Online Studying System


Forum Crew Member
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Hello everyone, earlier I tried to make a post to get people interested in a new system I made, and have people test it out and share their ideas -- but that didn't go over too well because it was pretty much advertising.

This time, I'm going to take another route instead of advertising the actual address, I'm just going to ask for feedback, and gather general ideas from you all on what you would like to see and have.

The whole concept is to offer a totally free portal for EMT Students, and future students that will have a multitude of tests, notes, and studying materials.

As of now, I have it setup so that there is a testing system that keeps track of all tests you take, so you can track your progress and see what you need to improve on, what your best subject is, etc. These consist of multiple scenario based questions, NREMT skill questions, a master test, and section questions based on Airway, Breathing, etc (all of the general stuff).

I have a study notes section that contains general notes on knowledge you will need to know to pass in-course tests, and NREMT tests. The notes will give a basic overview, and focus on the important aspects of what you learn in an EMT course.

I also have a skill studying area that consists of all primary 13 NREMT skills with a detailed custom skill listing, giving information of what to do for each skill STEP by step. Once you review them, you can also take a test over the skills to ensure that you know your stuff, and can preform them on skills testing day, and in the field.

There is also a community, much like what is on EMTLife (and, with permission of the administrators I'm going to try and integrate it so that it works directly with EMTLife). It consists of an area for people who were in a class together to continue conversing, and an area to ask for help on tests, questions, etc.

There are a whole lot of features already implemented, but I still want to get an idea what you are looking for.

Excellent idea since there are always questions asked here about study sites.

No advertising on your site?

This forum site has managed to keep an uncluttered look but it has been through dedication to provide a service.

The larger sites have gotten lost in clutter to the point where you don't know if it is education or advertising.

It would be nice to have a great one stop for resources.

Many sites offer a links feature but don't check the links periodically for updating. Thus, links to nowhere.

I do enjoy the websites that can track your performance provided you do not have to extend too much personal information to register.

Good luck!
No advertising on your site?
As of now, there is no advertising on the website. I want to keep it that way, because of how overall cluttered (as you said) it makes the website look with the multiple advert-banners popping up.

It would be nice to have a great one stop for resources.
That is exactly what I'm trying to make possible, and make it free. To register, the only thing needed to be known is your name (and, I sure hope you know that :)), and a username / password.

I do enjoy the websites that can track your performance provided you do not have to extend too much personal information to register.
I agree completely, to register it is of course free and the only information needed is your name, and login information.

The performance viewer is based on the different sections that you can test on, and the different NREMT skills. There are also multiple other tests available however.

Hopefully the administrators let me post a link at some point in time so that you can get a first-hand view of it, and we can all work together to improve it!
