
  1. D

    Starting an EMT course soon, looking to loose some weight

    I'm starting an EMT course soon, about 2 and a half months to be exact. Currently I weigh 224lb, & I would like to be about 150 - 165. I know, I know! That's a lot. But I'm only 5'2 & although my body "carries the weight good" (or so that's what people tell me) I definitely want to be smaller...
  2. Foxem

    Anything you wish you knew before starting Field Training?

    I'll be getting my FTO assigned to me here shortly and I wanted to know if there was any advice you guys could give me that might not be to obvious; or anything you would have done differently. As of right now, I'm just going into it with an open mind and a few hours of studying my response...
  3. S

    EMT School

    Not sure if anyone here can help me, but I truly don't know what else to do. I have been in classes to become an EMT for about 2 months. I still don't understand any of it. Everyone in my class is failing, and I'm not sure what to do. My instructor has not been any help and doesn't see any...
  4. M

    Tips for those who waited to take the NREMT at the end of the year

    Hey guys, just here give you some tips on how I passed that damn test. My story: I graduated my EMT course at the end of 2016. After that, I went straight to a 6 month Fire Academy, so I didn't really have a lot time to focus on my NREMT. After I graduated I signed up for my 1st attempt going...
  5. N

    New EMT working for IFT Company

    Hi everyone! I'm a new EMT in SoCal, and I'll be starting my first job with a company that runs IFTs in the Valley. (This seemed to be the most flexible option for me while I'm still in school) I wanted to know if anyone had any helpful tips/advice they could offer about starting out in the...
  6. S

    Tips for a recently certified EMT-B

    I just became nationally certified a few days ago and am planning to begin as a volunteer soon, are there any experienced EMTs/Paramedics that wouldn't mind sharing some important and helpful suggestions?
  7. CSchlesinger908


    Hello! There may already be a post like this but I didn't see it. With that being said, as the title implies if you have any tips or tricks that you've picked up over the months/years you've been in the field of EMS. Feel free to share them.