New profile posts

Congrats on passing NR. Booted at question 71 too! I'm in AZ using the same book in your profile pic and take the NREMT early May. Any advice for studying and test taking?
Take your time, understand what the question is asking. It'll either be a cardio, respiratory, etc.. figure out what "category" the question is in. I had to do some deep breathing because it's nerve wracking. I think they purposely raise your anxiety level to test how you think under pressure. I just concentrated on my breathing and kept telling myself that I knew the material
Thanks for that. How useful was the online material when it came to testing? Did you utilize the practice tests? Guess I'm prob a little too nervous...
Honestly, I think a lot of the material online is great, but, to me, the sole best piece of study material is the Orange Book. I read that thing so many times. When in doubt, read and reread that book
Sir, I am very interested in a career with the CHP and further down the line as a flight officer. I'm wondering if the other flight officers that you know along with yourself, would you say most entered the CHP as a paramedic already or most went to medic school after already being an officer? Thanks for your time!
Pt 1of 3. No worries. Ask away. The dream sheets, as they’re called, are made up of the open spots throughout the state that have been selected to receive the new officers. The cadets don’t pick just any office wherever they want. They rank the open spots in order of preference. The spots are assigned on several criteria.
Pt 2 of 3. In order they are needs of the department: wherever the most openings are, hardship: you have to be in a certain area for family care/medical treatments etc(this is extremely rare and I wouldn’t count on it), home ownership: owning a home within 50 miles of an open office,
Part 3 of 3. and lastly, and the most common method, by social security number: the last 4 numbers in descending order. xxx-xx-9999 would have first choice with xxx-xx-0000 being last.
I'm a new EMT excited for what the career has to offer. I'm starting medic school in August 2018.
NREMTroe- I'm a med device product development and marketing guy. I'm looking at some job opportunities in the EMS/FIRE device space. I came across some of your posts here doing research. I'd love to pick your brain for 1/2 hour so- it would really help me learn about the market and situation. I'd be happy to comp you for your time.
Let me know if you are interested!
Hello, question for ya. If I work a full time schedule at Hall for 1 yr and show that Im a capable EMT, am I pretty much garunteed a spot in the paramedic sponsored class? Or is there more to it? I’m planning to do so and just want to get a better picture of the future for planning.
Hey wirk242,

I just saw your post about having to get your H6 expunged, and I was just told by an ambulance company that I needed to do that in order to proceed in their hiring process. Who do I call at the dmv to make this happen?

Thanks in advance,
Hello, was doing some research and noticed you worked Schertz EMS. I have a test with them this Friday and they are also hiring FD and have applied to that as well. What is the EMS test like for EMT-B? Do you have any knowledge of that?
Just starting in the EMS world. Would love some feedback for company experiences in Los Angeles County. Looking to apply to McCormick&Care.
I am an Ems lt at my fire house. We have duty crew shifts for Ems. We seem to have a problem getting members to commit to duty crew shifts.
hi, i’m a nurse student.Can I have any information about the emergency room,the triage models and the gravity code in other countries?thank