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    Lifesaver 4

    Another HEMS crash. Pilot and flight nurse dead. Third crew member status unknown.
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    REMSA fixed wing crash

    Unfortunately, no survivors. There was a patient onboard too. No word on the cause.
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    Hawaii Life Flight Missing It's been 9 hours I think?
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    EMS World Expo October 2022

    Anybody going? I haven't been to one before. Considering going mainly for the beaches and to visit my not so little little brother.
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    Anybody taken P-FCCS before?

    I'm thinking about taking one of these classes. I've never heard of it before, but it is being offered to me. Is it worth my time?
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    New Mexico Paramedic License

    I'm told there's a test. What the heck is the test on? Is it like NREMT, but for New Mexico? Edit: Never mind. Found out I am getting tested on this (PDF download for New Mexico SOP)...
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    I've seen some of you guys talk about it. Now that I've taken CCP-C beta, maybe this is something else I can look at? I saw FlightBridgeED has a book on it. Any thoughts or recommendations?
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    Beta CCP-C Test

    Was talking in 100% directionless about the beta CCP-C test. It is at a discounted price $175 and you have to wait until October for the test results. I just paid and waiting for an e-mail to schedule the test. I'm gonna aim to take it hopefully soon and let you guys know what I think.
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    Vent Questions

    I am using IA Med to study for FP-C. They had two test questions I got wrong. One, I have an idea why I got wrong, but the other one I don't. I sent a message to the instructor/support, but haven't heard back yet. I was hoping I could get help? The first question was the patient has COPD...
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    George Floyd Paramedics

    I keep seeing people online debate about what they would've done if they were the paramedics that responded to George Floyd. Some people argue that they believe the scene was too unsafe or unpredictable to work the patient on scene. Some argue that some angry bystanders isn't a scene safety...
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    (me to patients) Any drugs or alcohol today?

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    Sac Metro Fire Department

    They are hiring. Anybody know anything about 'em? I couldn't find much online.
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    Feedback Devices for CPR

    Have any of you guys ever used feedback devices for CPR like the Philip's MRx QCPR where it tells you if you need to compress deeper, faster, or allow recoil? During our off time, my crew and I were going over how to use it, what to expect, etc. Talking about how we can improve our CPR. Only...
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    Man killed in fiery crash identified as Bay Area EMT I kinda found this sad cause I'm an EMT in Contra Costa County, but I don't work for the same company and dunno this guy, but it's just a bummer things like this happen. Bay Area EMTs/Paramedics seem...
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    Another Cold Read

    I got this 12-lead from the ECG Club on Facebook, and got the original poster's permission to post it here since I thought this was a fun 12-lead to interpret. No further information on the patient's age, chief complaint (if any), medications, and pre-existing conditions. (Click on the image...
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    Is PEtCO2 Overrated?

    For the past couple of months, maybe year, I've been hearing paramedics and instructors talk about the latest big thing, PEtCO2 (end tidal carbon dioxide, often referred to as "capnography" or "end tidal"), and how it's really good, and way better than SpO2 (pulse oximetry or "pulse ox"). They...
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    2 EMTs, patient killed in Ga. ambulance wreck I don't think I saw anybody post this up. Only part of it that doesn't really make sense to me is where it said Who was in the back with the patient?! I am guessing it was the Whiddon...
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    EMS1 ECG Challenge: The Missed Match Too bad I replied pretty late. Everyone else already called out what I think is the correct answer, but I still tried pointing out specific features that make me think of the answer, or things that...
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    EMS1 ECG Challenge: The Court's Verdict What do you guys think?
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    Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (CICO)

    Awhile ago, I posted a thread on rapid sequence induction since I felt my paramedic program didn't go a good job covering (ie "You'll never do this... *click* *click* *click*...). Linuss recommended that I read Manual of Emergency Airway Management, which I am still in the middle of. One point...