A quick rant about last night..


The Truth Provider
I like the fact that our vol. service bills so they can get a huge bill at the end of it so it makes me feel better about the whole thing.

And I like the joy of rolling that bill into shape of a ball and trying to make a long shot into the trash can. Yes you can bill but you can't make them pay.


Forum Probie
Buy him a beer because he's complaining about his patient and ranting about the call?

Sorry sweetheart, patients like these are part of the job. If he doesn't like it, then perhaps he SHOULDN'T volunteer. When you are annoyed or fed up with a patient or a call, it shows and makes it uncomfortable for all. Just because someone volunteers doesn't mean they are wonderful.

And by the way, telling everyone how horrible and mean they are is just as bad as people "bagging on him". Pot, meet kettle.

Your the worst out of all of them.


Forum Deputy Chief
I've had pts like that. No matter how many times they will call us with calls like that I will still go because how do we know that the next call isn't something major. I am a member of a paid on call service. We have had nights where we get toned out 4 times. That night I had about 2 hours sleep and I had to go to my regular job. No complaints from me because I accept it as part of the job.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Play nice, people



Working Bum
You can rant all you want. You won't get any sympathy, due to the fact, that this is the job.

What you think is abuse of the system, may be an emergency to the pt. You are there to do the job and treat the pt, not judge what is BS.

If all the abuse stopped tomorrow, you would not have a job to do. Over half of EMS would be out of work! Remember, that BS pt is job security!


Forum Probie
I'm really curious..why does the word sympathy keep coming up? At which point did I mention I was looking for anyone to hold my hand? Why anyone would go out of their way to look for an excuse to be a jerk off is beyond me. I'm sorry I ever posted on this forum, I really am.


You can rant all you want. You won't get any sympathy, due to the fact, that this is the job.

What you think is abuse of the system, may be an emergency to the pt. You are there to do the job and treat the pt, not judge what is BS.

If all the abuse stopped tomorrow, you would not have a job to do. Over half of EMS would be out of work! Remember, that BS pt is job security!

I hadn't thought about that. Good point!


Sorry FF in advance.

But in the name of all sweet things censored ITS A RANT STOP ITCHING AND MOANING.

I didn't see him asking for sympathy or asking for clarification or anything. We have all had these calls, it does not mean we do not care or should give up or would not do it again.



The Truth Provider


Flight RN/Paramedic
I'm really curious..why does the word sympathy keep coming up? At which point did I mention I was looking for anyone to hold my hand? Why anyone would go out of their way to look for an excuse to be a jerk off is beyond me. I'm sorry I ever posted on this forum, I really am.

I don't see any problem with your original post. I don't see any problem wih venting, as I believe that it is actually pretty good for people to get things off their chest. Granted, I am not an EMT (yet), so my view is different.

Here is my take: just because someone (in this case you, biggee) states his frustration at something, or complains about it, does not mean he is automatically a screw-up as an EMT. Him venting his frustration about abuse of the system is no worse than others complaining about his venting.

Biggee, people on this forum can be very rough or harsh at times. A lot of the posts I saw responding to your original posts were out of line. Many people on this forum think they are always right, or that they are above everybody else. These people need to remember that they are not perfect, and that they have had calls that they complained about. Does this make them screw-ups as paramedics or EMTs? Not in the least.

Here is my point. I hope you stay with this forum. Do not listen to the people who are all "high and mighty." I have complained about it already, and unfortunately, no one really seems to care. People forget that everybody is on the same team. Though there is a lot of b*tching on this forum, it is a valuable resource. I have learned a lot from it, and so can you. Just ignore (or try to ignore) all the BS.

If you need anything else, or have any questions or need support or anything, you are more than welcome to send me a PM. (Note: I am not in the EMS field as of yet, so I don't know how much help I can be. Just thought I would throw out the offer.)

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Just tell the people who pick apart your post and assume stuff where to stick it

I did so and it stopped real quick :)

I hear ya ;)


Forum Crew Member
To all the ones who were telling biggee to suck it up, and its part of the job, I have read many "Professional" ems members on here complaining about the same thing or even more pathetic things, like "oh the previous crew went on a late in shift run, and when they got back the rig had a full trash can." Really? Get over it you are a "professional."

Then bashing the vollies. Im my county we have 8 911-Ems departments. One is full time, three are paid per call (mine is one of these) and the other 4 are strictly vollie. We are the ONLY department that runs ALS only rigs. The full time department has a total of 4 medics and 1 intermediate then a bunch of emt-b's. We have 8 medics 4 intermediates, 16 emt-b's, and 2 drivers (both of us are in basic class). My dept also has 3 of our b's in medic school and 1 in intermediate. So I'm sorry to step on your "professional" toes, but I think our department provides a higher level of care than the "professional's" in our county.

Moral of the story, just because it is a vollie department doesn't mean that there isn't the high level and standard of care as "professional" departments. We are all in it to help our communities, vollie and professional both. Why not get along and play nice?


Forum Crew Member
Dont take the responses you get from this post if any the wrong way.

I don't see any problem with your original post. I don't see any problem wih venting, as I believe that it is actually pretty good for people to get things off their chest. Granted, I am not an EMT (yet), so my view is different.

You are right there is nothing wrong with venting (IE *itching, pissin and moanin, crying) most of us do it in one way or another, usually to our partner or other coworkers. Just as it is acceptable for me to complain to them I fully expect at least one if not most to at some point and time tell me to "pop the tit out of my mouth and get over it"

Biggee, people on this forum can be very rough or harsh at times. A lot of the posts I saw responding to your original posts were out of line. Many people on this forum think they are always right, or that they are above everybody else. These people need to remember that they are not perfect, and that they have had calls that they complained about. Does this make them screw-ups as paramedics or EMTs? Not in the least.

This job attracts and breeds the cocky, I am always right, PARAGOD, and I have one feeling and thats pissed off attitudes. And for good reason, if you set there and questioning your gut and doubting your self, you will waste time that can be used to treat your pt. Case in point have you ever met a neuro resident while they are working? Many will say they that are stuck up or asses or any number of colorful terms, and guess what they usually are.

But think about it who do you want digging around in you head with a power drill fishhook and chicken wire? The "Dr. Cox" or "Mr. well is that what we do or is it this." Its not much different in a car upside down in a ditch in the rain with with the water rising.

So no offense but cut em some slack Darlene.

Here is my point. I hope you stay with this forum. Do not listen to the people who are all "high and mighty." I have complained about it already, and unfortunately, no one really seems to care. People forget that everybody is on the same team. Though there is a lot of b*tching on this forum, it is a valuable resource. I have learned a lot from it, and so can you. Just ignore (or try to ignore) all the BS.

And at last, he been doing this a while so i doubt it will get to him at all. But if it does maybe he may need to reevaluate how much he vollenteers.
For you grasshopper one thing that is just as important as your assessment skills is THICK SKIN. Oh and cockyness.

If you need anything else, or have any questions or need support or anything, you are more than welcome to send me a PM. (Note: I am not in the EMS field as of yet, so I don't know how much help I can be. Just thought I would throw out the offer.)


BTW thanks for the support


The Truth Provider
They are still call volume for your service. Most of the true BS calls are from those that have insurance or Medicaid, so yes, they do pay!

Actually if the call is not a true emergency you will not get paid in most "BS" cases by insurance/Medicaid/Medicare unless you commit fraud.

Now call volume I agree can benefit a city/county service when you go beg money.


Flight RN/Paramedic
Dont take the responses you get from this post if any the wrong way.

I am under the impression that all of this is directed at me, not at biggee. If not, ignore this whole response :p

You are right there is nothing wrong with venting (IE *itching, pissin and moanin, crying) most of us do it in one way or another, usually to our partner or other coworkers. Just as it is acceptable for me to complain to them I fully expect at least one if not most to at some point and time tell me to "pop the tit out of my mouth and get over it"

People should be allowed to come onto a forum of their co-workers and rant a little bit without getting told to suck it up. Especially in a career like this one, where stress is a major problem. I have read on this forum (and heard other places) that one way to relieve the stress is to talk to somebody. Yet when people go to talk to somebody on this forum, they get jumped on. This is ridiculous, and it makes me furious. It seems that some people on this forum want to help people, but only if they are not a co-worker. Co-workers, as far as they are concerned, are "above" help or do not deserve to be listened to.

This job attracts and breeds the cocky, I am always right, PARAGOD, and I have one feeling and thats pissed off attitudes. And for good reason, if you set there and questioning your gut and doubting your self, you will waste time that can be used to treat your pt. Case in point have you ever met a neuro resident while they are working? Many will say they that are stuck up or asses or any number of colorful terms, and guess what they usually are.

But think about it who do you want digging around in you head with a power drill fishhook and chicken wire? The "Dr. Cox" or "Mr. well is that what we do or is it this." Its not much different in a car upside down in a ditch in the rain with with the water rising.

Being cocky when on the job is a little different than dealing with a co-worker who is just making conversation or looking for a little support or conversation. I assure you that I would want a cocky person to be operating on me, rather than somebody who is not great

I have never met a neurosurgeon while they are working, but I can imagine that they are cocky. And they have to be. But here is the key phrase: while they are working. When they are talking to a co-worker, I am sure many are jerks, but the majority of them are probably supportive. People who come onto here should not have to deal with cocky, "I am better than everybody and I am God" attitudes. They are not working, and the responders to the forum are (in a sense) not working when they are on here.

So no offense but cut em some slack Darlene.

I actually do take some offense to this. But I am going to just let it slide.

And at last, he been doing this a while so i doubt it will get to him at all. But if it does maybe he may need to reevaluate how much he vollenteers.
For you grasshopper one thing that is just as important as your assessment skills is THICK SKIN. Oh and cockyness.

There seems to be a common belief on here that EMS providers should have no emotions. That they should just do their work, have good patient care, and then not feel bad if something happens. If something bad happens on the job, too bad for the provider. They can't go here for help, because they are not going to get anything but an ear full of crap. And this makes me furious.

There is a time and a place for thick skin. On the job, yes, people should have thick skin. But off the job, people should be able to get a little support. Otherwise, there are going to be a lot of EMS providers dying from stress related illnesses.

BTW thanks for the support

Not sure how I supported you, but if I am always glad to help. Don't hesitate to ask.



Working Bum
For one, he was not asking for help. He did not have a problem that needed help. He came on here *****ing about having to do the job. BS calls are part of the job and that will not change.

If someone comes here with a real problem, we all step up and offer advice. It is up to them whether to heed that advice or not.


Flight RN/Paramedic
For one, he was not asking for help. He did not have a problem that needed help. He came on here *****ing about having to do the job. BS calls are part of the job and that will not change.

If someone comes here with a real problem, we all step up and offer advice. It is up to them whether to heed that advice or not.

Seems like stress to me. Isn't it possible that the fact that he has to deal with abuse of the system stressful? Granted, this is not a life or death thread, but still, he should be able to complain.

People complain about their work all the time. There is nothing wrong with this. It happens in every field. Here is an example: I teach karate, where I have to deal with children all day long. Some of these kids are very difficult to deal with. I sometimes complain about these kids to my co-workers, and they complain to me. Does this mean that I should not teach karate anymore because I cannot "handle" the job? No. Does the fact that I complain make me a bad teacher? I don't think so. Does the fact that I complain or get ticked off away from the students with a co-worker mean that I am weak? No. Do my co-workers jump on me or shoot me down for complaining? No. Do I love to teach, even though the job can be a bit stressful (not as stressful as EMS) or irritating, mean that I should not keep doing it? No. I love the job, and will continue to do it.

There is nothing wrong with not liking something about a job and complaining about it. I think it would be impossible to find someone who has never complained about their job at one point in their life.

And yes, I have seen advice given on here. But a lot of it is given in a very degrading way.
