Rural Metro Milpitas

Congrats justanEMTB! Unfortunately for the rest of us, the waiting games begin.. if there are even any at all. Im wondering if the rest of us should hear back at all? I was told we would hear back by last friday.
yeah i got my email yesterday. time for shift bidding. supposedly they are going by seniority. which mean by hire date so those of you who got the email before other have more seniority i guess
Yeh, I got an e-mail yesterday, and did everything today.

They said people would come in, but forget to bring the e-mail printed, have it signed, and filled out the attachment with the tax information. If you guys haven't done it yet, don't forget!

You had to fill out a couple of paperwork for Santa Clara County System ID badge, if you need to, LiveScan, tell them your uniform size again, and take a self study SEMS test. They had me do SEMS again even though I already gave them a copy of it. :( That independent study is a headache like all the FEMA stuff, haha.

For the schedule, you had to pick it by the schedule name. It was a little confusing cause I looked at it from left to right and top to bottom.

I'm going off the top of my head with this one:
First Character
A = Alameda County
C = Contra Costa County
S = Santa Clara County

Second Character
P = Paramedic (ALS)
B = Basic (BLS)
C = Critical Care Nurse (CCT)

They had CCT-P too, but I forget how that roles.

So then you'd look on the schedule (they separated it by county). From left to right (columns) it was organized by weekday (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) and from top to bottom (rows) it was organized by time (7:00 AM, 7:30 AM, 8:00 AM), and in each box between it would have the shift name (e.g. AB12, SB6).

I just looked for each shift name, and after that, just looked for similar color and check to make sure it was the same name. If I could work it, I'd write it down on the side. At the end, I looked through each one to see which one I wanted the most.


This image is an example of it, this isn't the actual schedule, lol. I put a lot of effort into making it look like it's not the official schedule *joking*.

So AB6 would be a BLS unit in Alameda County that starts at 8:00 AM on Sunday, and 8:30 AM on Monday-Wednesday. It's an 8 hour long shift.

^This is an example of what it looks like. It's not the actual shift name.

They said you could not change what the shift schedule is.

If you're a part time employee, they just wanted you to write somewhere what times/days you're available.

Afterwards I went to 1893 Monterey Rd., San Jose, CA to take my drug test and physical ability test (PAT). They did the drug test first, pee in a cup, they tested my hearing, took vital signs. For PAT they had me do a grip test, then I had to lift and walk to the left with weights in increments of 10 lbs up to 120 lbs while keeping my heart rate below a certain rate (otherwise they'd stop the test). Then with 120 lbs you had to walk 10 steps and back. Again with 120 lbs you had to walk up and down a step 12 times, and that was the end of everything.

I ran out of time to get my System ID badge, but you need to go to 976 Lenzen Ave., San Jose, Suite 1200 - same place you get certified for state EMT I think in Santa Clara County. ProTransport-1 did it for me, but Rural/Metro is having me go in there on my own to get it *sad face*.


I have to admit I bailed on the SEMS thing. I'll wonder if they'll have me retake it, use my old one, or say "not hired!". I know I got like 5 wrong (out of 20). What a headache!
Aprz, can I ask why your going from Pro-trans to Rural? I thought they weren't offering much, but maybe my information was wrong.
Oh wow ICS 100 ICS 200 etc.. I don't have any of those... I hadn't even heard of them much less know what they were, I just now looked them up... 5 2-3hr courses?? No way I can get thru them in time. Are those required??

Most places require them but since they are extremely easy online courses (they won't take 2-3hrs in most cases) you can probably do them after you are hired. The more ICS courses you have, and the better you understand the system, the more likely you are to land a job/promotion (especially a promotion... The higher ups are supposed to have a thorough understanding of the incident command system and the national response framework).
aprz, when you went to monterey to do the drug screen and lift test did you bring a copy of your immunizations with you? im going there thursday. just want to make sure i dont forget anything
congrats everyone! unfortunately Idid not get any email, so its probably safe to say that ididnt get any job. does anyone know if they'll keep me in a database for the future, or will Ireapply later?

congrats again everyone!
Aprz, can I ask why your going from Pro-trans to Rural? I thought they weren't offering much, but maybe my information was wrong.
I love working at ProTransport-1, and I am definitely grateful to have a job there. I applied to Rural/Metro because:
-I wanted a new/fresh start (really the biggest reason why I applied).
-I want to be the A team, not only a new start for me, but to set the standards at Rural/Metro of Northern California for people who start working there after me.
-They are the second largest ambulance company in the nation (I kept trying to get hired with American Medical Response, they are the first largest).
-They have 911 contracts in many counties in the nation (not just the state). Possible lateral movement if not Santa Clara County one day?
-They offer 12 hour shifts for BLS (at ProTransport-1, 12 hour shifts are exclusive).
-I like the name Rural/Metro better than ProTransport-1. I feel like ProTransport-1 name is the equivalent to Cabulance cause of the "Pro" and "Transport", and I'm still wondering when they are gonna come out with ProTransport-2.
-I think most of our ambulances look like clown cars (our dedicated Stanford rigs) or wheelchair vans with lights on it (our normal rigs). The only rigs I like by looks is the rig I work on which is a dodge sprinter with our generic paint job on it (looks much better on a sprinter than an e350), dedicated LifeFlight rig, and dedicated Lucile Packard Children's Hospital NICU/PICU rig.
-I think it's very possible they'll one day merge Rural/Metro (the exclusive operating agency (EOA) of Santa Clara County that responds to 911 calls) and Rural/Metro of Northern California.
-If they never merge like I hope, I think my chances of getting hired with the EOA is much higher with "Rural/Metro" listed as my previous work experience than "ProTransport-1" or any other ambulance company.

During and after I applied, I liked some of these things:
-The ambulance paint job for both the type II e350 and type III e450. Either they did a great job cleaning the ambulances, or they are new too.
-The uniforms. They have your name sown into them, and they are new.
-A lot of my friends who have been looking for jobs as EMTs got hired.
-I get paid a little bit more. Rural/Metro of Northern California is offering me $11.96/hour without union. I currently get paid $11.75/hour with union at ProTransport-1, union dues are 1.45% of whatever you earn.

Here are some negative things about ProTransport-1. I don't intend on "trash" talking them. Like I said, I am very grateful to work there, if I ever quit/laid off/fired, I'll still send the owners a thank-you letter by e-mail letting them know that it was great while it lasted and thank them for the opportunity. I also think that some of these problems occur at other ambulance companies too (it's not exclusive to ProTransport-1). There are some things I'd like to see change:
-This one isn't ProTransport-1's fault in my opinion, but it's engraved in my head. At Chabot College and San Jose City College, they talked a lot of crap about ProTransport-1 making it sound like a bad place to work for and only EMTs who can't get a job work there. This is one of the reasons I didn't apply until my certification almost expired.
-Not only did I think poorly of it because of school, but when I got hired, they didn't let me do my orientation until almost two months later, and that was with me nagging them. I did my classroom training before orientation, and the instructor kept saying "you should've learned this in orientation" which made it kind of a sucky class. They kept trimming the class down from a week of training to 2 days of training to 1 day of training. Needless to say, I didn't get very much training and had to rely a lot on my FTO. I felt like the company was a scam cause of "CARE points".
-I only got 3 days to ride with an FTO, which was pass/fail. My friend I got hired on with failed.
-The orientation was total crap in my opinion and they just kept talking about how great ProTransport-1 is and ITS is. They talked very negatively about other ambulance companies and Rock Medicine (I volunteer there) at the orientation (they mentioned Rock Medicine cause of the shootings at Candlestick Park for the 49er games).
-Even after the orientation, we have station meetings, and they still talk crap about other ambulance companies.
-I hate that we only have 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 hour shifts. 12 and 24 hour shifts are rare and very exclusive. In my county, you can only get a 12 hour shift working the dedicated NICU/PICU rig, which is difficult to get on, or by working ALS, which they aren't putting EMTs on union on at all cause the contract requires them to pay around $17/hour to the EMT. ALS is either dual medic, or non union EMTs like supervisors.
-Getting anything done that isn't within your ability to do e.g. getting a second uniform because it says in the policies before the union and now it's in the contract in union is probably harder than pulling your own teeth out intentionally. Another example is broken ambulances/trying to get them repaired/getting minor maintenance done like oil change and tire pressures (a problem with almost all the ambulances at ProTransport-1).
-Supplies aren't managed well e.g. several ambulances didn't have pedimates for several days (required by county) so anytime we went out of the station/on a call, we have to borrow it from another rig.
-You're not off probation until after 1040 hours of being clocked in/working, and they do a review with you three times, but it's like pulling teeth to get a review, and I feel it's pointless cause there is little supervision. The only purpose I can think of having you on probation for so long is so they can let you go easier "fail your probation".
-They failed a friend on his probation even though he didn't do anything wrong.
-As much as I talk nicely about ProTransport-1, and I definitely encourage people to apply there, apply everywhere, and I really do like my job and working there, I have an extremely bad reputation there and feel very hated. I think if you talked to most people at the company who I've worked with, they'll describe me as clueless, stupid, wanna-be-doctor, lost, etc. For a long time, I had the reputation of "Andrew hates EMTs and Paramedics", "Andrew thinks Paramedics don't deserve overtime", which was a huge thing. Right now it's "Andrew is going to abandon ship, quit, and work for Rural/Metro," heard that last one today from two of my co-workers at a First Responder Operational Hazmat class.
-Since we got unionized, the new contract is seniority is determined by the time you've been working there rather than by the number of calls you ran (well, technically by CARE points, but you get 2 per call). Since I worked in Alameda County way more than Santa Clara County at first, I blew people away with CARE points and was able to get a full time shift my first try. I've only been hired there since August, there are only a few people newer than me, I don't think I'll be able to get a good shift again for awhile. A lot of the older guys are going to Paramedic school, and they'll be returning soon.

A lot of these are very opinionated thoughts, speculations, and me being nit picky. Rural/Metro might have the same problems, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. If I can get what I want, why not?

What I'd like to do most, and I am working this out right now, is find out if I can work both. Contrary to what a lot of people say, I tend to believe people pull things out of their behind rather than find out the truth, and so far that's been true (maybe that's why they dislike me at work?). People keep telling me there is a conflict of interest, but I asked the county, and they said they have no problem with me working for both companies. I have friends who work for multiple ambulance companies. The only conflict of interest I have to check for is with the companies themselves. I have to check if ProTransport-1 is okay with me having another ambulance job in the same county, and Rural/Metro is okay if I have another ambulance job in the same county.

If I have to pick, I'll take a chance and go with Rural/Metro for the reasons I said above. I think it's worth the risk.

So did this end up being all IFT even for ALS?
Yes. It's interfacility transport (IFT) only.

aprz, when you went to monterey to do the drug screen and lift test did you bring a copy of your immunizations with you? im going there thursday. just want to make sure i dont forget anything
No, I didn't. They didn't ask for it either while I was there. They didn't do a PPD test on me either.

I went to Rural/Metro of Northern California, or "Rural/Metro IFT" per my System ID Badge (that's when I asked the county about conflict of interest - when I got my System ID Badge today) today to ask them some questions. They said to rebring all my certifications to the orientation. I personally will be bringing my immunizations and PPD to the orientation.
Yeah ill bring mine too Just to be on the safe side. Hopefully the conflict of interest thing isn't a problem. I hope to work for two companies as well just for more experience.

Does orientation start at 8am?. I forgot to write it down
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To be honest, I didn't write it down either, haha. I am pretty sure it's 8:00 AM, but I was just gonna show up real early like 6:00 AM (in case it's at 7:00 AM instead).

Yeh, conflict of interest is a tricky thing. I looked at ProTransport-1's policies, and there is a conflict of interest, but I can still work with management approval. Gotta ask my manager still. Gotta confirm with Rural/Metro whether or not there is a conflict of interest in their company policy too.

If anybody else is going too, can they confirm it's at 8:00 AM?
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just comfirmed its 8am-6pm. get there early just incase. dress business casual.
Thank you Jimmy. What day are you going? I'm going on the 17th. If you show up early, I'd like to meet you.
I'm a noob So im going this Monday for the 0-6 months experience. But we def will meet soon
Congrats on getting the Job JimmyUP and Aprz. Let us know how it goes tomorrow. My orientation is not until the 26th (the 2nd 0-6month experience session) so I have to wait a while.
Why didn't you sign up for the earlier one? :(
I have a prior commitment for part of the week. Is it important or something to do the 1st one?
Very important. You're gonna miss Jimmy! :)
its pretty chill so far.. it will be dif for you aprz cuz you have experience and yes its important to go early cuz of seniority reasons. and when we meet you will learn my name is not jimmy haha. and aprz i believe r/m is seeing working at another company as a conflict of interest.