Assignment Question!


Lady Enjoynz
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Hi all, I was wondering if you can help me by answering the following question, on the EMS assignment I have to do?

I need 10 people from each of the following age groups:

15-30 years
35-50 years
60-75 years

The question is:
If an Ambulance Officer (EMT) attended you,
how who you prefer to be addressed?

a) By your first name
b) By your surname and title e.g. Mr Smith
c) By Sir or Madam

Please can you state the age group and a,b or c on your replies!

As I live in a small country town and have only been here for a couple of years, it's hard to track down that many folk, so I thought I'd ask here.
Thanks for all your help! And have a Great Christmas & New Year!

Cheers Enjoynz
35-50 age group

35-50 age group.

A and C.

Call me Mike, but acknowledge me as "Sir". "Yes sir", "No sir", Yes ma'am", "No ma'am", "Please", and "Thank you" are just professional; not to mention couth.
This is great folks, keep them coming. Also if you'd be so kind as to ask Parents, Granparents in the 60- 75 age group, I would be grateful!

Cheers Enjoynz
35-50 definitely A. Never 'honey', 'sweetie', especially by someone younger than me. Brings out my inner :censored:


Similarly to what BossyCow said, if you want me to mock everything you do and completely stop cooperating, call me "buddy".


However, on calls I use "C"; calling patients either "Ma'am", or "Sir". I just think it is a little more respectful until directed to refer to them otherwise.
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15-30 years


...along similar lines... Call me "Guy", "Buddy", "Pal", or "Bro" and its on!
15 - 30
Definatly A
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I'm not in any age group you listed. I'm 56.

If not "Your Holiness", then A

If someone says "Sir" I look to see who they're talking to.
Dont bother calling me sir I work for a living. I am not mister either tjat would be my dad. If I am in your ambulance I want us to be friends.


(you can call me what ever you like but not late for dinner)

(firetender did you get your AARP card?)
35-50 To start out with b or c but if the pt. says it's o.k. to call them by their first name then it's alright! P.S. pretty cool looking rig! :)


I usually go by C when initially interacting with patients, but I almost always find that they prefer to be called by their first name.