Search results

  1. thowle

    2 Paramedics Face Inquiry Over Surgery In Emergency

    Wow, that's crazy. I know in class (I'm not a paramedic -- but still [even though it's quiet different]) we were told ~10 times that a caesarean section was WAY out of our scope of practice (which, yes I agree -- but apparantly it's the same for medics?). Even though they are not allowed by...
  2. thowle

    Need Help!

    No problem, good luck with your job search .. if I lived a little closer I would try to help you a little bit more, but I don't think there is too much I can do from here.
  3. thowle


    Very good advice FireTender, thank you. Same for the advice given by Ridryer911, thank you as well. I suppose just remaining calm, stepping back and taking a few breaths will help a whole lot, and do wonders. It's by NO means about "making a show", and "proving yourself". It's about...
  4. thowle

    Volunteer Fire Departments & EMS

    Thats a good question, and I'm sure it has already been well answered but I'll get on my giant little (yeah?) soap-box and put my two-cents worth in. At our fire department we are mostly "fire" oriented as well, and do not wish to persue any search and rescue, or extrication quests/tasks. We...
  5. thowle

    Interview today

    How did that interview go yesterday? "Still have the good ole' fingers crossed for ya! ;) About to run out of them there fingers though!" lol, guess I just got on a redneck talking kick ... but really, how did it go?
  6. thowle


    I have the feeling that upon my first (actual post-class) patient contact where I am the only one providing care, I am going to be very nervous. I suppose that is normal, and will work its way out, but; I have a good feeling that when I start my patient care, I will second guess myself too...
  7. thowle

    Need Help!

    Well, first off -- you can't get a job if there isn't any place to work in the first place :) Are there any paid fire departments with medical support near you? Are there any local ambulance providers near you? Are there any hospitals near you? Are there any medically oriented...
  8. thowle

    Need Help!

    There are probably more than a thousand job-finding utilities out there. I would suggest going to, and searching for something along the lines of "Job Search System". I know will have quiet a few listings for medical-related job offerings in your area. Also...
  9. thowle

    Now I'll be a CC-EVO

    Congratulations. That sounds like it's going to be a fun, beneficial adventure -- the training, and the end-result (being the job). Good luck, and for sure let us know how it turns out.
  10. thowle

    Interview today

    Good luck. Go with confidence! Go with pride!
  11. thowle

    Question for other EMTs that ride MCs

    A routine debriefing of calls would always be nice to help coupe and deal with incident such as the one described. Always look at things from a perspective as a lesson learned. We cannot control lifes journey or length, all we can do is provide our skills in an effort to prolong it --...
  12. thowle

    Pet Ambulance in Michigan

    Thats just crazy... I mean, pets do mean the world to people, especially those people who have no spouse, and just rely on their pet(s) as a companion, but to me -- a HUMAN life is of WAY more importance when compared to a pet. I agree completely with what you said (akflightmedic) about "It...
  13. thowle

    drunken paramedic

    haha, now that is funny no matter how you look at it! lol
  14. thowle

    Assignment Question!

    15-30 "A" However, on calls I use "C"; calling patients either "Ma'am", or "Sir". I just think it is a little more respectful until directed to refer to them otherwise.
  15. thowle

    Random Question

    At the EMS I'm shooting to get a job at, they have custom made uniforms that on the left side have your level of training (EMT, PARAMEDIC, OFFICER ...), and on the right side I beleive it is just your first name. Our local county EMS has custom made shirts (not really uniforms) that have on...
  16. thowle

    About the NREMT website.

    Yeah, that's what I meant in the sense of "random"... meaning that, per each difficulty rating, there are probably over 50 questions. Meaning that, even though you score well on difficulty "3", when moving to "4", the questions will be different as opposed to difficulty "4" questions for...
  17. thowle

    Online Studying System

    As of now, there is no advertising on the website. I want to keep it that way, because of how overall cluttered (as you said) it makes the website look with the multiple advert-banners popping up. That is exactly what I'm trying to make possible, and make it free. To register, the only thing...
  18. thowle

    Online Studying System

    Non-Advertising Hello everyone, earlier I tried to make a post to get people interested in a new system I made, and have people test it out and share their ideas -- but that didn't go over too well because it was pretty much advertising. This time, I'm going to take another route instead of...
  19. thowle

    Tactical EMS

    Shane does have a good point. Work on other training that would directly benefit your day-to-day routines first, and then move on to advanced training that would only be used in special operations and events. However, with this I suppose the wheel changes if you are doing EMT-B or EMT-P for...
  20. thowle

    About the NREMT website.

    Well I agree with that for the most part, and those questions are good. But some of my questions were really really simple, and just crazy. But then again, we all are supposed to get random questions, so probably no one else got the same as I did.