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Actually, it's just a function of their business model. If you're a private company, and not doing 911 coverage, it's the company's problem, and potential loss of revenue... For all you know, the reimbursement for that discharge might be worth 110 miles driven and time for an ALS unit. For all intensive purposes, when you're on the clock, and continue to get your paychecks, the company "owns" you, and can dictate the calls you are sent to... If you have a problem, bring it up with your supervisor, or go to a different company.
My issue is the inefficiency of doing business like this. I realize the company can send you on something of this sort, but it remains patently ridiculous. 218 feet transport? Yeah, the facilities should be able to manage that rather than requiring insurance or Medicare reimbursement of that transport. Obviously no one wants that responsibility and this is the system we created, but it's still out of control. I'm not saying that they shouldn't respond. I'm saying I wouldn't have the patience to tolerate that kind of nonsensical tail chasing.