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  1. W

    Angina Pectoris vs Myocardial Infarction

    Well I know this I will be soon an EMT B and my job is to TREAT SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS!!! not diagnose so if you are a EMT I or medic thats a diferent story! well all i can say is one thing that this is the worst of all forums that I been through and you should just read this annoucement...
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    Let's talk about the ART!

    you are 100% right, so far i take the finals this dec 22 and i have not forgotten why i am doing this!!! and yes ill keep that in my mind!
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    controversial- what leads you to believe we are in a "legitimate profession"?

    Very nice and well described..... that is why we are the patient advocate and also we need to be hungry to learn more so we could be great best excellent in what we do
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    What are you doubts??? Here is Mine

    sorry about that, i just notice it i meant thought... i tend to jump in too many things when i am thinking
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    POV's lights in Texas blue? green? clear? amber? red? please help

    HAHAHAHA!!!!! I was actually...first is first thank you!!! I asked if any one knows about lights in TX on your POV and I get nonsense so thank you EMSLAW... now I live in a rural area our building its just a garage and supplies so we use our cars to go to the garage or assist when they need back...
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    What are you doubts??? Here is Mine

    When you post a question or comments, who gives them the authority to change the subject, to point the finger or blame??? I hate when I read a post that people answers nothing, nor remotely close to the original post, question or comments that has no meaning nor related to the original subject...
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    Angina Pectoris vs Myocardial Infarction

    The only thing I have to say its that the majority of you need to go back to school and take a course of literature comprehension and listening skills you ripped a part this fellow for just a simple question....... whats the difference between Angina Pectoris vs Myocardial Infarction... is a...
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    Yeah guys its a "SHOW, FAKE, FYE" you need to go and sit with your fam and enjoy the show the scenery etc.... Anthony the EMT I have a question you post complaints when a movie comes out too??? that everything there is FAKE you need to go to the doc and tell him that you need a DOWNER for...
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    EMS Red Flag Rules

    I come from the mortgage industry, I can tell you that I do not see EMS doing that, it concerns regarding the credit report, look for particular things, also age where the SSN was issued when etc... the SSN has a pattern which every number means something.... on the other hand we as EMT's we...
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    shoulder injury--EMS

    Thats a great advice from VentMedic, take this time to improve your skills and education
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    well i finally did it.

    Best of luck!!! that will be me in 2 yrs ^_^
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    Lack of Oxygen...On the Unit

    Amen to that too!!!! you need to check before you come on-duty and replace what you used and should not be a discussion it should be done!! it is critical!!! and not only O2 with anything and everything!
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    Uniform shirt

  14. W

    Let's talk about the ART!

    sure its an ART to be an EMT I agree with all the comments listed above but I also look at this point of view... you need to be the patients confident there for... you are an actor cause some times you need to go along with the patient you are the priest they tell you things you dont need to...
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    POV's lights in Texas blue? green? clear? amber? red? please help

    Thanks for all the replies!!!! Well to respond to Lifeguard I do live in a rural area in the middle of no where, in the State on NJ you are allowed like I state it previously.... I think guys you are correct (Mountain Res-Q and jon) I should wait and until I get settled there, I thought some...
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    POV's lights in Texas blue? green? clear? amber? red? please help

    Thanks, but i know the lights I can use in my state i am wondering for the state of Texas regarding what lights you can put on the vehicle, since i have blue and blue/clear i am wondering if I can use them in Texas as well or i need to change them
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    Lack of Oxygen...On the Unit

    I am still a student and by the 22nd of dec i take my finals for EMT-B, in my squad where I volunteer we shut off the valve when we offload, also the new crew on duty we check the rig, you need, must check before you take your shift, i come 15min before and check the rig
  18. W

    Toying with....

    Well jim, I am still in class and I been through several careers in my life and I am 33 married 11 yrs no children just 3 dogs, any way i did some research in my local library my Father was a dentist and he worked for the poor communities, and the same for my mother she was a Social worker. My...
  19. W

    POV's lights in Texas blue? green? clear? amber? red? please help

    Hi all im i live in NJ and in my county you need to have a blue light permit, and you can have solid Blue or Blue/Clear, My wife and i are planing to Move to Texas and I read the law on Emergency Vehicles this is the site and also found a couple of Police...