
I see where your coming from with that I am looking forward to getting my emt-b and hopfully getting on with my local fire dept alot of those guys are great. I have always been a tom boy to boot so everyone with all those funky jokes bring em because i love to roll with the big boys and girls lol.
What you say, think, or do and how people perceive what you say, think, or do might not necessarily be the same thing.

I said that because I wonder why they poured all of that pepper on you. Mase is made from habeniero peppers. This voice of experience can assure you that you DO NOT want even a molecule of a habeniero on your eyeball.

Most practical jokers will not bother you unless you either A) are well liked by them, or B) pissed them off very badly.

If you fall under ''A'', then they may have made a mistake and inadvertently crossed the line. It might be prudent for you to explain a few things to them. If they like you, they should listen.

If you fall under ''B'', then they are most likely retaliating because YOU have crossed the line. And it might be prudent for them to explain a few things to you. If you like them, you should listen.

Good luck
mase \mase\ (m[=a]z), v. i. [by back-formation from maser[2].]
To emit coherent microwave radiation, as in a maser[2].

Mace \Mace\, prop. n. [Trademark.]
A chemical preparation containing tear gas in a solvent,
packaged in the form of a spray, and used to temporarily
incapacitate people, such as rioters or criminals, by causing
intense eye and skin irritation; also called chemical mace.
It is designed to be a non-lethal weapon for defending
against violent people.
Thank you, phunguy. I didn't think that looked right. My computer's in the shop and my cell phone does not have spell check.
What you say, think, or do and how people perceive what you say, think, or do might not necessarily be the same thing.

I said that because I wonder why they poured all of that pepper on you. Mase is made from habeniero peppers. This voice of experience can assure you that you DO NOT want even a molecule of a habeniero on your eyeball.

Most practical jokers will not bother you unless you either A) are well liked by them, or B) pissed them off very badly.

If you fall under ''A'', then they may have made a mistake and inadvertently crossed the line. It might be prudent for you to explain a few things to them. If they like you, they should listen.

If you fall under ''B'', then they are most likely retaliating because YOU have crossed the line. And it might be prudent for them to explain a few things to you. If you like them, you should listen.

Good luck

MS, you are correct to an extent. they are starting to formulate some brands of mace with pepper spray. but, 98% of the products when you say "mace" are composed primarily of CN or CS. OC pepper spray is all natural. and depending on the propellant, you can actually use it for cooking. i couldnt tell you how many times myself and my classmates got "dropped" for calling our pepper spray "mace" in class. lol
that stuff is BAD news and i am dreading getting nailed with it again in the Academy. lol
I was raised in a large family with 4 brothers so I don't expect anything less than juvenile, macho pranks whenever males congregate. Personally I have a better time with that than the behind your back carping that goes on in the more girl oriented workplaces.

There's a whole lovely list of potential paybacks listed in the humor section under practical jokes. Some of them are quite inventive. You won't get them to feel sorry for you, but you can show them the price of being brats. You can make them aware of how they hurt you but the price will be that you will have a difficult time getting accepted into the workplace after that. I'm sure the intention wasn't to hurt you. So, pull up the big girl panties and get them back big time!!!!