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  1. 74restore

    "What's the worst thing you've ever seen?" and your responses

    Tried searching and didn't find anything similar. "What's the worst thing you've ever seen?" The point of this thread is not to ask this question, but rather to hear your responses to it. I don't particularly like being asked this question. It makes me feel uncomfortable. It brings to...
  2. 74restore


    Why is King County Medic One so well known and famous?
  3. 74restore

    How do you know if someone is a volunteer EMT?

    Does anyone else notice the Spotlight style light in the far upper left corner? Or how about the cigarette lighter hanging on the ground to the right of the radios to make room for them? Holy whacker....
  4. 74restore

    First call as EMT-B

    First ever call as a brand new EMT in orientation came as a trauma for 2 pt MVC, motorcycle vs. deer at highway speeds. Helmets saved their lives without a doubt. 1 air-lifted to nearest Level 1 trauma center, one transported emergent by ground. No better way to put training to use at 7:30...
  5. 74restore

    Remedies for that GI Bleed/Rotting Flesh Scent on calls

    So I am curious to hear what others have to say about this topic regarding scents on calls, and how to avoid losing your lunch over them. I have heard of people putting a little bit of Vicks under their nose, or chewing mints/gum. Anyone think they have the ultimate solution to avoiding...
  6. 74restore

    It's been a year since my EMT class, and I just got hired on.

    So, it's been a little under a year since my EMT class, and I just got a job at a small town EMS service. I'm worried, however, because I feel like I have forgotten things since last summer when I took the class. I tried to keep up and maintain my knowledge, but life gets busy, and you know...
  7. 74restore

    Responding and Transporting Code 3

    Like the other's have said, lights and sirens can be dangerous. Does every vehicle always move for you and listen for lights and sirens? No. Sometime people have their radio or a/c turned up, and don't hear the sirens or see the lights coming until it's too late. Here: unless you want...
  8. 74restore

    Whats your most "rewarding" experience in EMS?

    Finishing a meal without tones interrupting it. Rare. But in all seriousness, being told a sincere "thank you" by a patient that had a very simple c/c is always nice. It's nice when kids look up to you too
  9. 74restore

    Your Trusty (Personal) Steed

    This was my car for a while: 1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle Loved that car. Now i drive an 04 Lexus es 330. Best gas mileage ever... and a little more reliable in Iowa Winters than the bug
  10. 74restore

    Who would be the worst EMS trainee?

    Sergeant Hulka- "Lighten up Francis, one of these men might save your life one day.." .. "Then again, maybe one of us won't."
  11. 74restore

    ems discounts on food and stuff

    i dont mean to throw off the topic here, so please tell me if I do... But, has anyone ever been given a "discount" when pulled over by a LEO for various violations? I have heard that they give Medics and Fire Fighters a break with tickets, etc more often, but never really experienced it myself.
  12. 74restore

    Favorite Pranks

    ^^ This is awesome.
  13. 74restore

    Favorite Pranks

    I'm still unsure of why anyone, prank or not, would willingly drink syrup of ipecac?
  14. 74restore

    3rd rides/clinicals

    All of the above are good ideas... But definitely bring Doughnuts! When I was doing my ride times, it was a great ice-breaker (especially at 0700 at a busy service) when the medics/firefighters see breakfast in your hands! They appreciate it! If you have some downtime and you notice...
  15. 74restore

    What's the story with your screen name?

    Mine has nothing to do with EMS. My first car (and my favorite car) was an orange 1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle.... My father drove a bug as his first car when he was a kid, so I wanted to drive one as my first. However after 35 years of rust, my bug was not in very good shape. I restored it...
  16. 74restore

    EMS TV shows

    I'm actually surprised nobody mentioned this one: "In a Heartbeat" was a show about teenagers balancing school and the stresses of being EMT's for their town ambulance. It was a drama on none other than the Disney Channel. Cheesy? yes... Fun to watch? you betcha. All the episodes are on Youtube too.
  17. 74restore

    First ride along on Sunday!

    If you actually say this, you deserve everything you have coming to you from that moment forward lol :rofl:
  18. 74restore

    First ride along on Sunday!

    Doughnuts.... worked every time when I was doing ride alongs. It's basically an instant reason for them to sort of like your presence right from the start. Especially early in the morning. Be aware, firefighters like to prank students/give them a hard time every now and then. Just like they...
  19. 74restore

    Who would be the worst EMS trainee?

    Ahhh I was waiting to see how long this thread would go before someone posted a picture of the creepy surgeon from Human Centipede. Thank you traumaluv2011. lol
  20. 74restore

    Chicago Fire

    To people trained in any type of EMS, the shows a joke. It makes paramedics and firefighters alike look uneducated. I realize its supposed to be a drama, but good lord...