Am I counted out as an EMS worker


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I am a Type 1 diabetic, I read that I cant get a Ambulence license because IM diabetic. Does this mean I cant be an EMS worker. I had high hopes for this and now they are all shot. I just want to rescue, help and be part of a team and its sad to think that I cant do that because I cant drive an ambulance. Am I over reacting or should I just call it quits before I start.
This defeated attitude is not going to help you.

Pursue your dream, in NY I am pretty sure diabetes does not stop you from becoming an EMT, and by Ambulance license do you mean being able to drive an ambulance? Because if thats the case, I cant see why that would stop anyone from hiring you as an EMT.
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Thanks. Not that it would stop me unless legally I couldent but Diabetes has never posed an obstacle and I for the first time felt disabled, but really a medic is a medic and a good one cant be limited. thanks
I posted a reply in your other thread.
Like Ice said,follow your dream,you bein a diabetic shouldnt stop you from treating people and helping the sick and injured.
I have worked with many EMTs and Paramedics that are diabetic. No problems with any of them, just carry a candy bar for those long transfers or busy days.
I know several EMS workers and FF's who are diabetic. Your medical condition should have no bearing on the matter.