Would you call your own ambulance service?


I put the M in EMTLife
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I was trying to think what I'd do if I was injured and required an ambulance around this area. Since the area is saturated with private ambulance services, it would be just as easy for me to call a private's dispatch number instead of 911 (I can still get a priority response).

If you required an ambulance for an injury that wasn't life threatening, would you feel weird calling your own ambulance service, or would you try to have someone else take you?

Am I making sense or just rambling?:wacko:
If I worked there, there is a chance I might get a "discount" - same with vollie squads. If I really needed the help, and they were close, yeah. If I didn't really need it, then no.

I'm sure we all have certain providers / services that we like or dislike, and that we would or wouldn't trust to care for us.

I'm sure we all have certain providers / services that we like or dislike, and that we would or wouldn't trust to care for us.


I agree with Jon (don't let it go to your head) on this point like most probley will.

I would feel comfortable with haveing most of the squad members picking up if it was necessary. If it was something minor where I really don't think full EMS response would be necessary I have a few coworkers I wouldn't have a problem calling to help me out. I have heard from others from our squad that we have some very good/talented EMTs and that they wouldn't have a problem with others responding.
And if there is enough people that recognize the adress as being an EMT's address or it goes out over the pager as EMT down. You can count on a good half of the squad to show up.
I have the dispatch number for the local helicopter service programmed into my cell phone and engrained in my brain...and my front yard is big enough to land them in...I already have the gps and everything...:)
rememeber when your mother told you to make sure you had a clean pair of underwear on, cause you never know what could happen. knowing me, i would get injured on laundry day. im not too sure i would call my own service. i guess it would depend on who's on shift. cause there are a few people that i wouldnt mind doing my patient care, *wink... wink...*
FFEMT1764 said:
I have the dispatch number for the local helicopter service programmed into my cell phone and engrained in my brain...and my front yard is big enough to land them in...I already have the gps and everything...:)

always ready.. you have taken this to a new meaning

my crew has had to haul my butt twice... once from the ER for a transport to CCU .. and once from the Squad it's self...

just weird

and now I know who I will let start the IV....
my crew took my mother in law once

only thing was....they brought her back.....

As seeing as I called my service when I blew my back out and was stuck on the floor( :blush: LONG STORY! ) I would have to say yes. Now here's my disclaimer, my GF spoke with one of my friends and I instructed her to tell him that no one else but him was to come and treat me. So long story short I would utilize my own service, but I am perticular on whom I would let come.:P
If it was something not to major (IE not likely that i would die, i'm not disfigured, and i'll most likely make a full recovery) I would feel much more comfortable with anyone that worked with me. My coworkers know me and how to make me less uncomfortable, I mean they have all seen me change my clothes, throw up, and do almost everything stupid that there is to do. They also know how to make me smile, even in the worst of situations.

If it was bad, I would rather have anyone else. Our company already had to lose one of our guys on a call and it was so awful, I'd never want them to have to go through that again, or even have to worry about it. I would much rather have a crew I didn't know at all deal with a dying me, rather than someone who knows what'll happen if i didn't make it.
daemonicusxx said:
rememeber when your mother told you to make sure you had a clean pair of underwear on, cause you never know what could happen. knowing me, i would get injured on laundry day. im not too sure i would call my own service. i guess it would depend on who's on shift. cause there are a few people that i wouldnt mind doing my patient care, *wink... wink...*
I had a trauma patient use this quote once, as we were getting her naked in the trauma bay...

"I was just going out to get milk, but my mother taught me to always have clean underwear on, because you never know what will happen..."
I trust the members I work with on my Fire/Ems Dept, that if needed I would call them whether the injury is minor or severe. Now for the ALS side that is a different story all together. We have a service that mainly runs most of NW Pa for ALS & there are only 2 Medics I would trust for ALS Intervention of my family or myself.
When I broke my ankle my mother in law tried to call EMS on me. I quickly told her no, and made my husband carry me to the car.

If it were life or death, yes...we have 911 and the hospital's own service so I don't have much of a choice, but we all know each other and work together. Of course there are some that I would rather not have treat me, but it's better than not being treated at all.
:excl: Again I say 1-877-MTC-STAT...its so nice to have 3 helicopters within 10 minutes flight time from my house...and from there its 3 minutes to the level 1 trauma center...hmmm...but if it werent serious, I would call a select few people...plus I know who is working what station and when :)
Stat Medevac? The black & yellow birds?


I think I have the number for the funeral home.. They have a car with a bed prolly...
Stat Medevac? The black & yellow birds?

No, Medtrans Corp. They are 1 of our states 6 air transports...they own 2 of the 3 birds in my area...Air Methods owns the third.
I'd have no problem calling either of my squads for several reasons. I know them, I know their skills, how much they train, etc. I also know where everything is on the rig, so if it's something that I can assist them in assisting me, then it might be helpful to know what's where (ie, ok, gimme that - it's over there, now stick it here)... if I'm with my fiance, he would probably call one of our squads (between the two of us there are 5 vollie and 3 paid that we ride with) and if we were somewhere that he didn't know anyone he might take me himself if it was ok to do so.
there are good people i work with on the personal level,but if i needed to be immobilized(god forbid)i cant say i want everyone working on me.i'm not the greatest emt,but somethimes you need the real deal holyfield!!!:)
FFEMT1764 said:
No, Medtrans Corp. They are 1 of our states 6 air transports...they own 2 of the 3 birds in my area...Air Methods owns the third.

Oh good.. Stat Medevec aka Air Hearse :wacko: