You know it is going to be a bad day...

When you catch a 90 mile round trip transfer because your relief was late on a demented patient that could have gone by wheelchair van but the NH didn't have anyone to drive the van. :glare:

(It's gonna be a REALLY bad day when)the above happens at the start of the second day of a 48hr shift where the station your working on day two is around 100 miles from the station you worked on day one...

See, Texas is too big. That's just ridiculous.
Or when you left all your electronic toys on the charging counter. Because you wanted to have them charging during the night and wouuld grab them on your way out the door.
Start of a bad day:
You get up, shower, get dressed and go about your routine seriously considering booking sick because you're too exhausted to go to work. And then after about 30 minutes you look at the clock and realize you got up almost three hours before your alarm. I've done that three times.

End of a bad day:
You pull into the driveway at home and reach for the radio to book off at base. Takes more than a second of confusion to figure out why there isn't a radio in your car.
Midway through a bad day: Your partner finds you standing outside the truck, hitting the unlock button on your car's remote, and looking bewildered. It takes a moment before you realize what you're doing wrong.
When the supe calls you at 0630....So, ummmmm you coming into work today, or not?

Oh shoot! You were supposed to be there at 0600! So after flying out of bed, barely getting wet in the shower, and throwing your day bag in the car, you show up 30 minutes later, and almost an hour and a half the wrong agency. :-( Nope, you don't work there till tomorrow. Two hours and 15 minutes late to the right agency. One of the night shift guys was kind enough to cover for me. :-S
... or when you get pulled over for speeding while one your way to work.... and when you go to pull out your driver's license you find your left your wallet at home in your non-work pants... and when the officer asks for your registration and insurance, you can't find it in the glove compartment where it and the registration are always located.....

with a night that started like that I should have just called in sick......
Ambulance calls City 3
City 3 is clearing hospital and returning
City 3 redirect, for ALS, ten delta (chest pain for non MPDS literate)

*Brown says foul, foul words and looks at MDT

Hmm says Brown, looks like we are in for a good one Black, patient at back of house, down small hallway, weighs 200kg, 24hr post discharge for MI, crew on scene having difficulty extricating, patient still in significant pain ....

*Brown says even more foul, foul words .....
When, on the first job of the day, and in front of your boss (who you've called for a lift assist) manage to put your hand in the pt's ceiling fan :blush:
When, on the first job of the day, and in front of your boss (who you've called for a lift assist) manage to put your hand in the pt's ceiling fan :blush:

Bloody hell, was the ceiling fan on at the time?

And WTF how did that happen, either this bloke had a low ceiling or you are really tall? :D
I like it when I try to change the channel with a simple press of my thumb with nothing in my hand.
You know it's a bad day when you get toned out for chest pain 25+ min. away and two minutes into your response you hear:

"Medic 11 from dispatch with an update, pt. no longer breathing, CPR in progress"

On top of that, you're doing mutual aid and you find out someone left the map book for this county out of the ambulance...
You know it's a bad day when you get toned out for chest pain 25+ min. away and two minutes into your response you hear:

"Medic 11 from dispatch with an update, pt. no longer breathing, CPR in progress"

On top of that, you're doing mutual aid and you find out someone left the map book for this county out of the ambulance...

Did they have basics closer to the patient being dispatched as well? The medics in my county are all based out of the hospitals and sometimes the closest medic is 25 minutes away.
Bloody hell, was the ceiling fan on at the time?

And WTF how did that happen, either this bloke had a low ceiling or you are really tall? :D

Yep the fan was on low at the time. Had gloves on and didn't cut the gloves but when I got to hospital and took them off I'd taken a chunk of skin off my finger and had blood through the finger of the glove :-(.

I'm not overly tall (5'9") but yes the ceilings were low!
Did they have basics closer to the patient being dispatched as well? The medics in my county are all based out of the hospitals and sometimes the closest medic is 25 minutes away.
Yup, the VFD was 4 shocks in by the time we got there, and they were just yanking out the King because apparently they felt they got it in the wrong place due to gurgling in the lungs. :/
I have never had a bad EMS day, only miserable partners who ruin my vibe. :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:s.
My day today.

When you get to the hospital on your second call to find that your patient has escaped.
My day today.

When you get to the hospital on your second call to find that your patient has escaped.

Come on, who doesn't love a good scavenger hunt? :)