Did I do everything I could have/did I do anything wrong?

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Hey Guys,

So after my second attempt at the NREMT I can now say I am officially an EMT-B.

The other day I was on the freeway heading home and I come up on traffic, it was pretty much all stopped. I look ahead and noticed traffic was clear so I knew there had to be something going on in front of me not too far up, as I got a better look I could see one car that had front end damage and the bumper was on the side of the road, I was already in the fast lane so I drove over to the left hand shoulder, and came upon the accident, I turned on my E light turned off my jeep and got out, I walked up to a young couple holding each other, they were visibly upset and both were crying. I said Hi, my name is Tasha I'm an EMT is anyone hurt? They said no, I asked what happened, the young girl said she was cut off by another car and when they connected the driver responsible for the crash took off, I asked how fast they were going the guy said about 60 mph, I said I know your emotions are high and your adrenalin is kicked in but are you in any pain whatsoever? They both shook their heads no, the young girl was very upset that the other driver had taken off. At about that time the paramedic unit showed up, I asked them if they got an LIC number or a description of the car and they couldn't recall much. I told them to hang in there I am going to go talk to the medics, the medic and the EMT-I were getting out of the rig, the EMT-I was walking towards me and I said hi, I this is a hit and run the two people involved say they are not hurt. He walked right past me without saying a word, so I went up to the medic as he was getting supplies from the side of the rig, I said Hi, I'm an EMT-B I asked them if they were hurt they said no, I told him it's a hit and run. Unless you have any questions for me I'm gonna get out of you guy's way. He said okay, thanks and walked toward the pt's. I got in my Jeep and left.

Any comments, suggestions, advice? Did I do everything I could have done?

When I noticed no medics were on scean and no law enforcement I didn't hesitate to drive up to the accident. In my EMT class they stressed the importance of duty to act, on and off the clock. After all this is why I became an EMT, this is what I love. I guess I want to make sure I did the right things.
You showed up, assessed the situation, enhanced everybody's calm, and then gave a report to the oncoming crew offering (not demanding) help. You did just fine.
I wouldn't of stopped.

You put yourself in danger on the side of a busy highway. What if they were hurt? What would you of done? Called 911? You can do that from your car.

If you get in the habit of stopping at every accident you could open yourself up for a lawsuit. Your best tool is a cell phone.

You will be a good EMT. Just use your head.
:huh: I'll take the risk of a lawsuit to save someone's life, if my best "tool" is a cell phone then why the hell did I become an EMT???? O no wait, I'm only allowed to help someone who may be hurt while on the clock?? WTF?
Our highways are sketchy with all this construction. Be careful please.
Our highways are sketchy with all this construction. Be careful please.

I hear you Rob, it was 395 N 1/2 mile south of the airport exit, just to give you an idea. I felt it was safe enough and I didn't have Natalya in the car so I stopped.
:huh: I'll take the risk of a lawsuit to save someone's life, if my best "tool" is a cell phone then why the hell did I become an EMT???? O no wait, I'm only allowed to help someone who may be hurt while on the clock?? WTF?

You asked for opinions and comments...and that's what you got. If you don't want them, then don't ask for them.

In the mean time, you may want to look at these threads

There's a valid reason for not stopping, and just calling it in.
:huh: I'll take the risk of a lawsuit to save someone's life, if my best "tool" is a cell phone then why the hell did I become an EMT???? O no wait, I'm only allowed to help someone who may be hurt while on the clock?? WTF?

You have no tools with you. You can't do anything to help anyone.

I am no risking my safety for someone else. Or did you skip that chapter and go right to the "cool stuff"
I wouldn't of stopped.

You put yourself in danger on the side of a busy highway. What if they were hurt? What would you of done? Called 911? You can do that from your car.

If you get in the habit of stopping at every accident you could open yourself up for a lawsuit. Your best tool is a cell phone.

You will be a good EMT. Just use your head.

The state I live in, you are covered by the good Samaritan law. Also if you come up on an accident and you are in the EMS field and do nothing and you leave you can be sued for not giving medical attention. Just thought I would throw that out there. Not every state has the same rules for EMS, just keep that in mind.
That is not the case in the great state of Nevada. No duty to act if you are not on the clock.
The state I live in, you are covered by the good Samaritan law. Also if you come up on an accident and you are in the EMS field and do nothing and you leave you can be sued for not giving medical attention. Just thought I would throw that out there. Not every state has the same rules for EMS, just keep that in mind.

Which state is that, and can you provide a link to the law that says you must render aid? Or is it already listed in this thread? Duty to Act Info
The state I live in, you are covered by the good Samaritan law. Also if you come up on an accident and you are in the EMS field and do nothing and you leave you can be sued for not giving medical attention. Just thought I would throw that out there. Not every state has the same rules for EMS, just keep that in mind.

My point as well, thank you.
And it has already been pointed out that NV does NOT have a Duty to Act law when you are off duty.

In addition, the Good Samaritan law generally does not cover you when you operate beyond the level of first aid. Each state has different Good Samaritan laws, and I haven't read the law for NV so I don't know if it would cover you if you were to treat a patient as an EMT-B instead of a lay rescuer.
:huh: I'll take the risk of a lawsuit to save someone's life, if my best "tool" is a cell phone then why the hell did I become an EMT???? O no wait, I'm only allowed to help someone who may be hurt while on the clock?? WTF?

that's the only time you're covered by workers comp.

it's the only time I'll stop and help.
You asked for opinions and comments...and that's what you got. If you don't want them, then don't ask for them.

In the mean time, you may want to look at these threads

There's a valid reason for not stopping, and just calling it in.

If the fact that I even stopped was the only thing that was going to be discussed I would have never even asked, I was referring to what I did for the people involved in the MVA, I made the choice to stop and I stand by that choice. I have two BIG EMS stickers on my back window, how would that look if I just rolled on by when no one was on site to help them yet? I could have EASILY been sued for not stopping or offering to help in anyway.
If the fact that I even stopped was the only thing that was going to be discussed I would have never even asked, I was referring to what I did for the people involved in the MVA, I made the choice to stop and I stand by that choice. I have two BIG EMS stickers on my back window, how would that look if I just rolled on by when no one was on site to help them yet? I could have EASILY been sued for not stopping or offering to help in anyway.

Take off the stickers then.
Which state is that, and can you provide a link to the law that says you must render aid? Or is it already listed in this thread? Duty to Act Info

I live in KY. I will have to find the link, but that is the way it was a couple of years ago. I had a friend who is a medic, get a summons for court because he came up on an accident and didn't stop to help. Someone who knew he was a medic told the police that he drove on by and didn't stop. That is how they found out he was there.
you couldn't have been sued. You were off the clock, had no duty to act, and no protection if you did stop.
that's the only time you're covered by workers comp.

it's the only time I'll stop and help.

I'm just baffled by that, I have no problem risking the unknown to help someone in need. I assumed that's the whole point of being in the EMS field, wither your on or off the clock anything could happen in any type of situation, your gonna let someone possibly die on the side of the road when you could possibly save their life.....? I guess I just don't understand that type of thinking... I just wanna help where I can, when I can.
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