Your patient asks you to pray with them

And what do you base your assessment on? Do you happen to have read the texts from all three and viewed them in the context of when they were written or are you simply basing your assessment off of a few passages from each or off of what you've heard a? I have and there is much more in common than the "big differences" you seem to believe exist. It is the perpetuation of the belief that we have more separating us as human beings- religious vs. atheist, Catholic vs. Jew, Catholic vs. Protestant, Muslim vs. Christian, etc- and the perversions of teachings by a minority for personal gain in all religions that has made religion in general one of the leading causes of traumatic suffering and death throughout history. Please do not be a part of that problem by espousing misconceptions.

My bad, probably should have mentioned something about the global religious studie courses which centered around literary comparison between the western Bible and the Qu'ran.

So I'm basing that off of more than "a few passages" or "the perversions and teachings by a minority." There are similarities of course, but this is to be expected if one takes into consideration that portions of the Qu'ran were most likely adopted from the "Christian" oral tradition. Oh, that's not necessarily a "perversion by a minority" either.

You also cannot argue that the in modernity the religions have taken different directions philosophically....great, another thread on it's way to being locked. You're welcome to PM me.
Oh, that's not necessarily a "perversion by a minority" either.

I was referring to the difference between a mainstream Muslim and a Jihadi. That is a perversion in anyone's book. However, I am not going to debate this any further since I don't have any desire to garner more moderator applied points over this thread.
In my eyes, prayer is a ridiculous and ego-centric concept. To those of you who pray: do you not find any type of issue with asking the creator of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE to grant you a personal favor. The idea of prayer is an extension of human ego, of the old ideas that the universe revolves around us, when the reality is that we are small and insignificant. So small and insignificant, that the creator of the universe granting us a wish would be akin to a conscious sun granting a wish to a single bacterium on the ocean floor.

Patient asks me to pray with them? Simple... I just say I can't, I have a job to do. And then I set about either ACTUALLY helping the patient, or just looking busy.

I understand and respect your viewpoint, however, the biblical intent of prayer is far from self-serving. Prayer is not meant as our wish list for God to do for us but much more intended as a means to align our hearts to God's wishes. Yes, He is the creator of the universe which is why He deserves to have us trying to align our hearts with his wishes not our own and prayer is the vehicle He created for that purpose. Unforutnately, many of us have misused or misunderstood prayer to be self-serving so I do understand your concern of prayers with that end alone in mind.
Thread CPR successful again! Almost 5 years old!!!!
Im an atheist, (technically agnostic) and i absolutely will pray with them.

My internal dialogue is essentially:

Uh, im talking to nothing, but if you exist, uh, do the thing that the patient is praying for.

Well except for the patients that pray for the apocalypse and to kill all the liberals and gays and blacks
But I thought on the other thread we all concluded it was not professional to "play along" with a patient's delusions? I believe the thread title was "Hallucinations... play along?" :rofl:
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But I thought on the other thread we all concluded it was not professional to "play along" patient's delusions? I believe the thread title was "Hallucinations... play along?" :rofl:

your profile picture is very fitting :ph34r: