Search results

  1. N

    Odd question: Dual state licenses - does that exist?

    Just make sure you know each state's continuing education requirements. For example, NJ won't recognize the courses I take in MA, but I can use the NJ courses to fulfill the MA (NREMT) requirements.
  2. N

    Crew of 3?.......

    The volly squads I've been on have a 2 EMT minimum but almost always have 3 EMTs or 2 EMTS & 1 trainee.
  3. N

    What flashlight do you carry?

    Fenix E12. Fits in the pen/shears pockets on my pants.
  4. N

    Status on backboarding in your area?

    NJ still has very strict spinal immobilization guidelines. However, the 2 ALS agencies and our local hospitals vary in their philosophy on the matter.
  5. N

    "Is there a doctor on the plane?"

    Anyone have any experiences as a passenger on a commercial flight where someone needed medical attention? Did (or would) you assist as an EMT if there wasn't a doctor? Would we be given access to the doctor kit onboard the plane?
  6. N

    Palm gauge or loose gauge BP cuffs?

    Just got the trigger palm gauge ones. So much easier to work with.
  7. N

    Little help

    Since there are less wildlife center and zoos than EMS agencies, after she finds a couple possible employment locations, take a look at the local EMS.
  8. N

    Non-EMT's being more involved on calls?

    For me, it depends on how far along the student is in the course and how competent they seem. When I have EMT students on my crew, I always make sure they know what every piece of equipment we carry is and where it is located. I also have them practice vitals and certain other skills on other...
  9. N

    Double Poisoning

    EMSComeLately covered it for the most part. The kid is emergent enough that I wouldn't want to wait for another rig. Kid on the cot with NRB (or blow-by if she won't tolerate the mask) and monitor the mother on the bench seat. Bring the detergent (water bottle & original container along) and...
  10. N

    Rma for minor via cell phone (nj)

    If I were to take the RMA over the phone I would, as others have said, ask the parent to confirm info such as their name, address, and phone number, as well as their child's DOB. I would also include in my report the phone number I made contact with to speak to the parent and the time. If...
  11. N

    Will a history of mental illness as a minor keep me from getting a job?

    Many EMS agencies & FDs will have you and/or your doctor fill out a medical form. I have a similar history but was able to fill out the forms in such a way to avoid any issues. If you do the forms yourself, think about whether your mental health history is relevant to include since it was when...
  12. N

    PCR Narrative

    There have been many threads discussing this - try doing a few searches and you'll find plenty of suggestions and examples.
  13. N

    EMT Experiences at a Summer Camp

    I worked at a camp last summer. It was a day camp, so no meds. Some kids had inhalers / eli-pens, but that's it. I would be careful to make sure you know what you are allowed to do with your medical direction (or lack thereof) and scope of practice.
  14. N

    Water Park Operations

    Are we talking about a moving ride or a slide?
  15. N

    Water Park Operations

    If the pt is elevated and needs c-spine precautions, would it be possible to get in the ride sitting next to or behind the pt and have the ride slowly lowered to the ground where you can gain access with a backboard? Otherwise if necessary, maybe request the FD.
  16. N

    Nj vol squads

    Just call around. Edison & South Plainfield have volunteer squads. I'm not too familiar with ones in that area though.
  17. N

    Nj emt or ny emt

    This was changed recently (maybe 2012). To work in NJ, you are now required to have the NJ card. Regardless, reciprocity between NY & NJ is one of the easier ones to handle.
  18. N

    Rma for minor via cell phone (nj)

    I had a similar incident last summer, also in NJ. Our chief was there and spoke to the pt's mother over the phone. We had police sign off as a witness on the RMA.
  19. N

    The Emperor's New Scrubs

    Definitely SpiderStraps. Personally, I think they are a great idea if used well. But since they always get tangled and seem to stick to everything except themselves, they tend to be more trouble than they're worth. Also, they always get "lost." I prefer just using cravats.
  20. N

    How much to charge for AHA first aid / CPR class

    How much would you generally charge for a group of 8-10 people for the AHA CPR & first aid class?