Words of Wisdom


Forum Deputy Chief
Laughing at a threat made at me, not his situation. I get it, let's move on.

Say G....I would move on, but in all seriousness it is best we do not. This is or should be constructive feedback for you and know our interest is in making you a better provider, if that is what you desire. Based on this reply I quoted, it seems you still do not understand the gravity of your words.

Laughing at his threat is just like laughing at him. If he is a psych case, his words, his threats are very much a part of him and who he is at that moment. On a deeper psych level, you are insulting the F*KC out of him and he is very much taking it personally. He is not able to discern if your laughter is at his words or at him. Your current inability to understand that and your attempt to explain it make it even more apparent that you need some more guidance to become a more understanding provider.

All of our responses are not just for you, so moving on is not always warranted. This is great lesson for those who do not post and just read. So YOU are helping others in addition to yourself. Good job.


Family Guy
To add to what @akflightmedic is saying @Say G you've inadvertently created a dialogue of replies, some of which are offering what you'd initially requested...wisdom.

May I ask you: from the replies that have yielded such, did any of them consist of war stories, or honest, and straightforward advice?
Say G

Say G

Forum Crew Member
Say G....I would move on, but in all seriousness it is best we do not. This is or should be constructive feedback for you and know our interest is in making you a better provider, if that is what you desire. Based on this reply I quoted, it seems you still do not understand the gravity of your words.

Laughing at his threat is just like laughing at him. If he is a psych case, his words, his threats are very much a part of him and who he is at that moment. On a deeper psych level, you are insulting the F*KC out of him and he is very much taking it personally. He is not able to discern if your laughter is at his words or at him. Your current inability to understand that and your attempt to explain it make it even more apparent that you need some more guidance to become a more understanding provider.

All of our responses are not just for you, so moving on is not always warranted. This is great lesson for those who do not post and just read. So YOU are helping others in addition to yourself. Good job.
I understand what you are all saying. I do my very best to make not only every patient feel respected but every person I come in contact with in my every day life. The only reason for my "moving on" comment is because after 5 different people explaining the same thing in different words, the point was made. I apologize for my frustration.

Just for clarification it was an intoxicated individual that expressed his interest in wanting to cut off a couple inches of my throat with his knife so I don't look like a giraffe. It was my first week on the job and it was part fear and part humor that prompted my response. I received an instant consequence in the form of a moist face.

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Forum Deputy Chief
Fair enough. There is a lot to learn here and there is plenty of opportunity to share with us so we may learn from you as well. Just think about your presentation as the majority of us here desire to raise the level of professionalism and we are not all about ick factor, cool factor or war stories. They will come, but you will notice they are presented in a way where there is inherent value to it being shared. Spend enough time in this business and you will see and do some cool stuff that you want to share. That is fine, but think how to share before sharing and ask yourself WHY are you sharing.

Between the few posters who replied to your initial comment, you encountered 100+ years of experience. Let that sink in...
Say G

Say G

Forum Crew Member
To add to what @akflightmedic is saying @Say G you've inadvertently created a dialogue of replies, some of which are offering what you'd initially requested...wisdom.

May I ask you: from the replies that have yielded such, did any of them consist of war stories, or honest, and straightforward advice?
Reading the last part of my original post just had me realize how wrong that came off. It was meant as a joke but it was in poor taste. Once again I apologize and appreciate seeing people have high standards for patient care.

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Say G

Say G

Forum Crew Member
Fair enough. There is a lot to learn here and there is plenty of opportunity to share with us so we may learn from you as well. Just think about your presentation as the majority of us here desire to raise the level of professionalism and we are not all about ick factor, cool factor or war stories. They will come, but you will notice they are presented in a way where there is inherent value to it being shared. Spend enough time in this business and you will see and do some cool stuff that you want to share. That is fine, but think how to share before sharing and ask yourself WHY are you sharing.

Between the few posters who replied to your initial comment, you encountered 100+ years of experience. Let that sink in...
Did not look at it in that light. Thank you for the advice.

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Family Guy
Reading the last part of my original post just had me realize how wrong that came off. It was meant as a joke but it was in poor taste. Once again I apologize and appreciate seeing people have high standards for patient care.
AK hit the nail on the head in his above post, again. You seem quite open to others suggestions, which is definitely a good start.

Being that you're still new, and young you've created a thread others may jump in on periodically from time to time and even if they're just viewing its content, they can (hopefully) see what it is the majority of the "experienced" person in life views as wisdom; nothing personal at all.

I think you realize the importance of thick skin in this field and clearly that translates through all aspects from patient care to other providers feedback. How else would we have grown from our previous experiences, and gained the wisdom others may seek? I have tripped over many a rocks and am all foe helping those avoid those same rocks if that's their true intent, but the "cool factor" doesn't produce a lot of respect to those with a lot of experience, and hardly impresses them. And to me, you have clearly learned this pearl:).
Say G

Say G

Forum Crew Member
AK hit the nail on the head in his above post, again. You seem quite open to others suggestions, which is definitely a good start.

Being that you're still new, and young you've created a thread others may jump in on periodically from time to time and even if they're just viewing its content, they can (hopefully) see what it is the majority of the "experienced" person in life views as wisdom; nothing personal at all.

I think you realize the importance of thick skin in this field and clearly that translates through all aspects from patient care to other providers feedback. How else would we have grown from our previous experiences, and gained the wisdom others may seek? I have tripped over many a rocks and am all foe helping those avoid those same rocks if that's their true intent, but the "cool factor" doesn't produce a lot of respect to those with a lot of experience, and hardly impresses them. And to me, you have clearly learned this pearl:).
It's definitely been noted, thanks for understanding.

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Family Guy
It's definitely been noted, thanks for understanding.
As I'd stated previously, PM me if needed. We are of the same (county) culture.*

*too easy, could not pass up...


Washed Up Paramedic/ EMT Dropout
As I'd stated previously, PM me if needed. We are of the same (county) culture.*

*too easy, could not pass up...
I have to ask. Is the Kern county cult actually made up of people from one county and if so, what kind of water are you drinking out there?


Washed Up Paramedic/ EMT Dropout
How deep does this conspiracy go?


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
..."clan ain't nuttin' ta f-ck wit'"

Off topic. Never listened to Wu-Tang, just couldn't pass up the opportunity for some low brow humor.


Forum Asst. Chief
Since you're asking for war stories, and you work in Kern County, this is a good one to learn from. (Not one I was involved in.)


Interesting case. Yes, there were **** ups all around, but was any harm done by them? Should the city and EMS have to pay? I don't think so. At first I was thinking tPA, but according to the article it was a hemorrhagic stroke so tPA is obviously contraindicated. Did the delay in care change the outcome, not likely.