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  1. M

    Error On Overnight Shift

    The only places that you will find actual sleeping quarters in my county is the paramedic service stations,cuz a majority of the services in this county are ALS,we only have 2 BLS services left and they are volunteer.
  2. M

    Dating within your service

    When I worked on the service,only a couple people knew that I had a crush on my partner but I never let it get out.
  3. M

    What does your agency ride in...

    YOur right Chic0,too bad it is a van,cuz it would look slammin if the paint job was on a type III.
  4. M

    Learning Road Training Aids

    ALot of departments these days have gone to the use of MDTs (mobile dispatch terminals),which also have street maps loaded into them so you can decide on the quickest route to the scene.
  5. M

    Family and Friends CPR

    I can remember when the ratio was 15 compressions to 2 breaths,but things change after time.
  6. M

    Am I counted out as an EMS worker

    Like Ice said,follow your dream,you bein a diabetic shouldnt stop you from treating people and helping the sick and injured.
  7. M

    Paramedics as Dispatchers

    Not really Matt. In some states you are required to go thru an EMD class before they even let you onto a terminal,but I guess services do things different ways.
  8. M

    How did you get into EMS?

    It was an explorer group sponsored by the local paramedic service. It was awesome,we had monthly meetings/trainings,and we also got to know the medics that worked there and also how things are done. Explorers are pretty much like the boy and girl scouts. If I remember right,you have to be I...
  9. M

    Error On Overnight Shift

    OMG! Hope there was no offense taken to that? I would feel embarrassed.
  10. M

    Dating within your service

    Good point!
  11. M

    Learning Road Training Aids

    I did that while I was waiting for my partner to arrive at the station for a call. I would grab the mapbook and take a peak if it was a road I had no knowledge of where it was at.
  12. M

    Learning Road Training Aids

    Thats a good idea to do,when I was on the service either myself and the newbie or myself,my partner,and the newbie would take the ambulance out and show the newbie where the streets in our coverage area were at so that way they couldnt get lost when they are driving to the call.
  13. M

    New- hope families are welcome

    I've fallen asleep in the back of the rig and also in the cab.
  14. M

    New- hope families are welcome

    I fallen asleep on a cot too,and also a bench seat in the back of the unit,talk about comfy.
  15. M

    How did you get into EMS?

    I got into EMS work when I became an explorer with the local medical explorer post,and I have enjoyed it ever since.
  16. M

    Dating within your service

    T,in my honest opinion,I dont think it will be a good idea. I do know for a fact that it does happen though and it is bound to happen if you work with someone long enough but you have to stop and think "what happens if we have a fight and we are working together the next day,is the subject of...
  17. M

    What does your agency ride in...

    I love the paint job chico,that is so awesome. I get a laugh out of the pic of the ambulance next to a produce truck,i think its just coincidence.
  18. M

    Your First Call

    The only time a patient can be pronounced DOA is either in the ER when all methods of trying to save the patient have failed b/c only a doctor can pronounce the patient.
  19. M

    Cameras in Ambulances?

    He got what he deserved. We are not safe from the fields of litigation,and doing something as stupid as what that driver did,especially to a bus loaded with kids. I guess you can also say the driver of the bus was liable too cuz of the fact that he wasnt paying any attention to traffic.
  20. M

    Which Type Of Ambulance Do You Prefer To Work In?

    I will try to get you the website next chance I get.