the 100% directionless thread


Community Leader
Community Leader
So I donated blood today then went to see Star Trek at the movie theater. After I got to the mall parking lot I still had an hour to kill before the movie and felt a bit tired from donating. I figured I'd take a quick nap before the movie, so I leaned my seat back, cracked the windows and fell asleep. I wasn't asleep 10 minutes before I was awakened by Ricky Rescue the Mall Cop pounding away on my window with his flashlight. See, he found me "unconscious" with gauze and Coban on my arm (obviously from drug use) and assumed I needed his services. Apparently if I hadn't woken up quote quickly enough his next step was hitting my window til it broke and dragging me to safety...

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Ricky saves the day!


Californian, Lost in Texas
Star Trek rocked! Decompression ftw!


Forum Captain
So I donated blood today then went to see Star Trek at the movie theater. After I got to the mall parking lot I still had an hour to kill before the movie and felt a bit tired from donating. I figured I'd take a quick nap before the movie, so I leaned my seat back, cracked the windows and fell asleep. I wasn't asleep 10 minutes before I was awakened by Ricky Rescue the Mall Cop pounding away on my window with his flashlight. See, he found me "unconscious" with gauze and Coban on my arm (obviously from drug use) and assumed I needed his services. Apparently if I hadn't woken up quote quickly enough his next step was hitting my window til it broke and dragging me to safety...

When I've taken naps in my truck, I lay across the seat, with a small throw pillow under my head. That way, it looks more obvious that I'm asleep on purpose. Yes, I keep a throw-pillow in my truck. Sometimes even a blanket.


Forum Asst. Chief
When I've taken naps in my truck, I lay across the seat, with a small throw pillow under my head. That way, it looks more obvious that I'm asleep on purpose. Yes, I keep a throw-pillow in my truck. Sometimes even a blanket.
I keep the same stuff, lol. Have a pretty nice bed when it's all set up in my bed, haha.
Another note, officially done with high school classes ^_^ so very excited. Graduation is next week, tomorrow's rehearsal :)


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I don't know what to do.

I got a job offer from a private company in south Denver that has an ok reputation. They also have a 911 contract south of Colorado Springs (where I live). I have to start in Denver fulltime doing transfers until something opens. I am not sure if I should be happy to have an offer or wait for something that does not include a 60 mile one way commute to sit in the ambulance all day in an unfamiliar city.

Hospitals where I live won't be hiring for six weeks. There is an IFT operation in the area that might be hiring, but who knows. A coworker also told me she quit after being asked to lie on her PCR, though allegedly things have changed since then.

What would you do? If you read a job app where someone only worked for 2-3 months and then quit because of the commute, how would you view that?

I have a 30 hour week gig now so I am not totally screwed but I need to start saving money. I am hoping to move to the mountains in November to be a ski patroller.


Forum Deputy Chief
What. The. Ever. Holy. F^#*??!

I'm an Army Reservist, and I just got a phone call from one of my soldiers asking me if I was going to be at drill today. In San Diego. I'm in LA. 125 miles away. Planning on going into my normal 11 hr shift later today. You see the official Department of the Army letterheaded paper with all our scheduled drill dates (a very important piece of paper, it's the one I turned a copy into my scheduler so she knows which days i need off and so forth) says drill is a full two weeks away. Now last month, drill did have to be rescheduled and that was an involved affair what with multiple emails and phone calls and an official memo from our commander to our employers informing them of the fact. Nothing this time. Schedule says drill is two weeks away, yet they're apparently in formation time now wondering where the hell I am. And my Sergeants already don't like me a whole lot. Great. FML.


First audition rotation set up for June to July... just south of Chicago. I'm not sure if I should be happy or be all FML.


Forum Angel
First audition rotation set up for June to July... just south of Chicago. I'm not sure if I should be happy or be all FML.

Audition rotation?


Audition rotation?

4th year medical students do away rotations at residency programs they're interested in (I'm not being picky... if there's an EM rotation, I'm interested) so that they can get to know the program better... and the program can get to know them better. Unfortunately, there's a very short window for these due to how the system is set up. It's like doing a ride along with an EMS agency you want to get hired at.


Californian, Lost in Texas
Bay area California, to Oklahoma Tulsa bound, God damit I hope I'm doing the right thing. ..blaaaashhhhhhh

We are the Borg. Lower your shields and prepare to be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.


Forum Deputy Chief
What. The. Ever. Holy. F^#*??!

I'm an Army Reservist, and I just got a phone call from one of my soldiers asking me if I was going to be at drill today. In San Diego. I'm in LA. 125 miles away. Planning on going into my normal 11 hr shift later today. You see the official Department of the Army letterheaded paper with all our scheduled drill dates (a very important piece of paper, it's the one I turned a copy into my scheduler so she knows which days i need off and so forth) says drill is a full two weeks away. Now last month, drill did have to be rescheduled and that was an involved affair what with multiple emails and phone calls and an official memo from our commander to our employers informing them of the fact. Nothing this time. Schedule says drill is two weeks away, yet they're apparently in formation time now wondering where the hell I am. And my Sergeants already don't like me a whole lot. Great. FML.

Ok so when the Sgt called me at 0700 this morning I was dead asleep (having worked 21 of the last 48 hours with a body clock used to going to bed at 0300), and slightly panicked over the news that I've missed a drill I had absolutely no idea was today, I said something along the lines of ":censored::censored::censored::censored:, I have to work today too (until 0200)".

After this initial phone convo, this Sgt took it to mean I wasn't going to come into drill at all this weekend and promptly informed our chain of command of this. So a few hours later when I'm a little more awake and a little more calm I call her back saying "yeah, I'll call off work today, and be down for drill Sat and Sun".

Apparently that's a problem now with the chain of command tracking I won't be there so she has to go talk to them and apparently ask permission to let me come in for the remainder two of our three day drill -_-


Forum Moron
First audition rotation set up for June to July... just south of Chicago. I'm not sure if I should be happy or be all FML.

You should be happy, Chicago has good pizza. :p


Forum Deputy Chief
Water rescue class done. I am a Swiftwater Rescue Technician. And I am beat. Spending all day on the water, many multiple days in a row will wear you out


Forum Asst. Chief
Premium Member
I made Arnold Palmers today with lime because I didn't have any lemons... NOT THE SAME.. Tastes really funny..

But the good news, my personal MD put a preauthorization request to my insurance company to recommend me for a shingles vaccine.. Keep your fingers crossed for me that Blue Cross approves. I get shingles about every 6 months for the last two years..


I made Arnold Palmers today with lime because I didn't have any lemons... NOT THE SAME.. Tastes really funny..

But the good news, my personal MD put a preauthorization request to my insurance company to recommend me for a shingles vaccine.. Keep your fingers crossed for me that Blue Cross approves. I get shingles about every 6 months for the last two years..

So in a couple of years you'd have enough shingles for a new roof?


Forum Moron
So in a couple of years you'd have enough shingles for a new roof?
