This thread has degenerated even further than the last time I poked my head in here, but I haven't seen this mentioned yet - someone a few pages ago asked something along the lines of "so am I not an EMT while off-duty?" To which I would direct them a few pages earlier still - wherein we rehashed that No, I'm not an EMT, legally-speaking, unless I am on-duty (acting under the authority of my medical director). If I don't have the legal ability to act as an EMT while off-duty, how in FSM's name could anyone construct an argument wherein I'm still legally, ethically, or otherwise required to render aid?
To me, that right there ends any argument about an over-arching code of ethics (and again, we never took any type of oath or pledge, or were tested on a code). A doctor, on the other hand, has taken an oath, and is licensed by the state to practice medicine.
Do I have a personal code of ethics/morality that I tend to adhere to in everyday life? Yes. Would I stop at the scene of a bad accident if it seemed safe? Probably if no one else was there. Do I expect everyone else to have the same reaction or set of ethics? No. So stop trying to project values on to others, yeah? Brilliant.