for atleast 15 years. He only works one day a week now, bc hes a FF/Medic but he does still work for them. Take any experience you can get. Don't let others turn this into a bad experience for you.
I've heard a lot of opinions both ways about AMR. My personal experience is minimal...just the shift I ran with LA County (AMR does all their transport) during my training and occasionally chatting with their staff at the ER. I did apply for a job with them some years ago, but that was before I was really into EMS and was to be their regional safety supervisor (didn't get the job).

They definitely have a reputation for being an "EMT mill". Around here, if you're there 6 months, you're one of the senior folks. That's mostly because here, most everyone who gets a job with a private ambulance company is trying to get hired on an FD somewhere or is trying to get the minimum 6 month-1 year experience to get into medic school. As a result, you do tend to get mostly relatively inexperienced folks, and that can lead to problems.

Their medics tend to be more experienced (as you'd expect), but many of them are also waiting to get hired on an FD.
Hi, I'm new to town....... Thought I'd address this thread.....

I worked for AMR in Jackson, MS, on and off for 4.5 years (starting in 1994). Overall, I thought it was a decent company. In the particular division I worked for though, the upper brass sucked (90% of field supervisors were great). I was often on the wrong side of the "accepted" political structure (rather outspoken and opinionated Yankee female in a position of authority [EMT-P] in the Deep South).

Would I go back to AMR? Probably, but I'd definitly listen to those whom have had experience with the division.