Pet Ambulance in Michigan


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This is absolutely ridiculous!

I like animals, have owned a few great ones and yes they were a part of the family. Shed tears over their death, spent money on their illness....however, I will NOT ever support a law change that would allow "civilians" to operate their pet ambulance running lights and sirens!!

It is bad enough when we do it for people emergencies, but to explain to a family that you accidently ran over their 4 year old cause you were responding to a dog hit by car or a parrot with fx wing just does not cut it.

The story is below.....

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Siren sought for pet ambulance
Law change to speed care, rescuers say
Steve Pardo / The Detroit News
WARREN -- For the past 15 years, Nell and Larry Knapp have rescued abused, neglected and injured animals. They want to make sure they can get them to an emergency veterinarian -- fast.

That's why they're seeking to operate the first pet ambulance service in the state. It would allow them to operate their 2000 Ford Explorer with lights and sirens -- "running hot" or "running code" in ambulance parlance.

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WOW, you've got be kidding!!:wacko:

Get out of my way, I am transport a dog that's been hit by a car...:rolleyes:

I agree with you akflightmedic. I don't know how anyone could justify the danger of responding priority to an emergency involving an animal. I love animals and I have driven my dog to vet on a few 'emergency runs' but an animal emergency could never justify the same response as an emergency involving a human life.
Where can I get some "anti-terrorist" driving lessons? EVOC just isn't going to cut it.

I agree, btw. Love my cat to death, but I wouldn't risk anyone's life for him.
oO Wow... I'd have to agree as well. There are enough risks going lights and sirens to calls involving humans. And, there's enough trouble getting people to yield to ambulances transporting sick people... adding pets to the list isn't likely to help much =/ I've taken my puppy to the emergency vet clinic on occasion but it's not worth the risk. On the other hand some people see their animals like human family members... maybe there's a reality check needed?
Where can I get some "anti-terrorist" driving lessons? EVOC just isn't going to cut it.
:D Ask and ye shall receive:

Anti-Terrorist Driving
Bill Scott Racing, Summit Point, West Virginia
Scott's two-day anti-terrorist driving school teaches you how to evade just about any kind of auto-based attack with skills like surveillance detection and 180-degree spins. $1,400
I want to be the driver of the first vehicle they hit while running code. I could retire instantly!
This is absolutely ridiculous!

I like animals, have owned a few great ones and yes they were a part of the family. Shed tears over their death, spent money on their illness....however, I will NOT ever support a law change that would allow "civilians" to operate their pet ambulance running lights and sirens!!

It is bad enough when we do it for people emergencies, but to explain to a family that you accidently ran over their 4 year old cause you were responding to a dog hit by car or a parrot with fx wing just does not cut it.

The story is below.....

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Siren sought for pet ambulance
Law change to speed care, rescuers say
Steve Pardo / The Detroit News
WARREN -- For the past 15 years, Nell and Larry Knapp have rescued abused, neglected and injured animals. They want to make sure they can get them to an emergency veterinarian -- fast.

That's why they're seeking to operate the first pet ambulance service in the state. It would allow them to operate their 2000 Ford Explorer with lights and sirens -- "running hot" or "running code" in ambulance parlance.

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All I can say is WOW.....the stupidity of some people...
Ummm... wow.

I love my cat but no frickin way! I am not going to call someone to come L&S to my house for an animal. Thats just asking for trouble.

1 word - STUPID
Wht terrorist organizations will be attacking the "pet ambulance" that the driver need to be trained in "anti terrorist driving tactics"?
Around here the pet mania is epidemic. Everywhere I go I see animals with their owners in stores. No lie, last night, saw a guy in a local sporting goods store with an un-neutered great dane on a leash walking through the store. I love my animals, and because I love them I treat them like animals. They are warm, safe, well fed, dry and trained. They are not people, no matter how much they mean to us, they are not people.
Thats just crazy... I mean, pets do mean the world to people, especially those people who have no spouse, and just rely on their pet(s) as a
companion, but to me -- a HUMAN life is of WAY more importance when compared to a pet.

I agree completely with what you said (akflightmedic) about "It is bad enough when we do it for people emergencies, but to explain to a family that you accidently ran over their 4 year old cause you were responding to a dog hit by car or a parrot with fx wing just does not cut it."

An "ambulance" designated to provide "emergency medical care" for "pets" should be allowed only code 1, and must abide by ALL regulations as a normal vehicle...
This is just insane, I understand that people love their pets, but why would you risk the safety of other people just so you can get your pet to the vet faster?

Bottom line: Its not worth the safety risk:glare:
-- a HUMAN life is of WAY more importance when compared to a pet....

Obvisouly you have not ran on some of the people I have,...

I will admit right now, I am ashamed to live in Michigan..... that story was very comical.
Iremember a fire call. Fully involved structure fire. The homeowner was hysterical because her chihuahua was in the house. The chief refused to send anyone into the structure because the fire had been charring the roof trusses for about 15 - 20 minutes before we got there and roof collapse was imminent.

She was sobbing and screaming.. "It's my baby, if it was a human baby you'd send someone in to save it!" Chief looked at her and said "Not into that fire I wouldn't." She spent her entire time on the fire scene screaming hysterically about us 'murdering her baby'. Dog was found later under a pile of rubble. I'm thinking.. "Would you have left your human baby home alone?"

People have lost their perspective when it comes to animals.
Animals are special but not enough to risk human life for.