The fire extinguisher is not just for show
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OMG, the paramedic and ambulance crew would have to actually work? you wouldn't be spending how much on a 2-4 person crew who is spending driving a million dollar truck to the scene only to stand there and wait for an under staffed EMS system to finally arrive? and the ambulance crew would be able to function on their own, stand up for themselves as an equal and not always have to take the scraps from what the FD and PD don't want?Think of how frustrating it would be if we didn't have Fire dispatch on every one of our calls. The Paramedic would pretty much need to do everything all the time.
I'm not saying there isn't a time and a place for additional manpower or muscle, but I'll take a competent, well funded EMS system that can handle it's call volume (without needing the FD to "stop the clock") over an FD dependent system that doesn't know how to do its job without the FD there to tell them what to do any day of the week.
BTW, I dream for the day when IM zofran is a BLS skill, or at least an Intermediate one. It's still a beautiful drug, can do wonders to a sick person in terms of making them feel better, and, while there are risks just like with any drug, the benefits out-way the slim chance of complications. But that's a different story for another thread.
have you been sneaking into my dreams again? because that sounds very much like paradise......A strong training coordinator can certainly elevate their company’s delivery model and see to it that the paramedic is utilized appropriately, as would the EMT’s and/ or AEMT’s.