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  1. Pneumothorax

    Illinois EMT-B and combitube

    I think for NR basics can combitube, now depending on ur local EMS office their protocols might state differently, I know of some that scraped the combitube in favor of the King Airway
  2. Pneumothorax

    Interview Question: If EMS was not around, What would you be?

    A nurse ;) However, EMS is what lead me down this path.... So if I had to pick another career, firefighter or something awesome like a homocide detective or on the SWAT team. =]
  3. Pneumothorax

    Show me your ink

    I love this!!!!!
  4. Pneumothorax

    EMT jobs in Miami/southern FL?

    AMR/medics/medi-van/Miami dade ambulance /American ambulance. All companies in sofla that aren't fire/rescue... It sucks lol
  5. Pneumothorax

    'About Me' Gender Field?

    Why does it matter? It's the internets where everyone dates supermodels and are perfect anyways lol
  6. Pneumothorax

    Most practical way to advance to RN.

    All nurses. Com is a great site to look into that has the info u are prob looking for :)
  7. Pneumothorax

    IL: EMT-B personal oxygen tank

    Lol is this a serious post?!
  8. Pneumothorax

    New NREMT Skill Sheet - Coffee Making

    Love it! Should make one for sleeping upright/awkward places/ambulance drivers seat
  9. Pneumothorax

    When to cut away a patient's clothes?

    ABCDE's E is for environment/expose.... Cut to expose or otherwise necessary cut on a toe doesn't mean rip pants off
  10. Pneumothorax

    BSN with 2 IV starts??

    It depends on the nursing program, some feel IVs should be started on the job. Some feel they should be started on as many patients as possible. You should understand that most of our pts in the hospital have IVs started so not much opp for a student to learn technique. Also, it depends on...
  11. Pneumothorax

    EMS Pens

    Paper mate profile :)
  12. Pneumothorax

    Do you eat well?

    Juice is very high in sugar. Evntually that q2 sugar will turn to fat
  13. Pneumothorax

    Ortho injuries

    Yup, bones heal or can be fixed. Soft tissue just gets really cranky and angry lol!
  14. Pneumothorax

    Looking for some advice on Paramedic to BSN

    Try to look into some paramedic to RN bridge programs , that way u can get ur RN then... Work as an rN while getting ur BSN. My goal is to be work as a flight nurse one day and honestly speaking, I know. That some places say min of 3yrs RN exp or 5 yrs, but u should try to focus on honing your...
  15. Pneumothorax

    Ortho injuries

    Good post. And I agree with u 100%!
  16. Pneumothorax

    Hospital bans obese job applicants

    Exactly. I think it's probably a little bit of them not wanting to have such high insurance rates too bc their employees are overweight/obese. But like u said, I'm not likely to listen to a doc/nurse who's telling me to stop eating whos popping the seams of their scrubs. Or saying dont smoke...
  17. Pneumothorax

    New EMT-B Requirements

    I'm in Illinois, been an EMT 2 years had the same book, took NR and did fine. It's really up to you. Just make sure you know the protocols where u are are diff than NR or the state over all. But I think you'll be fine
  18. Pneumothorax

    Lazarus Reflex

    Been around a few expired patients and I've never seen this or heard about it. Pretty cool! I'll keep an eye out for it!
  19. Pneumothorax

    Will Self-Injury disqualify me from being an EMT or anything in that field?

    If you're baker acted it shows up on ur background showing u have psych issues etc regardless if u were just having ideation or they found u with a bottle of pills & some jack Daniels. Best not to get bakerd. ;) like if u were going for pd job & they are doing a psych eval as they do on...