Amateur surgery on

*raises hand*

Hell, I did this on myself (before becoming involved with health care) on a huge blood blisters that covered the bottoms of my feet. My car had broken down, and I'd had to walk 5+ miles in high heeled boots, which caused the blood blisters.

Only I used a steak knife.:wacko:

After all the blood and fluid was out, (my bathtub looked like Norman Bates had paid a visit) I made a dressing of baking soda and spread it on the soles of my feet, then wrapped them in bandages.

Next day, right as rain and I was able to walk 3mi to work and back.
The sounds were the worst part... I love the ending though... "get it, get it, get it, oh... OHH, oh, oh... i think were done."... must have found his spine (im joking)

I wear gloves to do something as small as clean my camera lenses (to avoid any oil on the lens) and they don't wear them for a home grown medical procedure. wow.
The only bad part, was the drama queen that was talking. I find home surgery fun and exciting.. Post some more!
i dont like anyone i know enough to get that on my hands. no glove no love


Even with a glove I wouldn't! However I would be more than willing to drive you to the doctors office, better before they do it than after the home surgery too. One has to wonder about the mental state of a person willing to cut into their drunk buddies skin with a knife without taking any BSI.
That is so cool!! I love the comments and gagging sounds. Good thing they are not in EMS:P They would fail the BSI aspect along with other things.
I have cleaned out worse abcesses from animals and they stunk. But I still had gloves on. That would be down right gross to do that without gloves.
I cut one of those out of my back about a year ago. Someone commented on how the guy could let it get that big...Mine grew to a little bigger than that in probably about 4 days.

I cut it out myself with a (new) utility knife blade, lol, everything went fine, I cleaned it all out the best i could but it left a such a large gaping hole in my back that I ended up going see the doctor anyways.

He said I did a fantastic job cleaning it out, told me I was sick in the head for cutting it out myself, gave me some pills and sent me on my way, lol, good times.
As for the 800kg gorilla in the room...
Honestly, who here would be tempted to do that to themself? Who here is the type the pokes at scabs, pimples, skin tags and the like and could forseeably, just maybe see themselves doing that?

I'm not going to lie, while I hope that my rational, sane side would win out, I can't entirely rule out a sudden moment of stupidity followed by instant regret.

i had a mass on my leg for a while that i considered poking with a large bore needle... but i did research first and read about tumors growing through blood vessels and lancing them could potentially be fatal.... so i told my self i'd see the doctor in a week... the thing went away on its own before that.
I actually had one similar to that.. not quite that nasty...... but bad enough... my girlfriend at the time had fun with it and got shot in the face in the fun stuff... after all the nasty stuff was out it healed fine.

Girls must like that kinda thing... whats up with that???

In a different context....BOW CHICKA BOW WOW.....
I've seen it before......but I just had to click on it again.

I'm not right.....