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It is a picture id with my company name, my name, title, and how long I've been with the company. Nothing special as far as access to hospitals. To tell the truth, its probably buried in my desk somewhere. They were given out a year ago, and the only people that wear the nametags now are the people that go out and get a metal one made. I can probably list 5 people in a company of over 100 that have nametags.

With all of the events since 911 it is a matter of security.......
<rant on>Once again, this is just my opinion so take it as such, but I think the whole 9/11 security issue has been blown WWWAAAYYY out of proportion. I think we're in as much danger of being attacked now as we were after the 1993 WTC bombing and we went almost 10 years without doing anything different before anything else happened. And to think that terrorism of ANY kind can be prevented is ludicrous. So to put all these extra added security measures in place is just a lot of nonsense to make people feel like we're doing something about it. The way I see it the only thing that's changed is it's now HARDER for a law abiding citizen to be able to do damned near anything he / she wants to do. You have to have passport to go to Canada or Mexico or just about any of the Caribean countries now. You have to worry about who your friends are and what you say on the phone because you never know who's listening. I have to wonder who is going to read this post and go, 'gee, is he a terrorist we have to keep an eye on?' If law abiding citizens don't start saying, 'enough is enough' then the USA will become a dictatorship one of these days. <rant off>
I think we should be properly identified. This is the responsibility that comes with being a public servant. That said, I don't wear a personal identifier, so I guess I'm a hypocrite. What can I say, I believe in the fine old american tradition of hypocrisy. :)
What's wrong with being a hipocrite? Those are the people that make life interesting.

Our ID badge gets us into the movies for $1!
Granted I am a newbie with almost zero street experience, but in my internships, I have no issue with a pt. knowing my name. Especially since it helps to create some rapport with them and helps set them at ease.

Here, only students have to wear nametags, and my first preceptor got me to cover my last name on the nametag with stickers :P. Medics don't need nametags, but obviously they introduce themselves by first name to the patient.
Most of the hospitals around here will no longer allow entrance without picture I.D.s. Simply put, there is no reason not to have one. It has nothing to do with 9/11 rather impersonations of health care staff, infant abductions, thefts, etc.

Personally, I never want my last name on my I.D. The reason is I have been tracked by psych patients, or people I do not want to contact me.. etc. If they have a concern they can inform my supervisor, administration, etc. using my first name. As a nurse, I am pretty identifiable as a male at 6'4 and auburn hair.. kinda hard to hide.. :P
Personally I don't like name badges simply because they are a physical nuisance as to how they are secured. I'm always losing mine or it is getting in the way. That being said, I firmly believe in letting everybody know precisely who and what I am; first and last name. Everything I do, in regards to patient care, is MY decision and I stand behind my action... or lack there of. If anyone has a praise or a complaint, they know exactly who they are talking about.

Stay safe.
Been followed home (attempt) X 2. Keep your badge I say, my safety and that of my family is more important. That being said I wear it due large in part to the fact that I have no choice. No badge means no uniform and that means no stay at work. Got bills man. I think that first name last initial should do but anyway.

At the EMS I'm shooting to get a job at, they have custom made uniforms that on the left side have your level of training (EMT, PARAMEDIC, OFFICER ...), and on the right side I beleive it is just your first name.

Our local county EMS has custom made shirts (not really uniforms) that have on the left side, the name of the EMS service, and on the right side "FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL., TRAINING (EMT-B, EMT-P)".

Around here, haven't seen any "badges", especially with photos... most of the time when an individual goes into a residence, or scene of a call -- their face is exposed.. hardly ever do you see going on-scene with a full-on nomex covering your face :), but hey -- that gives an idea! j/k