Search results

  1. B

    What IS the role of the AEMT?

    My region has just done away with AEMT-Is and AEMT-CCs. They now only recognize EMT-Bs and EMT-Ps. My agency (volunteer, 911) used to have a couple very active very good CCs, but they've now been forced to take the paramedic exam or drop down to basics. Fortunately they went the former route...
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    How much should EMS providers make?

    We make the equivalent of between $1.25 (trainee) and $6.25 (ALS) per hour base pay, if you do the math. We are paid an "incentive," for 12 hr shifts. Trainees (driver or medic, typically without EMT card): $15 Second BLS medic (we can have up to 2 BLS providers on a rig): $30 Driver: $35...
  3. B

    Worst names for an ambulance service...

    "Life Team" in Harrisburg PA. Saw them when I was there for the Fire Expo this year... (sorry if it has been mentioned already, I did search!)
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    what happens when you deviate from protocol?

    Generally if you can explain it, and it seems like you did what any logically thinking person trained to your level would do, then you are alright... even if the pt. outcome is not positive. For example: our protocols state that if you put someone on a long board, you HAVE to put on a...
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    College EMS Legality

    I'm not sure about MN but in NY this is covered under the NYS DOH public health law part 800. I would guess MN has something similar.
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    what do u do with ridealongs??

    Did you tell them what the expectations were before they got on the bus? If expectations aren't well laid out, I'd say you're equally at fault (your for not telling them and then for not asking).
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    Top 20 frivolous Calls

    Had an old lady recently who slept on her arm and called us early in the morning because it was numb. At least she was nice.
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    Question on long board

    Mine don't. :D
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    Personal vehicle lighting

    I don't know too many people who are strictly volunteer EMS providers who run lights on their personal vehicles unless they have a long distance to travel to the station or their agency allows them to respond to the scene / "first respond" (respond as a first in, non-transport, with transport on...
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    How to start a Vol. EMS service

    In NYS you would need to apply to be a BLSFR agency, and then (or prior) negotiate with whomever operates the ambulance district as to what calls you will be paged on.
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    Have you ever under-treated?

    That word is way over used. I don't hesitate to call for help when needed.
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    Driving - "courtesy" lighting

    In our system, I probably would have pulled over for the rescue. It is fire's job to deliver the pt. to EMS. EMS does not do extrication. If the pt. is still trapped, I'm going to be waiting for fire anyway. Not saying fire was right, just providing some perspective.
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    Driving - "courtesy" lighting

    I think that varies by state. Here, Fire Police can also use lights to direct traffic. My understanding is that the concept of Fire Police, at least as they exist in NY, is relatively unknown in southern states.
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    Just looking for some thoughts on this call the other day.

    Depends on which side of the lawsuit you are on. I kid, I kid. :rofl: :P
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    what Knife do you carry on duty?

    I have the same knife but it is the "firefighter edition." Dad got it free when he ordered a knife sharpener. Seems pretty decent for what I use it for.
  16. B

    What can a EMT-I do.

    In practice I've only seen Is start IVs and take BGs. I haven't seen any other procedures that basics can't do. BGs are actually in the scope of practice in my state (NY) but my agency doesn't allow it (they do allow Is to, though). Is are not considered ALS here.
  17. B

    What is you standard out of chute time?

    I work for a rural volunteer service. Dispatchers average a few minutes between picking up the phone and paging it out (going through the EMD process). It is not uncommon for it to take 10 minutes for volunteers to get to the station and go en route from there. Our district is so large I've seen...
  18. B

    Howdy. I'm with Livonia Ambulance. Right now I'm a driver, but am taking the basic class in Lima.

    Howdy. I'm with Livonia Ambulance. Right now I'm a driver, but am taking the basic class in Lima.
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    Refusing to transport???

    We don't force anyone who doesn't want to go to go.
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    Rural Metro Milpitas

    Most places require them but since they are extremely easy online courses (they won't take 2-3hrs in most cases) you can probably do them after you are hired. The more ICS courses you have, and the better you understand the system, the more likely you are to land a job/promotion (especially a...