bls is for all newcomers. there are shift bids every 6 months so whoever has senority will get them first. i was hired full time, but i think your hires will be part time. the way part time works is you must pick up 3 shifts a month, and you can have a max of 36 hours in a week. its all done online. part timers can and do pick up als shifts on occasion, cause they just fill in. but its not guaranteed.
bls is for all newcomers. there are shift bids every 6 months so whoever has senority will get them first. i was hired full time, but i think your hires will be part time. the way part time works is you must pick up 3 shifts a month, and you can have a max of 36 hours in a week. its all done online. part timers can and do pick up als shifts on occasion, cause they just fill in. but its not guaranteed.