working as an EMT in a skirt

It's work. Real physical labor at times. For your safety, your legs need to be covered by sturdy fabric, and there needs to be no loose, flowing fabric around.

For duty shifts, I believe EMS providers need to wear pants. I do think that uniform skirts look very nice for other occasions where you are not going to be actually doing the work, though.

I do wear pants. I know its real physical labor that's part of the reason I want it. My skirt is not loose and flowing. If I could, I'd show you a picture. I have one.

I don't think there is any specific OSHA policy that requires medics to wear pants. I know of many departments that let their people wear shorts and a ankle length skirt would provide more protection than shorts in many situations. I have to think it would be a pain to wear a skirt on the truck but I personally can't see why it would be a safety issue. I know I have seen one female police officer who wears a long skirt. It looked a little odd but I can't see how it makes much of a difference in actual performance of her duties.

I don't wear an ankle length skirt, because of trip hazards, but again, I repeat I wear pants. And when wearing a skirt is what I'm used to, it's not a pain at all. What's a pain is getting used to the pants. :)

I believe it will be almost impossible for you to get a job if you can only wear a skirt. Not only does is it a hazard, most companies wouldnt want you to look different than everybody else.

I don't need most companies. I've already got accepted at one, if I can just get the training. Trust me, the paramedics I've worked with have told me that after the first couple times, they didn't even think about that I wore a skirt.
Have you done some homework on job requirements of the company you plan on applying to?

If they have specific uniform requirements, it will be specified in the interview. For instance... our service advises that you will not have a beard, can't smoke ( on or off duty ), hair length, etc.... and wear the issued uniform ( underwear does not get addressed ) And if you are not able to meet those, you won't be hired. Its a 30 page document on uniforms.... ( kinda ridiculous... really )

If they advise that your situation is not an issue, and can back that up in writing.... then fighting for that spot in class is worth every penny.

Might need to look into other classes/instructors, or nursing.
I don't need most companies. I've already got accepted at one, if I can just get the training. Trust me, the paramedics I've worked with have told me that after the first couple times, they didn't even think about that I wore a skirt.

Eh... answered that one. Are there other agencies that teach?
I used to run EMS with a girl that always wore a skirt as part of her belief's. It was a long ankle length skirt made out of the same material as "EMT pants" and had cargo pockets on in I believe. Essentially it was EMT pants in skirt form. I think it looked out of place and I don't agree with females wearing skirts in EMS. It never caused a problem that I was aware of but a skirt is not form fitting and as such could easily get snagged.

I don't understand the religious basis for females not being permitted to wear pants.God will not shun you for wearing pants... I'm sure he will understand your desire to heal and comfort.

My suggestion is to wear pants and avoid the issue all together.
I knew a firefighter who wore a skirt at work. She complained that it bunched up when she put her bunker pants on.

The chief offered to have a "turnout skirt" made but I think she declined.

LOL! Duh, the skirt would bunch up. :) I have to wear a jumpsuit on the scenes of MVC's, but I don't think about it bunching up. I love the job to much!

I have several collegues who are nurses with a religious precedent to wear skirts, but, they also have an exemption when it comes to their uniforms and are permitted to wear pants.

Well, I may just have to check into that. It may be what I end up doing.

Eh... answered that one. Are there other agencies that teach?

I'm checking into that. Trust me, I will find somewhere or something that works! I'm determined to become an EMT, maybe too determined.

I used to run EMS with a girl that always wore a skirt as part of her belief's. It was a long ankle length skirt made out of the same material as "EMT pants" and had cargo pockets on in I believe. Essentially it was EMT pants in skirt form. I think it looked out of place and I don't agree with females wearing skirts in EMS. It never caused a problem that I was aware of but a skirt is not form fitting and as such could easily get snagged.

I don't understand the religious basis for females not being permitted to wear pants.God will not shun you for wearing pants... I'm sure he will understand your desire to heal and comfort.

My suggestion is to wear pants and avoid the issue all together.

I may end up doing that. I would not wear an ankle length skirt because of trip hazards, and anyway do not see any point in wearing ankle length if I'm wearing uniform pants underneath.
Here's an option from a colleague of mine who's Pentecostal: skorts with cargo pockets.
I'm a little curious about all the folks that are bringing up the possibility of a skirt "snagging". I've seen EMT's walking around with pants festooned with bulging pockets, equipment dangling, radios sticking out, ect.. why would a skirt be any more likely to snag than these things? I do have to admit that a pair of 8 inch medic boots are gonna look awfully funny with a knee length skirt though :)

The OP didn't ask us if we thought the idea of wearing a skirt was right or wrong from a spiritual/moral point of view but if it was a bad idea in terms of job function. I think we should stick to that and avoid comments that criticize her beliefs.
Here's an option from a colleague of mine who's Pentecostal: skorts with cargo pockets.

Hmmm...I'd have to do some checking into that one. Like how she got them made and how exactly they were. Might be an option.

I'm a little curious about all the folks that are bringing up the possibility of a skirt "snagging". I've seen EMT's walking around with pants festooned with bulging pockets, equipment dangling, radios sticking out, ect.. why would a skirt be any more likely to snag than these things? I do have to admit that a pair of 8 inch medic boots are gonna look awfully funny with a knee length skirt though :)

And yes, I've wondered the same thing about EMT's pants catching on things. Actually, I once saw an EMT with particularly bulging pockets get snagged and it ripped. He was not impressed.
I do wear pants underneath, so it looks no funnier than y'alls boots. I do admit it does give a funny picture without the pants. :)
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I don't understand the religious basis for females not being permitted to wear pants.God will not shun you for wearing pants... I'm sure he will understand your desire to heal and comfort.
I could argue that it's more consistent than my religions take that the only parts of the moral codes in Deut. and Leviticus that still count are the ones parts that have to do about sex.

Apparently God will forgive me for eating pork, but not for wearing a rubber. :rolleyes: I similarly have an issue with loopholes (Can any Jews on here honestly explain how things like, "We can't use elevators because the spark that may be generated when we push the button, but if the elevator is automatically stopping at every floor, we can use it," or the entire concept of the "eruv?" If God doesn't want you doing something, how does erecting a wire negate God's will?) that are used to get out of the burdensome parts of religion.
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If the company is fine with you wearing skirts then go for it. As you already stated it has not posed you a problem. Its going to take your partners time to get used to a partner wearing skirts. So just be ready for the hesitant mood from some patients and partners. As I said before I wouldn't have an issue working with a partner who wore a skirt as long as it doesn't cause any problems.

What (might) help is having a representative from the company that wants to hire you go talk to the director of the school that won't let you go thru the class.
If the company is fine with you wearing skirts then go for it. As you already stated it has not posed you a problem. Its going to take your partners time to get used to a partner wearing skirts. So just be ready for the hesitant mood from some patients and partners. As I said before I wouldn't have an issue working with a partner who wore a skirt as long as it doesn't cause any problems.

What (might) help is having a representative from the company that wants to hire you go talk to the director of the school that won't let you go thru the class.

Thanks! I know it will take my partners time. I'm willing to give them time. And all the patients that I've helped with so far have not seemed to care, nor has anybody else that I've worked with.

And thanks for the suggestion! Who knows? It might work :)
And yes defiantly try the other programs in your area. Make sure to tell them about the people who have already said yes to not having a problem with you wearing a skirt.
And yes defiantly try the other programs in your area. Make sure to tell them about the people who have already said yes to not having a problem with you wearing a skirt.

Thanks! I'm willing to try pretty much anything. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I contact my future instructor!
I know where youre coming from I was raised in a religion with similar beliefs when I was young, they were so bad these women even wore skirts swimming. I never had those beliefs myself however. I hate to say it but I think wearing a skirt as an EMT is BAD BAD BAD idea. Not only will patients be able to see up your skirt as you provide care it also leaves your legs more exposed to the nasty stuff us EMT's come in contact with. Sure you could wear a skirt over pants but really whats the point of the skirt? Youre still wearing pants. Not to mention the patients and public in general will think youre looney. But hey whatever floats your boat.
I know where youre coming from I was raised in a religion with similar beliefs when I was young, they were so bad these women even wore skirts swimming. I never had those beliefs myself however. I hate to say it but I think wearing a skirt as an EMT is BAD BAD BAD idea. Not only will patients be able to see up your skirt as you provide care it also leaves your legs more exposed to the nasty stuff us EMT's come in contact with. Sure you could wear a skirt over pants but really whats the point of the skirt? Youre still wearing pants. Not to mention the patients and public in general will think youre looney. But hey whatever floats your boat.[/QUOTE

My first reaction was to literally LOL at your last two sentences, cuz that doesn't really bother me. :) Since I do wear pants, is there any other reason why a skirt is a bad idea? Other than being seen as looney? :) I really want to know reasons behind every person's point of view.
My first reaction was to literally LOL at your last two sentences, cuz that doesn't really bother me. :) Since I do wear pants, is there any other reason why a skirt is a bad idea? Other than being seen as looney? :) I really want to know reasons behind every person's point of view.

Since you asked, isn't it a bit of following the letter but not the intent? If pants are wrong because pants= men's clothing, how does pants+skirt all of a sudden become women's clothing?
Well if youre wearing pants under the skirt I dont see any real safety reasons besides looking silly, but wearing a skirt by itself is not a good idea in EMS.
Since you asked, isn't it a bit of following the letter but not the intent? If pants are wrong because pants= men's clothing, how does pants+skirt all of a sudden become women's clothing?

You sure you want me to answer this? I'll give you a short version. Pants alone are not felt to be modest since they are generally more formfitting. A skirt in this line of work as has been pointed out may not be modest either, therefore you pair them together, and theoretically you have modesty and safety and compliance with OSHA.
Well if youre wearing pants under the skirt I dont see any real safety reasons besides looking silly, but wearing a skirt by itself is not a good idea in EMS.

I wouldn't be allowed to wear just a skirt anyways according to OSHA. I know, I may look a little odd, but as I said that doesn't bother me.
Since you asked, isn't it a bit of following the letter but not the intent? If pants are wrong because pants= men's clothing, how does pants+skirt all of a sudden become women's clothing?

Exactly, what did everyone wear in Jesus's time? Robes! Sure they had different robes for men and women just as we today have pants made for men and women. So really in my opinion these religions that believe only believe men should wear pants, and women only skirts is really silly if you think about it. Dont wear mens pants and youre all good!
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