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    A weak stomach

    ive had a couple firefighters puke running in code on gnarly trauma calls. its great fun for all involved (except the FF, and the pt..)
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    Is it normal that the closer you are to becoming a Paramedic the more

    This is a very good point. While it is important to be receptive to input from other health care providers, it is also important to be confident in your own skills/knowledge. there will be health care providers out there who do not understand our scope of care and try to imply you dont know what...
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    "You will kill the patient doing that!!!"

    picked up a CHF'er at a local SNF the other day, lungs were real wet. the RN said their pt had flash pulm edema and their BIPAP wasnt workin. i told her we were going to put the pt on our CPAP, at which time the RN informed me that CPAP wouldnt do anything for the pt, and i HAD to intubate her...
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    "You will kill the patient doing that!!!"

    picked up a CHF'er at a local SNF the other day, lungs were real wet. the RN said their pt had flash pulm edema and their BIPAP wasnt workin. i told her we were going to put the pt on our CPAP, at which time the RN informed me that CPAP wouldnt do anything for the pt, and i HAD to intubate her...
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    Hard Decision..but the decision isn't yours

    im in agreement with what pretty much everyone else has had to say, our job is to treat the patients and get em to the hospital. as for the suicide: quite often people change their mind. in my experience those who truly intend to kill themselves do it in such a way that not treating is a no...
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    Boarding a pt (Round 2)

    i had almost this exact patient last night. found right lateral on ground, stated they just got tripped up and fell, but was complaining of neck and lower back pain in the same locations that they normally have it in, no worse then normal, significant kyphosis. CAOx4 and no neuro deficits. hip...
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    the 100% directionless thread

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    Medic Students!!!

    Passed NR practical last friday, and NR written yesterday. FINALLY done! time to get a job. -Jeff
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    80 questions on the paramedic exam. took it at 8am, had the scores by 1pm
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    Guardian EMS?

    I wonder if they are affiliated with guardian in Texas...
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    Acadian Ambulance Service

    looks like you can also submit questions here.
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    Acadian Ambulance Service

    the person who did all that in austin, when i was there, was Kelly Daigle(spelling?). generally when you submit an app online they get back with you fairly quickly. -Jeff
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    Nebulized Sodium Bicarbonate

    i couldnt find any references on the site. our schools medical director (Dr. Kimbrough) is an associate med dir for ATCEMS, i will be sure to ask him about it the next time i see him (im fairly confident he knows pretty much everything :P)
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    "is this real life?"

    did he make money from it? is that more exploiting than the people taking funny videos of their kids and submitting them to AFV? -Jeff
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    Nebulized Sodium Bicarbonate

    you can find the cogs here: click the link for "Toxic Exposure Patient Care Guidelines", its i think the third protocol down. it reads: FOR CHLORINE GAS EXPOSURE ONLY: • Sodium Bicarbonate Nebulized: Place 2 ml sodium bicarbonate 8.4% (standard...
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    Cardiac Arrest. Your first time..

    also something i find interesting is that there is little/no CISD for those of us who are students. so, those of us who are new and have the least coping skills have little access to assistance. i could see this leading people down the path of developing poor coping skills. also, on my first...
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    Medic is hell

    dude, the hymen and hyoid are practically the same thing :rolleyes: veneficus has good advice. i would imagine detroit has a few options for medic school. also, you could you could possibly address the issue with the school administration. could they possibly move you to another instructor...
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    Nurses vs EMT/Paramedics in EMS

    rereading my comment about a&P in emt being advantageous, that does seem a little silly. if i could attribute it to anything i would guess it has to due with the clinical experience gained from the basic program and from working IFT. the intermediate patch is useless in my state (nevermind...
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    Nurses vs EMT/Paramedics in EMS

    nurse vs. paramedic is kind of apples and oranges in my opinion. Paramedicine is very limited/specific, and i know numerous medics who have left to go on to nursing/med school, due to this fact. some of my fellow classmates are going through the medic program with the intent of bridging...
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    Medic Students!!!

    it is a long time, but it seems to go by pretty quick. this summer will be my last semester, and it seems like it really wasn't that long ago i was just starting. i think its one of those situations where time flies when you're will definitely be busy... -Jeff