Dating within your service

there seems to be alot of advising against relationships at work. and i tend to agree. that being said i did date a guy i worked with once and it worked out fine. even after we broke up. but we were good friends b4 we started dating and remained good friends afterwards. in fact he is a good friend of both me and my husband and was a groomsman in our wedding. But i would say that this is a very uncomman occurance and suggest you move forward in whatever desion you make with caution. i also know a couple of paramedics that are married on a different service and they seem to make it work. i think they always work different trucks if they end up on the same shift tho. i wish you luck
Do what you feel is right. If you feel it could be something worth while, by all means go for it.

You are working in the field of the world biggest gossips. So if dating amongst staff is a no no, I would be very careful. If you pursue this, go in assuming the probability of people finding out is around 96%. Consider if you want to deal with that. Don't risk you job (or friendship) if its just a fling.
I'm not judging you, as I dated (and still am) one of the medics I used to work with. While we worked together, we were careful about any PDA or being obvious, but things get noticed.
Good luck.
I think AMR is concerned about crews finding, umm, other things to do for entertainment than run calls.... that would be why the policy is what it is... it also means you aren't as likely to "do something stupid" to cover the one you 'love'.

Anyway... good luck... but I'm going to be heartbroken.
So he came to help out with an EMT course that our school squad is hosting. A bunch of people from the squad got to meet him and they all fell in love with him. Good thing, because if they all didn't get along, I wouldn't waste my time with him.

All he has to do now is to meet the rugby team and meet my "dads". After that, he should be golden. :P
And how will your new position a/o 0900 on 12 April going to affect this? Seems like it would be a major kibosh on any relationship issues... <_<

(If this doesn't make any sense, go here)
I believe that she is talking about her off campus job not her on campus job.
Whoops, my apologies; thought they were one and the same...:blush:
I think it's a bad idea; leads to all sorts of complications.

Example: At my company, a couple who met when they started working together got married. One of them had to move to a new shift, and the other got a semi-promotion to fill-in supervisor when none of the regular supes are able to work. Except when it's his wife's day to work. Messy!

Not to mention the potential fallout from a bad breakup...
My EMS supervisor says that I can't date anyone on our service or she will divorce me. Dang. There goes my weekend plans.
^^^^ Jeeze, what a hard ***.
But no getting around what your supervisor tells you:P
When I worked on the service,only a couple people knew that I had a crush on my partner but I never let it get out.
I met my husband on the job (he was my partner) seven years ago. We married three years ago and are very happy!
We only have like 2 female EMTs and they both already have kids!

There's nobody for me TO date! :-(

Guess it's back to flirting with the nurses...
I'm gonna add the 'me too' post. I really don't think dating someone where you work is a good idea. I've done it only once and, fortunately, our break up was extemely amicable. We've each gone our seperate ways but we also still email each other every now and then just to keep up.