Duty To Act


Forum Crew Member

I know there are lots of duty to act questions on here but I could not find one for my situation.

I work on a BLS rig, volunteer with absolutely no compensation. EMT-B. Off duty I like to wear my jacket (so warm :rolleyes:)that has my agency patch, NREMT patch and my name.

If I am off duty and wearing my jacket do I have a legal duty to act? I will normally because of ethical reasons but do I have a legal one?

Medic Tim

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member

I know there are lots of duty to act questions on here but I could not find one for my situation.

I work on a BLS rig, volunteer with absolutely no compensation. EMT-B. Off duty I like to wear my jacket (so warm :rolleyes:)that has my agency patch, NREMT patch and my name.

If I am off duty and wearing my jacket do I have a legal duty to act? I will normally because of ethical reasons but do I have a legal one?

If you are off duty the is no duty to act. Wearing the jacket could be a grey area situation depending on the SOP/sogs of your service. Some places allow their emts to go on the clock in their area as long as an ambulance is on the way/911 was called. As a general rule most providers will/do not identify themselves as emt or Medic as they can only perform basic first aid. In most all places you are only an emt or Medic when working under medical control.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
I work on a BLS rig, volunteer with absolutely no compensation. EMT-B. Off duty I like to wear my jacket (so warm :rolleyes:)that has my agency patch, NREMT patch and my name.

If I am off duty and wearing my jacket do I have a legal duty to act? I will normally because of ethical reasons but do I have a legal one?
As a non-volunteer, I can say with 100% certainty that you should check your individual state laws regarding duty to act.

As a former volunteer, I will tell you that I will personally mock anyone who wears their EMS duty jacket (complete with patches) when they are off duty. That isn't to say that I haven't done it, only that it's waaaay to easy to mock. if you like your jacket so much, but a second one without any patches to wear around town.

As a general rule, i don't advertise. I wear FD or EMS t-shirts when i'm at the gym, or just hanging out at home, but otherwise, I'm incognito (but I will agree, but former fire dept jacket has been my winter jacket because it's warm and comfy, but it's far from a uniform jacket and would never be work on a fire or EMS call). I always carry my ID with me (and have displayed it when needed or asked by LEO or AHJ EMS at a scene), but a uniform is for work only, and a duty jacket should only be work when doing work related stuff. but that's just my opinion.


Forum Asst. Chief

I know there are lots of duty to act questions on here but I could not find one for my situation.

I work on a BLS rig, volunteer with absolutely no compensation. EMT-B. Off duty I like to wear my jacket (so warm :rolleyes:)that has my agency patch, NREMT patch and my name.

If I am off duty and wearing my jacket do I have a legal duty to act? I will normally because of ethical reasons but do I have a legal one?

Did you happen to see the sticky above this thread?


This could be a fun hypothetical, though. Say, for instance, that I'm not an EMT-B, but my brother gave me one of his jackets, complete with his agency patch, NREMT patch and our shared last name.

I'm wearing it.

Do I have a duty to act?

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Forum Asst. Chief
This could be a fun hypothetical, though. Say, for instance, that I'm not an EMT-B, but my brother gave me one of his jackets, complete with his agency patch, NREMT patch and our shared last name.

I'm wearing it.

Do I have a duty to act?


Sure, whacker duty.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
This could be a fun hypothetical, though. Say, for instance, that I'm not an EMT-B, but my brother gave me one of his jackets, complete with his agency patch, NREMT patch and our shared last name.

I'm wearing it.

Do I have a duty to act?


No, but if you walked over to the ill/injured person you might be setting yourself up for "impersonation of an emergency worker" if that law exists where you are and if anyone really wants to be prickish about it.

I'd leave my hypothetical brother's hypothetical jacket at the hypothetical house. :)


Forum Crew Member
OP: No. But you should definitely check with your agency and see what the rules are regarding uniform attire off duty. If there are no rules, be careful...

Where I am most FDs have volunteers, if they aren't solely volunteer. A lot of people (gfs, bfs, spouses, siblings, etc) wear their gfs, bfs, spouses, siblings duty t-shirt. (Ya know... the blue ones with so and so FIRE Dept.) They wouldn't have any duty to act would they? This is pretty similar, no?


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Nope, if you're not on duty you don't have a duty to act. It might look bad if you walk by without assisting You might have an unhappy employer if they find out but no, no duty to act.

I wear my EMS rain jacket off work when it's really pouring all the time.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
One of the many reasons I wear a jacket that has XXX College Hockey on it at work instead of XXX College Medical Staff. I can walk out of work and not feel the least bit obligated to anyone and my sweet Bauer jacket is sweet.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
One of the many reasons I wear a jacket that has XXX College Hockey on it at work instead of XXX College Medical Staff. I can walk out of work and not feel the least bit obligated to anyone and my sweet Bauer jacket is sweet.
where do you go o college that they teach porn stars? that's an EMS job I could totally get into
On an EMT salary, it may be unaffordable to buy another jacket.
BS. what did you do before you go the job in EMS? Do you wear stuff besides work uniforms? If you were to lose the job, and it was cold out, what would you end up wearing?

Let me make it even simpler. If you can't afford a jacket, get a used one. go to the salvation army. or if you are really desperate, call up your mother, and tell her that for your birthday, you want a nice warm jacket. you can even shop with her, and if she's anything like my mother, she will love the quality time you will be spending with her.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
where do you go o college that they teach porn stars? that's an EMS job I could totally get intoBS. what did you do before you go the job in EMS? Do you wear stuff besides work uniforms? If you were to lose the job, and it was cold out, what would you end up wearing?

If I told you I would have to kill you.


Forum Deputy Chief
If I told you I would have to kill you.

So you want to keep the XXX college student body to yourself? :p

But in all seriousness, if you've got a warm shirt that happens to say EMT/AEMT/Medic or, hell, EMS Medical Director, it doesn't seem to confer upon you any responsibility to act, 'least, not in my neck of the woods.


Forum Crew Member
Thanks for all the responses! the reason I ask is me and everyone else in my unit is already low on cash. We had to buy the duty jacket so buying another one doesn't sit to well with my wallet.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
We had to buy the duty jacket so buying another one doesn't sit to well with my wallet.
That brings up another pet peeve of mine: as a volunteer, I shouldn't be paying for any mandatory item. the agency should provide uniforms, and that should include a jacket. uniforms should be properly budgeted for, just like NRBs and vehicle repairs

In my time, I have purchased my own jobshirts, but they were optional. I was always given a jacket, or had a jacket provided by the job that I could wear when on a cold night (even if they were communal).

You are low on funds; that's cool, so are most people. if it's a choice, between purchasing a warm jacket that I can wear anytime, and a jacket for work that I can (or should only be) wear at work, I will be honest, I'm buying a jacket I can wear any time.


Forum Captain
I don't advertise where I work, ever.
Besides the right-in-front-of-you incidences you may happen upon as a non-uniformed, off-duty person, I'm not stopping to help. If I do, I'm a layperson and will not announce myself as a paramedic.


Forum Crew Member
Just to all you haters about me not having money. I am a college student and paying 50 thousand a year in student fees.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Just to all you haters about me not having money. I am a college student and paying 50 thousand a year in student fees.

Me too bro. Except I'm not wearing my EMS jacket errywhere. The biddies flock to me just the same.:rofl: