
Thats good that you like helping people. There is a guy in my class that he is only going into this for the money.

If hes getting into EMS for the money then he has made a huge mistake because ems doesnt pay all that much.
SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!! Sorry, couldn't help myself. Seriously though, who gets into this job for the money??? And if someone does happen to know where the money is in EMS, please share that secret with me. I really think he is going to be sadly disappointed.

EMS 911, ift, and industrial get paid rather well here in Canada.
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I have many reasons, but they all boil down to one big one- IT IS A CALLING!!! Once you get out there and get a taste of things then everything comes into line and you see that you are here because that's what God intended for you. You see that it was just meant to be and that it was part of His plan for you. Again, not forcing religion on people, just stating what I believe. If anyone else in the field has a spiritual drive behind their caregiving, feel free to PM me and we can talk about it. I have some good resources for faith-based responders. But again everybody has freedom of choice and if anybody doesn't agree with me then that's ok I understand.
I have many reasons, but they all boil down to one big one- IT IS A CALLING!!! Once you get out there and get a taste of things then everything comes into line and you see that you are here because that's what God intended for you. You see that it was just meant to be and that it was part of His plan for you. Again, not forcing religion on people, just stating what I believe. If anyone else in the field has a spiritual drive behind their caregiving, feel free to PM me and we can talk about it. I have some good resources for faith-based responders. But again everybody has freedom of choice and if anybody doesn't agree with me then that's ok I understand.

I admire the fact that religion plays a role in your calling. But just be careful. Don't let religion come into play in any way when you are caring for patients.