Search results

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    women's plus size emt pants?

    I need a size 26 emt pants. Ive looked online and off. Where can i find them?!
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    In NC what is the difference between advanced emt and intermediate?

    Iam a emt basic now and want to take the next step up and eventually go to paramedic. Which is better aemt or emt i? Ive heard they were getting rid of emt i?
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    Couldnt lift the stretcher completely on first day

    Thanks, I didn't think of doing it in steps.
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    boots and pants

    What are the least expensive yet good quality boots and pants?
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    Couldnt lift the stretcher completely on first day

    So embarrassed. We were practing with a stretcher a d dummy and I couldn't lift all the way up. I'm scared this is going to be held against me. Just started the job. 1st time ever lifting a stretched.
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    First Day Orientation

    I've just been to take my drug test for a non emergency transport company. We have orientation 8am Tuesday. I wasn't told much about it except that we will doing some evoc by the end of the week. What do I wear?
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    Shoes and pants for first EMT B job

    Starting my first EMT job at a non emergency transport company and possibly back up for a county ems. I have no idea where to shop for pants and boots or what kind to get.
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    Im not as strong as i thought i was!

    I'm a 5'4 230 lb female. It is extremely hard for me to lift a patient on a stretcher and this was only in basic class, not actually the real thing. I've started lifting 10 lb dumb bells. What else can I do to build my strength?
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    Can't find an EMT job!!

    But I'm so ready to get started. Another county ems system has contacted me back from an application but its only part time. I haven't replies back yet because of the waiting for this job. Grr!
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    Drug Testing Before EMT-Basic Courses?

    In the state of NC there are no drug tests for courses.
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    No luck with job...Move on to medic school?

    I am in the same boat. But I suggest getting a few years experience then medic school. Follow up on all applications you've completed.
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    Drug Testing Before EMT-Basic Courses?

    drug screens No courses that I know of require drug screens.
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    introduction Hi, I'm Lisa. I am a brand new North Carolina EMT basic. Ive always been interested in helping others and making a difference. I am in the process of finding a job now. So far I'm not having any luck.
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    Can't find an EMT job!!

    I am a brand new basic. I have done several applications and heard nothing back. I did have an interview with a transport company. Interview went well. They said I have the job that they were just waiting for my background check to come back. Well that was a week and 3 days ago. What should I do?