3 killed in Kentucky medical helicopter crash


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Bummer. Been seeing the crash remembrances all over FB.
Hitting guy wires during they day time is a pretty unusual event.
“The patient is doing well”..

Another unnecessary flight claims the lives of 3..
Bethany was a recent hire, she started a few months after me, was super excited and a fun person to work with. The others I knew from training or being at hospital at the same time. But they were seasoned old timers.

During my orientation, they kept saying it had been 10 years since an event and statistically they are overdue based on number of missions flown. Then AEL cashed in Oklahoma, and now in KY. I quit recently, and relocated to Yuma, AZ.

Sucks all around, however I have a very long rant about the service and the industry in general. Might work on that post just to share firsthand insight and maybe have a little cathartic release.
Bethany was a recent hire, she started a few months after me, was super excited and a fun person to work with. The others I knew from training or being at hospital at the same time. But they were seasoned old timers.

During my orientation, they kept saying it had been 10 years since an event and statistically they are overdue based on number of missions flown. Then AEL cashed in Oklahoma, and now in KY. I quit recently, and relocated to Yuma, AZ.

Sucks all around, however I have a very long rant about the service and the industry in general. Might work on that post just to share firsthand insight and maybe have a little cathartic release.
I have been really struggling with going back to flight. Next June I'll finally have 3 years as an RN and can apply again as a flight RN (the local company bends over backwards to accommodate RN's, including schedule and base assignment).. I really want to fly again, but I remember how pointless most of it is..
That’s the sad part of it all. The majority of flight industry is profit driven. I am not against any business seeking profit, however it became harder and harder for me to justify each flight I was going on, especially when it was painfully obvious it was by no means a “true” medevac. It’s a lot of risk for little actual return.

Example: I flew a patient from a small hospital who had been admitted for two days, nSTEMI and was on a heparin drip. Stable vitals. Needed a ride to Louisville for cardiology and a Cath.

For some reason he had to go at 0200. Most likely provider convenience. The local ambulance service could not ground pound (which was common) for various reasons. Reasons usually were “no medic on duty” (true), only one medic on duty and need to stay in town, or call volume too high right now to send 1 of our 2 ambulances out of town for 2+ hours.

It’s not EMS fault obviously. But then the responsibility falls on the flight crew. And then a couple times, when we couldn’t fly, guess who took a ride in the ambulance as a gesture of company goodwill to the community (cause we didn’t bill for this). So now I am in back with an EMT yahoo driving who often is just as tired as we were, yet no one ever says “no”. (We declined flights, just saying the ambo option was never a no).

And as a prior businessman, I totally appreciate and respect the massive marketing the company does, I love the market competition, but even if I was a decision maker I am certain I would do many things differently, safer, and still have respectable profit margins. It’s a case of enough not being enough by those who benefit the most.