I work for a private contracted under a Public Utility Model. We are the sole 911 EMS and IFT provider for our county except for one small town that has an ALS transporting FD. Every truck is ALS with at least one medic and an EMT-I/AEMT or sometimes a second medic. We're the medical authority and overrule the FD on anything and everything medical. Medical call, once I walk in I'm in charge, not the fire captain, Lt or hell their chief could even be there and It's still my scene because I'm the (insert company name here) Paramedic on scene.
We generally have a good working relationship with the FDs we respond with. Sure there are a few bad apples but for the most part, at the street level, we get along just fine.
We generally will do 6-12 911s and 1 IFT in a 12 hour shift. IFT range from simple psyc transfers to vented, ALS transfers on a select few drips and when I say a select few I mean like 2 :lol: