Why would someone, who is on the job, have a


CPR mask and carry it around with them the entire time? I've seen a few posts by members here that don't seem like a "whacker" but I don't get the purpose of carrying around a CPR mask.

If you get a call for an arrest, I would hope you would bring your jump bag in with your airway management and everything else, or am I wrong?

For off duty, if I ever DID run across someone arresting, well, I'll handle that situation when it comes around. I'll order someone standing around for the breaths ;)


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I didn't, and I don't. I know some EMTs who had them on their keychains, but I don't know any member that carried a full pocket mask on every call. I'd hope that EMS folks would have one or more in their jump kits.

I keep one behind my desk with me while at my non-EMS main job, and they're also available in every classroom.

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
On Ambulance, never... we have BVMs in the bags people!

Of duty? It depend on your circumstnaces. I have a small pouch on my belt at all times that contains a pair of gloves and a mini inflatable mask, because of the remote area I live and play in (think Yosemite because my "backyard" backs up to the park). I have yet to pull out teh mask, but the gloves have come out many times for family and friends who get injured when out in the remote areas of the county. That same pouch remains on my belt during SAR calls because it means that I don't need to carry these items in my pack. It is as whackerish as I get and it is not there to "save the day". i.e. I was a agility training class wiht my SAR dog last week. An older woman got taken out by here dog. She just had open heart surgery and had immediate "chest pain". I watched from afar as she was helped up into a chair and rested for a few seconds befoer getting up and continuing. There was nothing that rushing over and playing EMT woudl have done. From afar I could see if this was going downhill or if it was just an overreaction. Another 60 seconds of her overreacting and I would have gone over said, "Hey we are call calling 911 now, let me take a quick pulse, etc... as they are responding." If she had crumped... I've got the mask right here since Fire is 6-8 minutes out and the Medics are 8-10 minutes out and time is heart muscle.. right?

Depends on the logic behind it. If it is a "Batman's Utility Belt 24/7" issue then we have a problem!


Forum Chief
I have a pocket barrier mask key chain pouch thing' only because it was free at a convention. It is big and bright orange and it helps me find my keys in the jumble of my bookbag or purse. Also, arrest is one of the few things I'm willing to play "EMT: Bystander Edition" on.


Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I do know cops who carry a pocket mask on their belt... easy access, without a kit...


Forum Captain
I have a pocket barrier mask key chain pouch thing' only because it was free at a convention. It is big and bright orange and it helps me find my keys in the jumble of my bookbag or purse. Also, arrest is one of the few things I'm willing to play "EMT: Bystander Edition" on.

Ditto. I got a free Ambu breathing barrier at EMS expo. I keep that on my keychain.


Working Bum
Don't own one

Don't need one on the job

Don't need one off the job


Community Leader Emeritus
I don't carry one at work because we run with an ALS FD so there is always plenty of equipment around. I do carry a small barrier in a little pouch on my keys. Like Sasha, when off duty an arrest is one of the situations I'm willing to get hands on involved in.

I could see why some people would carry them at work. We use the EMD protocols here and yet the calls are nearly never what they were dispatched as. People have walked into a call that was for an 80 year old female with a cough and when they got there the person was in full arrest.


Forum Lieutenant
I don't carry one at work because we run with an ALS FD so there is always plenty of equipment around. I do carry a small barrier in a little pouch on my keys. Like Sasha, when off duty an arrest is one of the situations I'm willing to get hands on involved in.

I could see why some people would carry them at work. We use the EMD protocols here and yet the calls are nearly never what they were dispatched as. People have walked into a call that was for an 80 year old female with a cough and when they got there the person was in full arrest.

oh ya been there...


Working Bum
I don't carry one at work because we run with an ALS FD so there is always plenty of equipment around. I do carry a small barrier in a little pouch on my keys. Like Sasha, when off duty an arrest is one of the situations I'm willing to get hands on involved in.

I could see why some people would carry them at work. We use the EMD protocols here and yet the calls are nearly never what they were dispatched as. People have walked into a call that was for an 80 year old female with a cough and when they got there the person was in full arrest.

You guys don't carry a jump bag with a BVM? If you forgot the bag, just start compressions while partner gets gear?

Just wondering. I have never had a need for a pocket mask or barrier at work!:unsure:


Forum Deputy Chief
If I ever encounter an off duty arrest, I will be doing compression only CPR. I cannot see any legitimate need for a CPR mask.


Forum Captain
All of our trucks are stocked with a CPR mask. There's no real reason for having it that I can see, as there's BVMs in the same cabinet. The jump kit has a BVM in it as well, though that doesn't matter because our kits aren't stocked with the mask--just the truck.


Forum Deputy Chief
If I ever encounter an off duty arrest, I will be doing compression only CPR. I cannot see any legitimate need for a CPR mask.

How does that work out?
In my state at least, health care providers are required to do AHA healthcare provider CPR (30:2) weather (is that spelled right?) on or off duty. Only the general public is allowed to do the no breaths type.


Forum Captain
How does that work out?
In my state at least, health care providers are required to do AHA healthcare provider CPR (30:2) weather (is that spelled right?) on or off duty. Only the general public is allowed to do the no breaths type.

And you do not have to act at all if it puts you in danger. Not having a mask and putting your mouth in contact with somebody else's could be argued that you are put at risk of catching something. I know studies show the risk of infection is low, but that doesn't mean impossible. The law does not require you to endanger yourself...


Forum Deputy Chief
How does that work out?
In my state at least, health care providers are required to do AHA healthcare provider CPR (30:2) weather (is that spelled right?) on or off duty. Only the general public is allowed to do the no breaths type.

I am the general public when I am off duty! I am not special. And since my vehicle and person carry no EMS insignia, who will know?

Besides, compression only CPR is better than none.


Forum Captain
There is a private ambulance company around here that requires there medics and EMTs to carry this little pouch full of random stuff on their belts while on duty. Some of those random things inside a mouth to mouth barrier and alcohol prep pad. When I asked the EMT I was riding out with why they have to carry that stuff she said she doesn't know, has never used it, will probably never need to use it, but they have to carry it with them anyway.


Forum Captain
I just want to point out, never say never with anything. This is EMS work I am sure we have all come across that never threshold. My protocall requires me to carrie my EMS fanny pack with random items in it. As, for off duty..unless it is a child..or someone has an MI infront of me..and noone else is around that is going to jump in..I will start commpressions and thats it. Child being the exception to my rule.


Forum Deputy Chief
I just want to point out, never say never with anything. This is EMS work I am sure we have all come across that never threshold. My protocall requires me to carrie my EMS fanny pack with random items in it. As, for off duty..unless it is a child..or someone has an MI infront of me..and noone else is around that is going to jump in..I will start commpressions and thats it. Child being the exception to my rule.

EMS fanny pack. Thats cute.

What kind of random items do you carry that isnt included in your jump kit?