This strike is becoming more ridiculous as it keeps going on. If any of you have seen the comments on social media sites by the union president, throwing around the F-word like crazy toward company representatives, you'll understand that things are getting out of hand. These workers have mouths to feed and the union president is manipulating them into thinking they're fighting for some higher cause when it's really the well-being of the community that they should be focusing on.
When those who are on strike finally have to resort to work are threatened and slandered by their former peers, what is the real purpose of this strike anyway? It's not uncommon for some medics to be making $60-70k per year with a base pay rate in the $10 range and yet they have the nerve to demand more money. Many people seem to forget how quickly overtime multipliers and chart completion bonuses add up in this industry. Mind you, this for individuals with a 1 year degree, not even an associates degree.
In the end, it's important to understand all of the facts and circumstances that are not being mentioned before listening to the mindless banter of those who are on strike and have no regard for serving their community as they vowed to do.