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  1. C

    New CPR protocols

    I was at my fire department tonight for a CPR refresher course. I have had the new CPR before, sometime in November 2006, but came upon a discepency tonight. The instructor said that we are no longer to check for a pulse before beginning CPR or at anytime during CPR or AED use. I have been an...
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    I'm Back!

    Hey guys! I know it's been a looong time. But, I'm back and with good news. I just moved alll the way from San Diego to Parkersburg WV. Yeah 38 hours driving a quite a few states later I live 2500 miles from my old home. So far so good, I'm on probation at a volunteer department out here and...
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    EMS in Portland OR

    Hey everyone... long time no post. Anywhoo, I am considering moving to Oregon from CA I was just wondering if anyone knows or has experience in their EMS system. Companies that are good to work for? Who runs 911 calls? anything else that may be helpful. I have already sent for my application...
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    My first CPR.

    Ok, so my partner and I are taking a regular from the ED to a SNF and when we arrive on scene the SNF tells us they have a code going in another room and we should expedite and go work it. So we get the pt we had off of the gurney finish the run and proceed the the room wth the code in it...
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    Park it like its hot...

    Ok, so for those of you who dont know I work for a private BLS company in San Diego. My specific shift posts outside a hospital ER 12 hours a day. So tonight my partner and I are stting here after gurney run after gurney run waiting for the end of our shift when this car pulls up to the front...
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    When what you see doesnt match what you hear...

    I ran a call the other night... 1 y/o 2nd degree burns to his left leg, butt and groin. Turns out the 11 year old cousin was bathing the baby and didnt check the water temp. The story didnt completely check out because they said that the cousin had put the baby in the tub and left it there...
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    Good last name for an EMT

    Here's the deal, my last name sucks, soooooo I want your suggestions for a good legal last name (not something super cheezy) for me to change it to. Everything in this field is done by last name and mine is too long and hard to pronounce and spell and I hate it. So give me a new last name!
  8. C

    New Job...

    If you dont count ride-a-longs and the like... my first day working as an EMT is getting closer. Any advice/tips/etc. that you would like to share would be appreciated. I am getting more anxious/nervous by the minute! :unsure:
  9. C

    Ouch! Oww! Waahh!

    I went skiing in Mammoth last week and *i know I'm stupid* I forgot my sunscreen. Needless to say it was the most painful thing I ever felt. I came home with second degree burns all over my face. I looked like I had boiling water poured on me. When I went to the ER because my heart was...
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    AMR San Diego

    Hey all, It's been a while so I'll give a little update before I get to my real post. I have finally gotten calls from all of the private ambulance companies I have applied to and I have 3 interviews in the next 4 days!!! Wish me luck. Along with these interviews comes decisions and I...
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    Yay!!! I have made my first advancement in EMS. I am an EMT-D/ETAD, which means I can combitube and defibrillate. I think specifically in SD county we are called EMT-C's (combitube) but I will know when I get my actual cert from the county. It wasnt a lot more to learn, just a 2 day 16 hour...
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    Patients that stick with you...

    I have always heard of the medical profession that there are just some patients that stick with you different than any others. Does anyone have one patient in particular that stands out or had a significant impact on you? Please share :)
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    My new Tat!

    Hey everyone!!!! I got a tat on friday but I dont know how to post it on here. Also I think it would be cool to see anyone elses tats, so post 'em if you want! (Only if it doesnt turn this into an adult site) :P
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    Ride Along Today!!!!

    I've got my second ride along today! I'm hoping to have a nice post when I get home from all the exciting calls I go on. More later....
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    How are your rigs staffed?

    Are you guys set up with an EMT and Paramedic on each rig (ALS) or do you usually have two medics? Does anyone know about San Diego in particular? It makes sense for there to be one EMT partnered with a medic... but I'm new to all this so I could be wrong.